San Antonio Spurs Run To The Title..Go Spurs Go | Page 42 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

San Antonio Spurs Run To The Title..Go Spurs Go

Fire it up baby!!Two first team-all-defense players in Bowen & Duncan and the Spurs need to close out Denver.How Camby gets DPOY is beyond me,but who cares...We want another title.Lets smash these fools.Go Spurs Go!!

I dont know how much better the Nuggets could have played...but they had a lapse there late in that 4th quarter.Must be the water.Experience prevails once again.Cant say enuf about Big Shot Bob.....Lets close this out Wednesday.Go Spurs Go!!
Game 5 will probably be close until the 4th quarter where AHEM we pull away and win.

Then it's onto Phoenix :evil:
Yes!! Good job.I just dont want the fans to get too overconfident for game 2.Be nice to win that one too tho.Go Spurs Go!!
Bump..I started this thread at the beginning of the season.I think a bump is warranted.I think its a good idea.I dont think Suns fans like to see what we have to say about all the issues.....So IMO this is where Spurs fans should go to talk about the games versus arguing with fans of other teams.Oh and Go Spurs Go!!
Bump..I started this thread at the beginning of the season.I think a bump is warranted.I think its a good idea.I dont think Suns fans like to see what we have to say about all the issues.....So IMO this is where Spurs fans should go to talk about the games versus arguing with fans of other teams.Oh and Go Spurs Go!!
I think you are wrong, I like to see what you have to say...We might not see eye to eye, but if we all agreed on everything this would be pretty boring...I respect you guys for being respectful and knowledgeable people...Thats more than I can say about most Lakers fans...
I think you are wrong, I like to see what you have to say...We might not see eye to eye, but if we all agreed on everything this would be pretty boring...I respect you guys for being respectful and knowledgeable people...Thats more than I can say about most Lakers fans...

Thats ok...You guys seem to be talking about the same thing over and over and over again.No matter what we say,it doesnt matter, you want to continue to argue basically the same points.Theres no winning the argument.If you guys wanna continue with the same arguments,then do it in your thread.

At this point I just wanna talk Spurs basketball.Theres nothing any of us can do about the rule,and Im sick and tired of being condemned for believing anything other than the Suns got screwed.And anything we say is wrong to you.Well...w'ell talk Spurs basketball in this thread.I wont go in your thread anymore,Im done with it.

And now Im hearing Suns fans are threatening the Spurs team hotel with a bomb.Are you kidding me?Talking about dirty.BUT the Spurs organization is dirty.Was Horry out of line? Sure. Did he make Stoudemire and Diaw break the rules? No. Blaming the Spurs for the stupid decisions made by Suns players is the worst form of blame-shifting I've ever seen.

Im losing alot of respect for the Suns.Go Spurs Go!!
Thats ok...You guys seem to be talking about the same thing over and over and over again.No matter what we say,it doesnt matter, you want to continue to argue basically the same points.Theres no winning the argument.If you guys wanna continue with the same arguments,then do it in your thread.

At this point I just wanna talk Spurs basketball.Theres nothing any of us can do about the rule,and Im sick and tired of being condemned for believing anything other than the Suns got screwed.And anything we say is wrong to you.Well...w'ell talk Spurs basketball in this thread.I wont go in your thread anymore,Im done with it.
You can do whatever you want, and that includes not admitting when you are wrong, and not being able to rationally come to an unbiased conclusion..But you've already been doing the latter...You and SpurzN703 got pretty quick to make personal accusations..
And now Im hearing Suns fans are threatening the Spurs team hotel with a bomb.Are you kidding me?Talking about dirty.BUT the Spurs organization is dirty.Was Horry out of line? Sure. Did he make Stoudemire and Diaw break the rules? No. Blaming the Spurs for the stupid decisions made by Suns players is the worst form of blame-shifting I've ever seen.

Im losing alot of respect for the Suns.Go Spurs Go!!
One ****ing dumb *** fan making an empty threat now makes Suns fans dirty...AND NO ONE IS ****ING BLAMING THE SPURS FOR THE SUSPENSIONS EVERYONE IS PUTTING THIS WHERE IT BELONGS, THE LEAGUE...Oh by the way its not just Suns fans calling the Spurs dirty its most of the country...

And I came in to this series with a lot of respect for the Spurs, but now I realize you and your team aren't that far off from the Lakers, so I retract my earlier statement...
You can do whatever you want, and that includes not admitting when you are wrong, and not being able to rationally come to an unbiased conclusion..But you've already been doing the latter...You and SpurzN703 got pretty quick to make personal accusations..

Dude Ive been as objective as I can be.Weve admitted Horry being wrong for what he did.Ive never seen you admit anything about anything the Suns do being wrong.Is it about being right and wrong at this point?How about finding a solution?Theres nothing we as Spurs fans or the league would do or can do to change the rule right now.You keep whining about the same thing over and over again.

This all started with Stoudemire calling the Spurs dirty.This guy implicates the WHOLE TEAM and thats alright by you guys.Show me how Tim Duncan is a dirty player.Or Tony Parker.Or Brent Barry.Or Michael Finley.Or Francisco Elson.Or Fabricio Oberto.Or Matt Bonner.Or Jacque Vaughn.You think Bruce Bowen and Robert Horry are dirty... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you think the same of Manu Ginobili. But even if you're right about those 3, you're implicating the other 12 guys on the roster (and the rest of the organization) because of what 3 guys did.

Bowen got punished for what he did to Nash. Horry got punished for what he did to Nash. I guess, Ginobili has never had any disciplinary problems with the NBA. In each case,I don't hear the Spurs fans complaining that the punishments are somehow "unfair" or that the Suns provoked the players into committing their "dirty" fouls.

As time passes and I hear more and more whining from a media (and you guys) that are bent out of shape at the possibility that their darling Suns might not make it out of this round, and that the boring, dirty, ratings-killer Spurs might survive this series.... a possibilty that can be whether Stoudemire and Diaw played tonight or not....the more this whole thing just pisses me off.

You guys can do what you wanna do too,doesnt bother me at all.I'll root for my team in this thread.
Dude Ive been as objective as I can be.Weve admitted Horry being wrong for what he did.Ive never seen you admit anything about anything the Suns do being wrong.Is it about being right and wrong at this point?How about finding a solution?Theres nothing we as Spurs fans or the league would do or can do to change the rule right now.You keep whining about the same thing over and over again.

This all started with Stoudemire calling the Spurs dirty.This guy implicates the WHOLE TEAM and thats alright by you guys.Show me how Tim Duncan is a dirty player.Or Tony Parker.Or Brent Barry.Or Michael Finley.Or Francisco Elson.Or Fabricio Oberto.Or Matt Bonner.Or Jacque Vaughn.You think Bruce Bowen and Robert Horry are dirty... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you think the same of Manu Ginobili. But even if you're right about those 3, you're implicating the other 12 guys on the roster (and the rest of the organization) because of what 3 guys did.

Bowen got punished for what he did to Nash. Horry got punished for what he did to Nash. I guess, Ginobili has never had any disciplinary problems with the NBA. In each case,I don't hear the Spurs fans complaining that the punishments are somehow "unfair" or that the Suns provoked the players into committing their "dirty" fouls.

As time passes and I hear more and more whining from a media (and you guys) that are bent out of shape at the possibility that their darling Suns might not make it out of this round, and that the boring, dirty, ratings-killer Spurs might survive this series.... a possibilty that can be whether Stoudemire and Diaw played tonight or not....the more this whole thing just pisses me off.

You guys can do what you wanna do too,doesnt bother me at all.I'll root for my team in this thread.

Wow good post Dre. I agree whole hearedly with your sentiments.
One ****ing dumb *** fan making an empty threat now makes Suns fans dirty...AND NO ONE IS ****ING BLAMING THE SPURS FOR THE SUSPENSIONS EVERYONE IS PUTTING THIS WHERE IT BELONGS, THE LEAGUE...Oh by the way its not just Suns fans calling the Spurs dirty its most of the country...

And I came in to this series with a lot of respect for the Spurs, but now I realize you and your team aren't that far off from the Lakers, so I retract my earlier statement...

Good.Any respect you had for them seemed to have been lost anyway.I dont care what you believe...Or the rest of the country for that matter.They wanna see you guys go to the finals anyway.If they do then youll be happy.If not,well,I'll expect youll whine some more.The Spurs nor their fans will care anymore what you or the rest of the country thinks.Especially if we win another title.And its not just that one fan,Im drawing a conclusion with everything thats gone on in this series.

I hope I can say different after time passes.Good luck.
Dude Ive been as objective as I can be.Weve admitted Horry being wrong for what he did.Ive never seen you admit anything about anything the Suns do being wrong.Is it about being right and wrong at this point?How about finding a solution?Theres nothing we as Spurs fans or the league would do or can do to change the rule right now.You keep whining about the same thing over and over again.
Nothing the Suns have done has been brought up that is in question. You mentioned once the finger to Manus eye, well when it happened I said ti my buddy a foul should have been called. There were several calls that didn't go the Spurs favor that I think should have...It just seems that there have been a few more against the Suns..We covered all of this when we were discussing defense and tough playoff style basketball. You know that I wasn't blaming the Spurs, and was saying its the officials changing the way they call games during the playoffs that bothers me...And if you actually read my osts I havent been whining over and over about the same thing...SInce the suspensions got handed out, I basically shifted from discussing why I dont think they should be suspended to saying now that it happened its time for Suns fans to focus on the games at hand and not worry about what we can not control...

This all started with Stoudemire calling the Spurs dirty.This guy implicates the WHOLE TEAM and thats alright by you guys.Show me how Tim Duncan is a dirty player.Or Tony Parker.Or Brent Barry.Or Michael Finley.Or Francisco Elson.Or Fabricio Oberto.Or Matt Bonner.Or Jacque Vaughn.You think Bruce Bowen and Robert Horry are dirty... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you think the same of Manu Ginobili. But even if you're right about those 3, you're implicating the other 12 guys on the roster (and the rest of the organization) because of what 3 guys did.
Stoudemire is a 24 year old kid who missed over a year with a potentially career ending injury who felt as if Bowen was trying to hurt him. He was upset, and spoke his mind about it, he said he watched the tape over and over again to decide if it was intentional and came to the conclusion it was...Whether or not it was is up for debate, but Amare is definitely not the only one who feels that way...I don't ever remember saying I agreed that the Spurs as a team are dirty, I don't even know if I think Bowen is dirty..I think they do some cheap things, but I wouldn't say they are dirty...What do you want me to do though, if Amare thinks they are thats his opinion, it doesn't affect either of us...And I know I have said that I love Duncan, as a player and person..

Bowen got punished for what he did to Nash. Horry got punished for what he did to Nash. I guess, Ginobili has never had any disciplinary problems with the NBA. In each case,I don't hear the Spurs fans complaining that the punishments are somehow "unfair" or that the Suns provoked the players into committing their "dirty" fouls.
You know damn well that you had no case in complaining about either of those situations...I didn't complain when Raja Bell got suspended last year, and if something similar happened I wouldn't complain again...Conversely if Duncan had been suspended for the incident that happened on the 2nd quarter are you going to tell me it was fair, and you wouldn't have complained at all..

As time passes and I hear more and more whining from a media (and you guys) that are bent out of shape at the possibility that their darling Suns might not make it out of this round, and that the boring, dirty, ratings-killer Spurs might survive this series.... a possibilty that can be whether Stoudemire and Diaw played tonight or not....the more this whole thing just pisses me off.

You guys can do what you wanna do too,doesnt bother me at all.I'll root for my team in this thread.
Like I said before, I wont use this as an excuse for the Suns losing if they do (I still think they will win)..That doesn't mean other people won't, but I will give credit where credit is due, I always have...

I just take issue with you pointing fingers at me, and calling me a whiner and such...Out of everyone in the thread, I have been the most open minded, yet just because I am also the most active, I get targeted...
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