***2010 NHL Playoffs thread*** | Page 21 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

***2010 NHL Playoffs thread***

Habs def deserved to win. Halak is gonna get a lot of credit, as he should, but Hal Gill, Brian Gionta, and Mike Cammalari were the 3 best players in the series IMO. Throw in the play of Gorges, Gomez, and Subban and they flat out deserved the win.

Still I'm disappointed in how the Pens played this game. Gonchar, Kunitz, and Orpick played really stupid. Letang had a lot of mental lapses all series, Fedotenko and Poni were nonexistent, and Fleury still frustrates the hell out of me (he'll have a great game, but way too many easy goals, and bad games). It's not a good thing when your best line is Mike Rupp, Matt Cooke, and Craig Adams.

DOn't get me wrong, with Sid, Geno, Stall, Letang, Gogo, Max, and hopefully guys like Letestu, and Tanguay the Pens are still gonna get better as well as Kunitz and Orpick still being fairly young, and Fluery still growing. But the playoffs have really showed me where we miss guys like Gill, Scuderi, and Sykora. Gotta be smart this offseason with who to bring in.

Cheers though Habs, rooting for ya to win it all now.,
HABS!!! They have knocked out 2 of my least favorite teams in such short of a time. Never thought I'd say this buy...

(wondering if JT got arrested in last night's riot ... or if he's simply hungover)
wow, the last two days were a total drinking fest :lol:

Basically, i went down to montreal to get drunk with some of my friends there, and watch the game...

we were about 10 people, but I bought alcohol for me and my two best friends only..

- 24 beers
- 40 oz of vodka
- 26 oz of frangelico ( 20% almond tasting alcohol to mix with your vodka)

and basically... the three of us we went through all that stuff in 3 hours

We were WASTED :lol:

man, one of my friends was too drunk to go out and party in the streets when the game was over, so we left him and he passed out at the appartment... we went out and partied all night, we had an AWESOME time celebrating the habs win...

when we came back... we found the third muskateer in his room with vomit all over his bed, as he was laying on the floor in his jeans ...

the funny part is... he pissed himself

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

man we were so ****faced, I barely remember my night...

I'll find you a picture bumpus :chuckle: don't worry ! it was a nice series man... but the better team prevailed :)

here's to a 25th stanley cup !!! (hopefully ! )

p.s. and here's to hoping those thugs and hoodrats stop ****ing up my city, damn classless *******s, they aren't even habs fans, they're just wanksters and gangsters with no money and no conscience
the first hours of the celebrating outside in the streets were awesome... there wasn't any problem, people were disturbing traffic and making noize but it's all right... the **** got heavy because of the thugs later around 1 in the morning, where they bashed three stores and robbed them...

otherwise, it was awesome...

here's a great clip I found on youtube from a guy who went to the bell centre to watch the game on the jumbotron with the other 23 000 habs fans... he then goes in the streets to celebrate... very nice clip to show you how the **** went down

( man, I have a hard time imaginating what kind of frenzy the city of montreal would go into if they won the cup... back in '93 I was too young to party, but i remember my family and my whole neighborhood going nuts ... here's to hoping i'll be able to live a stanley cup win in Montreal while I'm in my 20's and can party like an animal :lol: )


here's the pic bumpus

Habs def deserved to win. Halak is gonna get a lot of credit, as he should, but Hal Gill, Brian Gionta, and Mike Cammalari were the 3 best players in the series IMO. Throw in the play of Gorges, Gomez, and Subban and they flat out deserved the win.

Still I'm disappointed in how the Pens played this game. Gonchar, Kunitz, and Orpick played really stupid. Letang had a lot of mental lapses all series, Fedotenko and Poni were nonexistent, and Fleury still frustrates the hell out of me (he'll have a great game, but way too many easy goals, and bad games). It's not a good thing when your best line is Mike Rupp, Matt Cooke, and Craig Adams.

DOn't get me wrong, with Sid, Geno, Stall, Letang, Gogo, Max, and hopefully guys like Letestu, and Tanguay the Pens are still gonna get better as well as Kunitz and Orpick still being fairly young, and Fluery still growing. But the playoffs have really showed me where we miss guys like Gill, Scuderi, and Sykora. Gotta be smart this offseason with who to bring in.

Cheers though Habs, rooting for ya to win it all now.,

Gotta agree that the pens didn't play well, at all...

On paper, i'll be the first to admit that the penguins are the better team... but the habs just wanted it more, and they played as team, and they played extremely well...

I don't know if I agree with your best three players... i'd say cammalleri for sure, halak and Lapierre... Lapierre made some big time goals in very important moments... he constantly delivered good body checks, he was very active on the forecheck and often kept the puck deep in penguins territory, which is the mission of a 3rd line if you ask me...

Gill was the best defencemen but Gorges' work is underrated, a lot... he's the one being paired with Gill and he did a helluva job on crosby in just about every game, even when Gill went down and didn't play in game 6...

On paper, those guys shouldn't be there... but when you look at your TV screen and watch that team play against the caps and pens... you see hustle, team play, resiliency, a brick wall between the pipes, and a bit of luck...
I know i'm a homer but it's not too hard to imagine this hockey team, playing with all those elements, winning it all ...

man o man ...

well, you can resize it somehow... but i'm no expert... maybe ask cedarphin, he'll help us out...

nice looking sig mate :D
Side note: If (big f'in if) Philly does pull off the miracle comeback ... You're gonna find a HUGE ally here next round. :lol:

**** the Flyers!
man, that video gave me shivers...


8 wins for the 25th cup !!!!!!!!!

GO HABS GO !!!!!!!!
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