"RUN RICKY RUN" - finheaven what did you think? | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"RUN RICKY RUN" - finheaven what did you think?

recorded it - looking forward to seeing it tomorrow.
Ricky is a warrior - on the field and off.
simply amazing, ricky was able to do something most cant find the courage to do and that is life life they way he wants to.

I hate to be contrary, but I have to disagree. It doesn't take courage to live life the way you want, it takes courage to live life right. His Dad lived life the way he wanted and left Ricky and his family. This had a huge affect on Ricky, leaving him damaged. Ricky then lived the first 26 or so years the way he wanted and left two other kids without a father. They to will have to go through life much like Ricky. They will have to face their demons as well.

The good part of the story is now Ricky knows it's not fair, to those around him, to continue living his life not caring who he hurts. He now knows he has to face his responsibilities, and seems to have done so, to the best of his ability. For that I applaud him.

Ricky is no doubt a likeable individual. He can be kind, honest, thoughtful, and sometimes even humorous. But the word that most accurately describs him, was used by the professionals in Boston, narcissistic. It has always been about him. And while I agree there are times when it has to be that way, I think with the way he was raised that is the only way he can deal with things.

One thing that scares me is how many people on here watched this show and came away saying Ricky was their hero. Wow!! Really?? Hero?? I like Ricky, but come on, he fathered children with three woman and left all of them because he "didn't feel like being in a relationship". Left his career because he "didn't want to live by the laws of the land". He's gotten more 2nd 3rd and more chances to revive his career than any of us regular people would get in ten life times, and some how landed the most awesome woman in the world, who loved him through it all. How is HE the hero in that?? If there is a hero in that story it has to be Kristen, his wife. She is the perfect example of agape love. She loved him no matter what it cost her, she loved him in the good times and loved him in the bad. She loved him when he left her, cheated on her, fathered a child with another woman, and continued to love him until he realized that she was the only one who had.

If I had to rename the piece it would be "The Woman Behind The Man", or "The Man Who Couldn't Out Run Love". Run Ricky Run is what he did to every problem, or responsibility he ever had until found what he needed in life, and that is to be loved unconditionally. And the only one that did that was Kristen. Now he is comfortable giving up what he "WANTS" to do, in order to keep what he needs. I think her acceptance of him, not for his money, skills or fame, but for who he is, is what now gives him his new found peace.

His story is not so unique when you really stop to look at it. We all need what he needed. Just some of us have better role models to help us understand what we need. I am happy that he has turned it around and hope he continues to enjoy his new found peace, with or without football.
I loved it and believe Ricky is a great dolphin... I am a fan. However the part that got me thinking was when he mentioned that he could have made millions if he hadn't retired. He also mentioned that he would continue playing as an experiment to find the limits of the human body/his body. During that part of the documentary it almost felt as his he finally grew up and reflects on his past and how much "more" money he would have... In a sense it's funny/sad but then I think about the report I read on here a couple of weeks ago about him getting Drew Rosenhouse as an agent...

What do you guys think? I don't think he'll be a dolphins after his contract is up.
I hate to be contrary, but I have to disagree. It doesn't take courage to live life the way you want, it takes courage to live life right. His Dad lived life the way he wanted and left Ricky and his family. This had a huge affect on Ricky, leaving him damaged. Ricky then lived the first 26 or so years the way he wanted and left two other kids without a father. They to will have to go through life much like Ricky. They will have to face their demons as well.

The good part of the story is now Ricky knows it's not fair, to those around him, to continue living his life not caring who he hurts. He now knows he has to face his responsibilities, and seems to have done so, to the best of his ability. For that I applaud him.

Ricky is no doubt a likeable individual. He can be kind, honest, thoughtful, and sometimes even humorous. But the word that most accurately describs him, was used by the professionals in Boston, narcissistic. It has always been about him. And while I agree there are times when it has to be that way, I think with the way he was raised that is the only way he can deal with things.

One thing that scares me is how many people on here watched this show and came away saying Ricky was their hero. Wow!! Really?? Hero?? I like Ricky, but come on, he fathered children with three woman and left all of them because he "didn't feel like being in a relationship". Left his career because he "didn't want to live by the laws of the land". He's gotten more 2nd 3rd and more chances to revive his career than any of us regular people would get in ten life times, and some how landed the most awesome woman in the world, who loved him through it all. How is HE the hero in that?? If there is a hero in that story it has to be Kristen, his wife. She is the perfect example of agape love. She loved him no matter what it cost her, she loved him in the good times and loved him in the bad. She loved him when he left her, cheated on her, fathered a child with another woman, and continued to love him until he realized that she was the only one who had.

If I had to rename the piece it would be "The Woman Behind The Man", or "The Man Who Couldn't Out Run Love". Run Ricky Run is what he did to every problem, or responsibility he ever had until found what he needed in life, and that is to be loved unconditionally. And the only one that did that was Kristen. Now he is comfortable giving up what he "WANTS" to do, in order to keep what he needs. I think her acceptance of him, not for his money, skills or fame, but for who he is, is what now gives him his new found peace.

His story is not so unique when you really stop to look at it. We all need what he needed. Just some of us have better role models to help us understand what we need. I am happy that he has turned it around and hope he continues to enjoy his new found peace, with or without football.

Excellent post by the way. :up:

I agree with what you posted above. He's finally grown up and it looks like he will face his responsibilities with Kristen and his family. So once you have the family what are you going to go for next? Stability/$$$ ...
Excellent post by the way. :up:

I agree with what you posted above. He's finally grown up and it looks like he will face his responsibilities with Kristen and his family. So once you have the family what are you going to go for next? Stability/$$$ ...

Right, that is the way I see it also. Some times we can't see the forest for the trees, but basically it is just a story of life. It really isn't that different from our own story. We party young, make mistakes, realize the cost, decide what we want/what is important, then grow up and do it. We all have different ways to get there, but if we're lucky we do. That's kinda what I got out of the story.
His story kind of reminds me of "Good Will Hunting." He took for granted the one thing that came so easy to him (football). He didn't make the most of his opportunities right away, but in time he understood that he was blessed with god given talents and shouldn't waste them. Thank god he came back when he had a few years left in him.

Frankly, I'm convinced that the guy has 2-3 more years left, with all the proper dieting and yoga he does. I pray he gets a shot at the HOF. His unique story should be preserved and a Hall of Fame spot would do just that.

Thanks for the memories Ricky and here's to many more. Cheers!
I like Ricky, always have. That is one strange cat, for obvious reasons. I thought the show was good and real. I love the guy as a football player and hope he takes care of his kids. I also hope he continues to recieve help for his disorder and stays the right path. Good luck Ricky and Run Ricky Run!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate to be contrary, but I have to disagree. It doesn't take courage to live life the way you want, it takes courage to live life right. His Dad lived life the way he wanted and left Ricky and his family. This had a huge affect on Ricky, leaving him damaged. Ricky then lived the first 26 or so years the way he wanted and left two other kids without a father. They to will have to go through life much like Ricky. They will have to face their demons as well.

The good part of the story is now Ricky knows it's not fair, to those around him, to continue living his life not caring who he hurts. He now knows he has to face his responsibilities, and seems to have done so, to the best of his ability. For that I applaud him.

Ricky is no doubt a likeable individual. He can be kind, honest, thoughtful, and sometimes even humorous. But the word that most accurately describs him, was used by the professionals in Boston, narcissistic. It has always been about him. And while I agree there are times when it has to be that way, I think with the way he was raised that is the only way he can deal with things.

One thing that scares me is how many people on here watched this show and came away saying Ricky was their hero. Wow!! Really?? Hero?? I like Ricky, but come on, he fathered children with three woman and left all of them because he "didn't feel like being in a relationship". Left his career because he "didn't want to live by the laws of the land". He's gotten more 2nd 3rd and more chances to revive his career than any of us regular people would get in ten life times, and some how landed the most awesome woman in the world, who loved him through it all. How is HE the hero in that?? If there is a hero in that story it has to be Kristen, his wife. She is the perfect example of agape love. She loved him no matter what it cost her, she loved him in the good times and loved him in the bad. She loved him when he left her, cheated on her, fathered a child with another woman, and continued to love him until he realized that she was the only one who had.

If I had to rename the piece it would be "The Woman Behind The Man", or "The Man Who Couldn't Out Run Love". Run Ricky Run is what he did to every problem, or responsibility he ever had until found what he needed in life, and that is to be loved unconditionally. And the only one that did that was Kristen. Now he is comfortable giving up what he "WANTS" to do, in order to keep what he needs. I think her acceptance of him, not for his money, skills or fame, but for who he is, is what now gives him his new found peace.

His story is not so unique when you really stop to look at it. We all need what he needed. Just some of us have better role models to help us understand what we need. I am happy that he has turned it around and hope he continues to enjoy his new found peace, with or without football.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I was just going to post something similar, but then I read your post. Ricky is not a hero, but he is a nice guy with flaws and inner demons. The documentary made me feel sad for him.
recorded it - looking forward to seeing it tomorrow.
Ricky is a warrior - on the field and off.

If anyone uploads this video please pm me and let me know. Those of us who live in Canada are stuck with TSN and do not get ESPN :boohoo:. I am going to scour the net for it but I doubt it will be available for download.
One thing that scares me is how many people on here watched this show and came away saying Ricky was their hero. Wow!! Really?? Hero?? I like Ricky, but come on, he fathered children with three woman and left all of them because he "didn't feel like being in a relationship".

He is my hero because he faced his inner demons and flaws. By no means is he any kind of role model for the wrong he did. There are so many people around me that don't and only make it worse by drinking and smoking and ignore the people that love them.

I myself have demons and flaws and I know what i must do to fix them and most of my problems are inside me and not what is around me. He is my hero because i hope that no matter how bad I make my life or how things turn out that i can make it out.

I like what you got to say i just hope you understand how someone with so many flaw can be seen as a hero or role model. Of course his whole life does not represents that but him doing something to change that does. No man is perfect and make mistakes, the lesson is to learn from them in turn make yourself a better person.
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I dont think the producer could have done a better job. As much as i wanted to see the highlights of him on the field, it was best we see what he did while retiring and what his family life was like. He's my favorite athlete and it might sound weird to be proud of a professional athlete whos famous and makin millions but im proud and happy for him. Keep it up Ricky!

The film was very well done. It was pretty disturbing I thought, especially the scenes with his father.

It was extremely personnal. I sure as hell would never want to put my life on the screen like that. Ricky is pretty brave to actually have this released. I liked his mother. It's good to see Ricky doing so well now.
If anyone uploads this video please pm me and let me know. Those of us who live in Canada are stuck with TSN and do not get ESPN :boohoo:. I am going to scour the net for it but I doubt it will be available for download.

Ricky is a polarizing figure. I'm sure there will be replays of the show.
Also, earlier in the thread is a link to buy the DVD. :up:
I love Ricky, always have. I wasn't mad at him in 04, I was just sad. I knew that he had Social Anxiety Disorder, so I sympothized with him when he walked away from his entire life, on & off the field. And now after watching this, I understand why he has this condition in the degree he does. His father.

His dad destroyed his inner-being when he was young, as it does for all molestation victims. Can you imagine what it must be like to have your dad putting you in that kind of position at that age?? It's sad, when your a kid you trust that your parents are right, no matter what it is they do. But when people like his father abuse their parental guidance, it can lead to this all the way up to suicide from others who went through this as a kid.

I'm so happy to see Ricky is in a good place now in life, & is being an awesome dad to his kids. Ricky should be admired for his transformation. I'm so happy he's a Dolphin, & hope he retires a Phin. We love you in Miami Ricky, look forward to seeing you again this season, and

I think the film was great! I think people/fans that thought badly of him understamd him more, and that's what Ricky was shooting for... I've always been a fan of him on and off the field and I'm glad to stil get the pleasure of seeing him play.
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