"RUN RICKY RUN" - finheaven what did you think? | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"RUN RICKY RUN" - finheaven what did you think?

Came away tremendously impressed with the man. How could you not respect him? Comes across as a well spoken, thoughtful, family man. You guys should be proud to have him on your team.
Came away tremendously impressed with the man. How could you not respect him? Comes across as a well spoken, thoughtful, family man. You guys should be proud to have him on your team.

It is great to here something good from a Jet fan. I thought the first person that was not a fin fan to post would be a disrespectful one.
great doc - it also reminded me of how much of a POS Joe Theismann is.

i forgot abuot those pathetic comments he made when ricky joined the cfl argonauts
Oh yeah...that's right...Fk Theisman. I will really enjoy watching LT blow out his leg again. POP!!! He's just bitter that he never got a 2nd chance at his career like Ricky did. Believe me Theisman, Ricky doesn't wanna be mentioned in the same sentence as you as an NFL player. Ignorant fck. I hope he regrets what he said in 06, bc looking back. After what Ricky's been through, he doesn't deserve to be insulted by Theisman. He's only known for 1 thing, POP!!!

Also, if Ricky didn't leave in 04, mentally & socially idk where he'd be at, but with that break, he's now the best RB in the league over 30. Bc his body didn't absorb all that punishment for 3 years, if he played straight through he'd prob not even be playing anymore. Look at Edgerin who was drafted the same yr. He's done, not that I'm bashing him, but his career is over bc of the physical damage he took throughout the years. But Ricky looks like he got another 2-3 years of great play left in him, he's in phenominal shape, he's just as quick as ever, & can now have a huge season this year. So stop hating Thiesman, just bc Ricky is still able to play, & your career got cut short. That comment just really made me dislike Theisman last night as I was watching it. As if Ricky raped or killed someone...

How does he feel about Big Ben? Is it cool if we mention him in the same sentence as ur great name? I'm not even gonna hint at accusing him of any race card, but how does he feel about Ben I wonder? Do the 2 SB rings make it cool to use the 2 names in the same sentence? Actually, I don't care...just shut up Theisman, your not NFL royalty.
Former quarterback Joe Theismann, who began his professional career with the Argonauts and later went on to star in the NFL with the Redskins, said he was "embarrassed right now to be a Toronto Argonaut" in an interview with ESPN Radio's Colin Cowherd.

"I don't ever want to be mentioned in the same breath as Ricky Williams as a football player. He's a disgrace to the game. The man doesn't deserve to play football. He should go on with his life and treat his drug addictions or go do whatever he wants to do. He's been suspended from the National Football League on multiple occasions. Doesn't anybody have any class anywhere? For gosh sakes, let the kid go do what he wants to do. He doesn't want to play football,"

Theismann, while calling Williams a "good kid" said he believes that the running back has had too many chances.

"We have rules in the National Football League. It's real simple. Don't do drugs and you can play. It's a privilege to be able to play professional football. It's not some rite of passage. He's insulted the Miami Dolphins after they took him back and gave him a chance to play. Now he insults the intelligence of everybody that thinks that doing drugs is OK. To me, it's the wrong message to send to kids. It's the wrong thing to be doing, and the Toronto Argonauts have embarrassed themselves as an organization signing him," Theismann said.
Ricky is a polarizing figure. I'm sure there will be replays of the show.
Also, earlier in the thread is a link to buy the DVD. :up:

Thanks...sorry I missed it I was in a daze staring at your Avatar on your profile....Sorry what was that? Apparently I am lost yet again. I will check it out on my local listing thanks.
Amazing doc....i have the link for this doc if anyone's interested just PM me...if the mods says it okay i'll just post the link here
It was very interesting. Something we all could learn about when being judgmental about athletes and their transgressions.

hero.. not sure i would call him that, but definitely an individual that deserves some praise for his journey. I hope other athletes learn to put their career in perspective, and fans put their expectations in perspective when it comes to pro sports.
dvd link said it is sold out. loved the film but i think ricky might be fighting a homosexual gene that his father obviously has.
dvd link said it is sold out. loved the film but i think ricky might be fighting a homosexual gene that his father obviously has.

:sidelol: homosexual gene ?? That is hilarious. Yeah your right, that is probably why he remarried and had 3 more children. My girlfriend has a "lazy gene", I can't get her to do a thing around here.

I don't think his father had a homosexual gene, I think he had a pedifile gene.
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