11 of 12 Pats footballs underinflated | Page 43 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

11 of 12 Pats footballs underinflated

The rules were broken clearly. The severity of the rule is subjective. Some see it as black and white. I prefer to use discretion. Always have, always will.

Maybe Dan, Steve and Joe doctored the ball a little. Tom isn't the only one that has or does.

"Dan, steve and Joe MIGHT of POSSIBLY doctored the ball to their liking. Has never been investigated or proven"

"Tom has definitely played with balls that have been doctored. It has been proven and is currently being investigated"
The "fall" guy won't cut the mustard there will need too be a story that makes sense - there is no other plausible explanation - Kraft Bill and Tom think they can take a cue from Clinton - I did not have sex with that girl" - ya ok ;)
I think many of you are jumping the gun.

Nobody is going to buy this guy on his own doing.......went and deflated all these balls...must have used a gauge to get all these balls to the same range....and nobody asked him to do it....and Brady never noticed they were deflated?

Mark Brunnell felt 2 different balls inflated to these 2 different levels....and said he knew immediately and that it wad obvious.

They aren't getting away with this.
The story of the lack of Pats fumbles since 2007 and the odds there of needs to gain media and national attention. It's more incriminating than this one incident.
You got it Kev....and many of the apologists will be like rats leaving the sinking ship, as the court of public opinion turns more and more against them.

As I posted earlier...who has sniffed the Patriots jock more than Peter King?......And he admits they are going to burn.
the Cheatriots are already guilty in the court of public opinion, doesn't matter how many pressers they hold. I still don't expect much, if any, punishment from Kraft's buddy, though
From the Bullying investigation, Ted Wells' team looked at all emails and texts made by the key players. If the forensic research applies here as well, all of the emails and texts on the deflation made by Belichick, Brady, BB's right hand dirty trick guy Ernie Adams, the Equipment Manager, Robert Kraft, etc will be exposed. If they have sent anything damaging electronically, it will be looked at. If they subsequently delete the emails and texts, it doesn't matter, the material will be thoroughly analyzed. This is Bill Belichick's worst nightmare if they are covering something up. If Ted Wells does a really thorough job then this could be a disaster for New England.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer team.
Here's 2 Hall of Fame QBs and a Super Bowl winners thoughts on it. Marino, Young and Theismann.


I can name you 3 to every 1 you can name.

Not every QB throws the same way....Marino etal might like it fully inflated....Brady clearly didn't (out of his own mouth).

He should have lobbied to have the psi level changed....not break the rule.

By the way...what was Dan's record in cold weather games in Buffalo etc etc etc?

Also....there is the issue of the uncanny abilty the Patriots have displayed in their running backs not fumbling the last several years.

You think it hasn't effected some games.
I hope you are right kev. I'm tire of their bs and Goodell and his good ole boy system. I used to be an avid baseball fan, but when their steroid stuff got out of hand I quit watching it. That was over 20 years ago. If football becomes a league of who cheats the best without getting caught it won't be worth watching neither.
I heard Richard Sherman saying that Goodell watched the NFC Championship Game at Kraft's house. This whole relationship smells and is a conflict of interest. Maybe some NFL owner will have the balls to ask Goodell to resign. It's bad enough how he handled Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson.
Goodell sucks. Yeah, some equipment guy acted on his own. They must have gotten to him, told him how to play it and that's when BB held the presser and got all bullish on how convinced he was that his footballs went through an atmospheric phenomenon that the Colts balls didn't. It's not like they played in -30 weather either - wasn't even that cold. This is such BS that I can't even stand it. The NFL is turning into the fake wrestling.

Even if this guy did it on his own, he's an employee, it's cheating and they need to be punished.
The story of the lack of Pats fumbles since 2007 and the odds there of needs to gain media and national attention. It's more incriminating than this one incident.
It's a complete statistical improbability. BB could walk into NFL HQ, take a sh_t in the lobby, walk out and Goodell would still kiss the Pats asses.
I'm this close to canceling my Sunday ticket and giving up on football all together... In the end godell will go down as the worst commish the NFL has seen and possibly one of the worst in all of sports history when he couldn't sustain longevity
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