What's going on with Jonathan Martin | Page 15 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What's going on with Jonathan Martin

I would rather error on the side of compassion here. Does it seem kind of weak on Martin's part? To me, it does, but we don't know what's really going on with him. I'd rather say, 'I hope you get help' and learn that he's just being a ***** later than say, 'Stop being a *****,' only to later learn that he had serious issues.
I have been a pretty big supporter of Joe Philbin. I think he's a smart guy. But the more I think about it, the more the Sherman hire was a huge mistake, and he made one other key mistake: he hasn't eliminated hazing. I used to think, 'Every team does the hazing thing.' Not so. Bill Walsh had a zero tolerance policy for hazing. And he's commented on the detrimental effects it can have:

``Paul felt that once a player became a member of his team that he should have every opportunity to concentrate on making the team and being a part of it, rather than having to be obligated to go through any kind of hazing ceremony,`` Walsh said. ``Some people are embarrassed and humiliated to have to get up and sing. They shouldn`t have to, in my mind. It`s just not part of playing football.``

This is obviously an old article. I first came across Walsh's philosophy on hazing in his book THE SCORE TAKES CARE OF ITSELF. Great read.
I'm sorry for Martin, now we have clabo at tackle all season again? god help us
I'm sorry for Martin, now we have clabo at tackle all season again? god help us

hell with or without Clabo we give up about 5 sacks a game. Its not the rest of the line is solid and Clabo is the only weak link.
And you know this becaue??????????????????
I see you never played the game before and been involved in a team sport. Football is a and the o-line in particular is a brotherhood. When your down I'm there to help. We laugh together we cry together. For your info, this is normal behavior. You can't walk around with a mean mug 24/7. The stress you go thru on the field and in meetings will drive you NUTS. This was a joke to lighten the air a little. For all we know Matin prob. just came from a meeting got got his *SS handed to him and the guys was looking for a way to chear the guy up. That prank was prob going to followed by a "RELAX MAN - JUST PLAY- YOU GOT THIS" but it went WAY LEFT!!!!!
martin clearly needed help. Lets NOT talk about the prank as if that is what made the guy snap. the lockerroom and cafateria is the players area to relax/play games/ bond!!!!

I played O Line for many years growing up. I can tell you for certain we peer'd more than one guy out.
Assuming he even returns, what respect will he have among his teammates? Walking out of practice? Abandoning your team? I understand getting mad, throwing your tray, having your words....but walking out of practice and (apparently) going straight into a mental hospital shows TREMENDOUS weakness.

I honestly don't expect him back without a suspension (deservingly so---else what example would Philbin be setting?) .....or at all even.

Rounds 1-5 all on OL lol yikes

I don't think I could look at a guy the same. Throw your tray, and start throwing hands....That's one thing. Going
to a psyc ward? GTFO of here.
I just hope he's alright and able to come back. But I wonder if his teammates will accept him. I mean if they treated him as the "Big Weirdo" before this, how are they going to treat him now?

I don't know what his personality is like but I don't see any way back from this. I know if I quit on my team I would too embarrassed to ever step foot in the locker room again.
I don't know what his personality is like but I don't see any way back from this. I know if I quit on my team I would too embarrassed to ever step foot in the locker room again.

I wouldn't even consider it. Maybe another team, but not the one I quit on.
I don't think I could look at a guy the same. Throw your tray, and start throwing hands....That's one thing. Going
to a psyc ward? GTFO of here.

I read an article that said the reason he left was because they refused to sit next to him...... -__-
I don't know what his personality is like but I don't see any way back from this. I know if I quit on my team I would too embarrassed to ever step foot in the locker room again.

I agree. It would be terribly hard to come back.
Let's see . . . . . Martin gone, who knows where; McKennie, thrown into starting LT role without knowing any of the system; Clabo is just plain a disaster; Pouncey may or may not be in trouble with the law???. Funny (or sad) that we now have to refer to Igcognito as our most reliable and stable Lineman. :ponder:
The report I heard this morning was he had left the team due to "taunting from teammates."

Maybe a combination of the two...either way, I don't see him ever being able to come back and regain respect of the team, let alone find his own respect
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