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wannsteddt quote

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Injektilo* said:
Insolent fool, I have posted previously about the erroneous useage of "irregardless" and you dare to assault us with your incompetence? Please... My post regarding the niggardly word was in response to Phinnhead, he politely requested more information on the vomitus word "irregardless" and I politely responded. Now, take your inane babble elswhere, or I shall be forced to wreck havoc upon your vacuous mind.
MajorCanz said:
Irregardless? IR regardless? Please now.

Despite your maladroit use of the english language, I'll entertain the content of your post.

God Bless you for being optimistic in the face of reality. When I was your age, I was optimistic too.

After the 93 season in which Dan ruptured his achilles, I was very much looking forward to the 94 season.

After we blew a 2 TD lead to SD, I was optimistic for 95. After that fiasco, I was optimistic for Jimmy.

After we fired Gary Stevens, I was optimistic for Kippy. Then I realized I wasn't being optimistic, I was being foolish. So, from the fourth game of the 1998 season (a loss to the NYJ) I haven't been optimistic. I have been skeptical.

And in addition to being skeptical, I've been proven right. My skeptimism is warranted. You may choose to label "warranted skeptism" as cynnical, pessimistic, or whatever. IR-regardless of what you call it, its right on target.

I told people who would listen last year the Fins wouldn't be in competition for the AFC Crown, and they weren't. Against playoff teams, 2-5. Against Tennessee, they were absolutely putrid. Houston? :roflmao: Are you kidding me?

But hey, don't let facts get in your way. Keep on waiting to hoist that trophy.

31 fan bases in the NFL (teams) get disappointed every year.

For you to be a "skeptic", the odds are in your favor to be correct as it looks as if thats alll you care about.

Most positive fans do not tie so much feeling towards this team not succeeding. You do.

It's nice to be a fan and back your team even thought they may fall with the other 31 teams that get disappointed in that year.

We're fans.
Main Entry: [3]fan
Function: noun
Etymology: probably short for fanatic
Date: 1682
1 : an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator
2 : an ardent admirer or enthusiast (as of a celebrity or a pursuit) <science-fiction fans>

Main Entry: fa·nat·ic
Pronunciation: f&-'na-tik
Variant(s): or fa.nat.i.cal /-ti-k&l/
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin fanaticus inspired by a deity, frenzied, from fanum temple â€â€more at FEAST
Date: 1550
: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics>
- fanatic noun
- fa·nat·i·cal·ly /f&-'na-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
- fa·nat·i·cal·ness /-k&l-n&s/ noun
I think I've figured out the guy's MO.....some of you guys know what I mean.;)
MajorCanz said:
Congratulations on your powers of prognostication last year. It takes real courage to stand out on that limb and say we aren't going to win a SB. Gosh, what were the odds that you could be right?!?!?

Where are you people getting off with this "so we didnt win the SB" routine? If I was a Philly fan bitching, you might have a point. Its not like this sorry arse coach has taken us to three straight championship games. We won a division his first year, a wild card the next, and two straight non playoff seasons. Guys, thats a long way from "We're just like the other 32 teams in the league". No, its different. Much different.

How is it different? The Panthers sucked for many years, and in one year they went to the SB. All it takes is one year and some lucky bounces.
:lol: Hey inFins, just let the man go, you are just making him look oh so foolish.
MajorCanz said:
You don't know that....If win either of those games against NE or Indy, we might have gotten overconfident and lost the next three or four games. All we know is what we were..not what we might have been.

These 4 lines are hear-say and theoretical, nothing realistic about it. In other words, you assume this team would have been over confident and assume that they would have lost the next 3 or 4 games. Still, you stated that you based your theory on realistic issues...

So you are assuming the Dolphins under DW are not a Playoff team, even though they made it to the Playoffs 2 out of his 4 years...

You assume that the players don't respect him, while some of the Probowlers on the defense stood up for him in a meeting with the owner last year, sticking up for him...

You just assume that the team in general sucks, even though Miami has the 4th best winning % in the NFL, and the team has the AFC's 2nd most winning % (behind Tenn), in the last 4 years. Also knowledgeable NFL personnel, told the owner that the team had overachieved with the talent level this past year. Just good coaching and team work IMO...

For your info, I assume you have it, there are 10 AFC teams that have a combined winning % during the last 4 years, Tenn, Mia, NE, Balt, Pit, Indi, Denv, Oak, Jets, and KC. These teams are usually playing to make it to the Playoffs.There are only 6 spots to the Post Season...

There are 7 teams in the NFC that have a combined winning % during the last 4 years, Phili, GB, StL, Tam, SF, NO, NYG. Phili and GB has won more games than Miami during that time. If Miami was in the NFC the odds would be better to make it to the Post Season, but we're not...

Bottom line, it's a long Off-Season, so we hear both sides of the argument, which is great, but what I have posted are facts, not hear-say or theories I am not assuming, because, "when you assume, you ..." well, I assume you know the rest... ;)
Egad, methinks the King's English hath suffered enough.

Injektilo* said:
Insolent fool, I have posted previously about the erroneous useage of "irregardless" and you dare to assault us with your incompetence? Please... My post regarding the niggardly word was in response to Phinnhead, he politely requested more information on the vomitus word "irregardless" and I politely responded. Now, take your inane babble elswhere, or I shall be forced to wreck havoc upon your vacuous mind.

Wouldst that thou had the sufficiency of expression to render such verbiage as illustrated above comprehensible to the common apprehension of this grand language which thou hast so vilely abused. So infortuitously hath thou confounded the language that methinks I detect an erroneous composition by which thou hast, as so many others hath also, been guilty of sullying the dignity and solemnity, the grandeur, the truth rendering, illuminating poesy of those remarkable smiths of thought, the masters Marlowe, Wordsworth, Coleridge, the inimitable Johnson, and the oe'rtowering spirit of the Bard, with the words uttered in such ignoble fashion as wrecks, which, to be sure, is an utterance conveying the violent and disastrous import consequent to the actions of moving objects, which in their turn, hath ventured too close in proximity one to the other, and in the resulting collision of the twain, wreaks havoc upon those occupant within. :cooldude:
RevRick said:
Wouldst that thou had the sufficiency of expression to render such verbiage as illustrated above comprehensible to the common apprehension of this grand language which thou hast so vilely abused. So infortuitously hath thou confounded the language that methinks I detect an erroneous composition by which thou hast, as so many others hath also, been guilty of sullying the dignity and solemnity, the grandeur, the truth rendering, illuminating poesy of those remarkable smiths of thought, the masters Marlowe, Wordsworth, Coleridge, the inimitable Johnson, and the oe'rtowering spirit of the Bard, with the words uttered in such noble ignoble fashion as wrecks, which, to be sure, is an utterance conveying the violent and disastrous import consequent to the actions of moving objects, which in their turn, hath ventured too close in proximity one to the other, and in the resulting collision of the twain, wreaks havoc upon those occupant within. :cooldude:
Yeah, -- I had noticed the same thing. And I was going to say just that.

Well... this is half true. :lol:

ps -- "The hours while I was in that quiet, peaceful, happy Christian home I can never forget, and I shall esteem the privileges of the few days spent in Ambleside and its vicinity as among the choicest of my whole life."
--------- My gr gr granddad, the Rev. Jesse Ames Spencer, on visiting Wordsworth.

[thanks for forgiving my blatant digression, fans]
RevRick said:
wrecks, wreaks

Oh my.. the spelling police have arrived :shakeno: :lol:

And to clarify for anyone interested (are there any?)

Wreak is sometimes confused with wreck, perhaps because the wreaking of damage may leave a wreck: The storm wreaked (not wrecked ) havoc along the coast. The past tense and past participle of wreak is wreaked, not wrought, which is an alternative past tense and past participle of work.
I think I shall retire to the Castle...

Now which way to Anthrax... and how far is it as the swallow flies?

Oh, bother! I can't go there...

Where's Lancelot? :shakeno:
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