[UPDATED] Pouncey Bros reportedly assaulted man outside Miami nightclub last night | Page 16 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

[UPDATED] Pouncey Bros reportedly assaulted man outside Miami nightclub last night

This is a slow news day. I don't think it will be a big deal at all.

Looks like Pouncey wanted everyone to know how well his recovery from surgery was going by walking around the club shirtless.

Bros gonna bro.
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This is like TMZ, I hate it, but I can't stop watching it. It was almost more enjoyable back when I was a more casual fan and didn't follow the offseason at all.
After all the other bull**** hes done: absolutely.

Playing in the NFL is a privilege not a right. If he wants to get millions and millions of dollars, which he asked for just a few weeks ago, then he needs to be on his best behavior. Staying home is a small price to pay. Hes a repeat offender in the "idiot" category, he wont be given the same benefit of the doubt as other players nor should he. He should make choices that reflect that reality. As well, its not like Pouncey went to a church. Something bad happening at a bar in 4 in the morning is not an absurd thought, some might say it was bound to happen.

Players have to make sacrifices all the time in order to protect their careers. They have to throw away friends and avoid bad places/situations. Mike Pouncey has clearly decided he just doesnt value his career. At least not enough. If he doesnt value it enough to stop getting into these incidents, why in the hell should this team? The answer is simple: we shouldnt.

Is it high up there on your pedestal? Again the man did not do a thing and you keep saying stuff like he doesn't value his career which is false. Considering he didn't do anything to warrant such an assumption.
Is it high up there on your pedestal? Again the man did not do a thing and you keep saying stuff like he doesn't value his career which is false. Considering he didn't do anything to warrant such an assumption.

Its an illusion, my pedestal(throne actually) only seems to be touching the clouds to those who are so low that when they look up they see the soles of peoples shoes.

Anyways, he doesnt value his career enough to stop making the news, thats more than apparent. It isnt hard to avoid controversies. You just have to want to avoid them. Theres a term for behaving a certain way in order to earn cash: "professional". Yet Pouncey seems baffled by the entire concept. Perhaps he might reevaluate the choices he makes if he were to be cut. Heres hoping that happens.
And for the record, Pouncey has done plenty. He just wasnt involved this time. Maybe. That we know of anyways, the investigation is still going on. Oh, and the media lies, cant forget that. Regardless, people arent fed up with Pouncey for no reason. His name is constantly brought up whenever there is something sketchy or blatantly illegal going on with this franchise. Its why everyone was so quick to assume he was involved with this incident: its in keeping with his character. Im done. He shown himself to be a corrosive influence and hurts this franchise far more than helps it. This team will be better off getting rid of him now before his luck runs out and hes caught doing something really atrocious.

Now, if you dont mind, please explain your assertion that Pouncey values his career. What has led you to believe he cares about his career enough to not jeopardize it.
After all the other bull**** hes done: absolutely.

Playing in the NFL is a privilege not a right. If he wants to get millions and millions of dollars, which he asked for just a few weeks ago, then he needs to be on his best behavior. Staying home is a small price to pay. Hes a repeat offender in the "idiot" category, he wont be given the same benefit of the doubt as other players nor should he. He should make choices that reflect that reality. As well, its not like Pouncey went to a church. Something bad happening at a bar in 4 in the morning is not an absurd thought, some might say it was bound to happen.

Players have to make sacrifices all the time in order to protect their careers. They have to throw away friends and avoid bad places/situations. Mike Pouncey has clearly decided he just doesnt value his career. At least not enough. If he doesnt value it enough to stop getting into these incidents, why in the hell should this team? The answer is simple: we shouldnt.

Spesh your post is absolutly wrong if your young and talented enough to be a all pro then you do have the right to play in the NFL regardless of character. The NFL lost that right when free agency walked through the door. The Martin senario is a great example of this as in the past he would have been labeled as a yellow belly sap sucker years ago by betraying his team and walking out the door on his team mates and the media and much of the fan base here supported the dude. Erasing that incident from Pouncy the most you have right now is Pouncy and his brother supporting Hernadez their college teammate by wearing baseball hats and now some dude trying to possibly collect free money from them. Pouncy and any other player in the NFL are bascially mercenaries playing for the higest bidder and everything else is a illusion to appear to appease the fan base. The players understand this and some have taken advantage of it to the inth degree like a Ray Rice who has walked away from murder and Ben R. QB of Pittsburg of rape. That shows you how depraved the NFL has become over the years.
Sure the argument about staying home and resting Pouncy injury is a logical make sense statement and really works for the common citizen. NFL athletes and any athlete competing at a high level are not common though. NFL as many have stated are highly, highly paid citizens paid to beat the tar out of each every fall, while enduring both physcial and mental abuse on and off the field by opposing player and fans for and against their team. In reality they probably have few friends they really trust other than a few team mates and some family. While many fans get their high while drinking beer on Sunday supporting their favorite team the guys on the field they are rooting for are beating the tar out of each other. Between the physical and phycological abuse most of those players are going to find a outlet through some sourse of alcohol or drugs or both and mix in all the money these days and everything goes. You want to compare your job to their job and its not in the same galaxcy. Just to remind a few of you of Ricky Williams who instead of going public and taking all the stress to the town publicly regressed to Pot to get away from the game and it fans. The majority of these guys need an outlet and its drugs or religion so take your pick.
Currently the Dolphins are a joke, and while Mike Pouncy is a ingredent in that mix he is not the cause look higher. Ireland is gone so he is not the easy excuse so many have used in the past. I go back to the Martin senario that apparently the head coach either ignored of had no idea what was really going on his team. Thats what is really pretty scary when the guy in charge is out of touch more than his players and probably their fans.
Spesh your post is absolutly wrong if your young and talented enough to be a all pro then you do have the right to play in the NFL regardless of character. The NFL lost that right when free agency walked through the door. The Martin senario is a great example of this as in the past he would have been labeled as a yellow belly sap sucker years ago by betraying his team and walking out the door on his team mates and the media and much of the fan base here supported the dude. Erasing that incident from Pouncy the most you have right now is Pouncy and his brother supporting Hernadez their college teammate by wearing baseball hats and now some dude trying to possibly collect free money from them. Pouncy and any other player in the NFL are bascially mercenaries playing for the higest bidder and everything else is a illusion to appear to appease the fan base. The players understand this and some have taken advantage of it to the inth degree like a Ray Rice who has walked away from murder and Ben R. QB of Pittsburg of rape. That shows you how depraved the NFL has become over the years.
Sure the argument about staying home and resting Pouncy injury is a logical make sense statement and really works for the common citizen. NFL athletes and any athlete competing at a high level are not common though. NFL as many have stated are highly, highly paid citizens paid to beat the tar out of each every fall, while enduring both physcial and mental abuse on and off the field by opposing player and fans for and against their team. In reality they probably have few friends they really trust other than a few team mates and some family. While many fans get their high while drinking beer on Sunday supporting their favorite team the guys on the field they are rooting for are beating the tar out of each other. Between the physical and phycological abuse most of those players are going to find a outlet through some sourse of alcohol or drugs or both and mix in all the money these days and everything goes. You want to compare your job to their job and its not in the same galaxcy. Just to remind a few of you of Ricky Williams who instead of going public and taking all the stress to the town publicly regressed to Pot to get away from the game and it fans. The majority of these guys need an outlet and its drugs or religion so take your pick.
Currently the Dolphins are a joke, and while Mike Pouncy is a ingredent in that mix he is not the cause look higher. Ireland is gone so he is not the easy excuse so many have used in the past. I go back to the Martin senario that apparently the head coach either ignored of had no idea what was really going on his team. Thats what is really pretty scary when the guy in charge is out of touch more than his players and probably their fans.

Let me ask you something. Say a guy straight out of law school is so good that he lands a job as an Assistant DA and helps put away some of the worst criminals in his state. Now let's say a woman accuses him of sexually harassing her and instead of seeking help through the proper channels she goes to the media. However the ADA is allowed to continue his work while an investigating is launched. In the end they find no concrete evidence that he harassed her. Fast forward five months and the DA has just won his biggest case and is out partying at a bar. The party gets out of control and a woman at the party says the ADA grouped her and eventually tried to force himself on her. Then the media gets a hold of it and runs wild with the initial story. After all is said and done it turns out she accused the wrong guy. Now put yourself in the DA's shoes. There are two publicized instances of alleged sexual harassment within a year of each other, yet his record in the court room is outstanding. He puts away 100% of the criminals he prosecutes. However you now have a ADA that is tainted in the public eye. What should you do? You really can't have an alleged pervert prosecuting criminals. That just looks bad. You have to discipline the guy. In a case like this, the guy would be axed.

Now apply that to Pouncey. You really think he shouldn't be disciplined? I will admit trading him MAYBE an extreme reaction. Yet at the same time he hasn't shown any signs of maturing. Then you couple that with Philbin's policy of not wanting trouble makers on the team, he really shouldn't be on the team. At the very least he should be fined a significant amount for putting team property in danger. That being Pouncey himself.

Oh and before you say there is a world of difference between an ADA and an NFL football player, there is only one deference. Celebrity. This nation is so ass backwards that they seem to think it is ok for people who get paid absurd amounts of money to provide entertainment for the masses that they are above the law. Anyone else in this situation would have been tossed in a holding cell until they were positive it wasn't you who committed the alleged crime.
Spesh your post is absolutly wrong if your young and talented enough to be a all pro then you do have the right to play in the NFL regardless of character. The NFL lost that right when free agency walked through the door. The Martin senario is a great example of this as in the past he would have been labeled as a yellow belly sap sucker years ago by betraying his team and walking out the door on his team mates and the media and much of the fan base here supported the dude. Erasing that incident from Pouncy the most you have right now is Pouncy and his brother supporting Hernadez their college teammate by wearing baseball hats and now some dude trying to possibly collect free money from them. Pouncy and any other player in the NFL are bascially mercenaries playing for the higest bidder and everything else is a illusion to appear to appease the fan base. The players understand this and some have taken advantage of it to the inth degree like a Ray Rice who has walked away from murder and Ben R. QB of Pittsburg of rape. That shows you how depraved the NFL has become over the years.
Sure the argument about staying home and resting Pouncy injury is a logical make sense statement and really works for the common citizen. NFL athletes and any athlete competing at a high level are not common though. NFL as many have stated are highly, highly paid citizens paid to beat the tar out of each every fall, while enduring both physcial and mental abuse on and off the field by opposing player and fans for and against their team. In reality they probably have few friends they really trust other than a few team mates and some family. While many fans get their high while drinking beer on Sunday supporting their favorite team the guys on the field they are rooting for are beating the tar out of each other. Between the physical and phycological abuse most of those players are going to find a outlet through some sourse of alcohol or drugs or both and mix in all the money these days and everything goes. You want to compare your job to their job and its not in the same galaxcy. Just to remind a few of you of Ricky Williams who instead of going public and taking all the stress to the town publicly regressed to Pot to get away from the game and it fans. The majority of these guys need an outlet and its drugs or religion so take your pick.
Currently the Dolphins are a joke, and while Mike Pouncy is a ingredent in that mix he is not the cause look higher. Ireland is gone so he is not the easy excuse so many have used in the past. I go back to the Martin senario that apparently the head coach either ignored of had no idea what was really going on his team. Thats what is really pretty scary when the guy in charge is out of touch more than his players and probably their fans.

Holy wall of text Batman!

Yeah im not digging through all of that. I'll comment on what i did catch though:

Mike Pouncey, all pro, amazingly talented.....center. Not quarterback, not receiver, not running back, not defensive end, not corner. An interior lineman. Not dealing with it. Despite having this brilliant specimen of a linemen, we've havent had a winning season while hes been on the roster. Why is that? Because its just not that important of a position. There is little difference in having the very best center in the game and the 12th best center in the game. As well, how much does his talent help us when hes riding the couch during a suspension? Get someone competent and let the line gel together. Problem solved. At the moment, the "let the line gel together" part is difficult. After all, having a headcase interior lineman effects the chemistry of the unit...as we know all to well. But hey, lets repeat past mistakes, i cant see how that will fail.

I have much more on Pouncey than the hat incident. Its not like the information is hidden, just do a google search. Of all the things hes done the one that i suspect will get him in trouble is the well known drug use(got a chuckle when i saw Ricky's name pop up in your post, perfect). The man clearly lacks intelligence, he will screw up eventually when it comes to testing. I dont have a problem with legalizing pot, but until the league un-bans it i dont want our players smoking it. Well, at least not the idiots. Which Pouncey has proven to be. Getting suspended over pot is a really stupid way to hurt your team.

Dont care about Ray Rice or Big Ben. Pouncey isnt a saint just because those two are scumbags. It wont help him if he gets called into Goodell's office. As an aside, both Rice and Ben went/are going through some sort of rehabilitation process. While pretty laughable, its still superior than the way Pouncey has chosen to handle his controversies: publicly declaring he is refusing to seek psychiatric help. The help the league wanted him to take. Brilliant stuff, yet another example of Mike Pouncey's shrewd decision making abilities.

At the end of the day, the reason why we should get rid of Pouncey is simple: this team will be better without him. Hes a corrosive headcase who consistently makes poor choices and every single time he ends up in the spotlight(which is turning into a regular endeavor) he damages this teams image. Playing for the Miami Dolphins is a privilege and Pouncey pisses all over that fact. He doesnt care enough to change so the team shouldnt care enough to keep him. As its often said, football is a business. As such, the players are expected to act like professionals. Mike Pouncey clearly isnt a professional. So he should stop being paid like one.
gawd. this is a storm in a teacup by the sounds of things.
If being an idiot is a crime, then half of the league would be suspended or in jail
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