"RUN RICKY RUN" - finheaven what did you think? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"RUN RICKY RUN" - finheaven what did you think?

Loved the show Ricky is amazing guy, a very deep guy, with no bad intentions I'll be so happy if he retires a Phin.

This documentary has completely changed the way I view Ricky Williams. I feel like an ******* for judging him for all those dark years he had with us. The documentary was great. It was shot and narrated perfectly. The best part is that.... I'M FAMOUS!!! I came out walking in to the stadium with a couple of my buddies. That's right fellas I'm big time now. I'm much too big for this forum now! Who wants an autograph? Who wants to touch me? LOL J/K but yeah I came out near the end. I'm going to hunt down a screenshot and I'll post it in all its glory!
Interesting but pretty poorly shot and edited. Disappointing...

And I really don't need to see a CU of Ricky with crumbs in his beard.

It's a documentary, as a film maker you want it to look as real as possible, great cinematography isn't as important as it is in a film. I think it would have been better off if they went more in depth, but I think they only have 30 minutes to tell the story, 30 for 30.

and also about the crumbs in his beard, the guy interviewing him asked him if he were to tell him he had something right there if he would do anything about it or something like that. Ricky said no, he didn't care.
I couldn't believe how much smaller he was between when he left in 2002 and came back in 2006. He came from being a beast, huge body, he came back and he just looked scrawny compared to what he was. Good thing he's back in shape now, I saw him in person last year at training camp and he is HUGE. I think he'll have another 1,000 yard season again this year.
simply amazing, ricky was able to do something most cant find the courage to do and that is life life they way he wants to.
really well made... I hope he plays on through 2010... I cant believe he carried the ball more than anyone ever had for 2 seasons... Its so true wanny was hitching his wagon to ricky, what a POS.. he knew his time was close to being up...

As for ricky, I never really got mad when he decided to retire.. that he breached his contract sucked but the he did what he thought was best at the time... as for his drug use... they shoudlnt even be illegal so...
I really enjoyed that I never had a problem with Ricky but that def made me change the way I view him
It was awesome. Ricky is such an amazing person and I find it sad that he is often ridiculed more than players like Michael Vick and Donte Stallworth and such. I hope he continues to play for us after this season but if he doesn't then that is his decision and I will wish him the best moving forward in his life. I will definitely be buying this episode of 30 for 30 when it's available.
They did a pretty good job.
All the 30 30's have been pretty good though.
Really enjoyed the documentary. Gave you a different view of a "celebrity" life and the fact that money cannot buy happiness if you don't have it within. It's quite amusing as to how the media can portray a person how they wish by only offering one biased story line. Obviously it was for the better that he left the Pornstache era, for the better of the Fins and for Ricky. DW would have driven that train into the ground if given another season or two. Glad Ricky's back and better than ever.

Run Ricky Run!
Interesting but pretty poorly shot and edited. Disappointing...

And I really don't need to see a CU of Ricky with crumbs in his beard.

Actually at the start of the scene you can hear him say something about if he wanted to remove it from his beard and Ricky said something along the lines of it was ok but thanks for letting him know.
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