A.J. Feeley | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

A.J. Feeley


Seasoned Veteran
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
New Jersey
While I'm not completely sure he will be a good starter next season, I have to admit the trade wasn't as bad as we all made it out to be. We traded the 35th pick in the draft for him. First of all if Ricky didn't quit the pick wouldn't have been as high. Let's take a look at our QB options at #35. These are the Qbs were available:
Charlie Frye
Andrew Walter
David Greene
Kyle Orton
Adrian McPherson
Dan Orlovsky

None of these QBs are anything more than developmental players. In contrast to A.J. who has starting experience in the NFL and will most likely be our starter next season.
Feeley is worth a 7th rounder. Nothing less, Nothing more.
We have a QB with a good chance of starting next year. No QB available at that spot could do that.
Anthony3454 said:
We have a QB with a good chance of starting next year. No QB available at that spot could do that.

And that makes AJ good how??

It was a bad trade, I hope AJ does well, but up to now, the trade was horrible!
pwn3dyo said:
Feeley is worth a 7th rounder. Nothing less, Nothing more.

Forget how Feeley looked last year, this year will be the deciding factor as to what kind of worth he has. From what I've seen from him over his short career, he's worth a 4th Rounder at best... but definitly worth more than a 7th Rounder.
All those QBs are better than Feeley. The AJ Feeley trade was the worst trade in the NFL last year.
Anthony3454 said:
He is better than any QB that was available at that pick.

What your not thinking about, is we would have had the 2nd, 35th pick and the 46th pick!

We would of up into now, been better with both those picks then AJ.
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