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A.J. Feeley

And that makes AJ good how??

It was a bad trade, I hope AJ does well, but up to now, the trade was horrible!

just like taking alex smith with the number 1 pick is horrible at the time it happens... young inexperienced QBs are taken based on potential... alex smith will not be better than AJ feeley next year cause he doesn't hvae that experience in the NFL, does that mean hes not worth the number 1 pick?... no trade/draft pick at the time for a QB is truly worth it cause the QB sucks until he racks up experience... except for the VERY rare few...
Jnaledu3 said:
All those QBs are better than Feeley. The AJ Feeley trade was the worst trade in the NFL last year.
Than why did Saban pass over ALL of them.
Anthony3454 said:
While I'm not completely sure he will be a good starter next season, I have to admit the trade wasn't as bad as we all made it out to be. We traded the 35th pick in the draft for him. First of all if Ricky didn't quit the pick wouldn't have been as high. Let's take a look at our QB options at #35. These are the Qbs were available:
Charlie Frye
Andrew Walter
David Greene
Kyle Orton
Adrian McPherson
Dan Orlovsky

None of these QBs are anything more than developmental players. In contrast to A.J. who has starting experience in the NFL and will most likely be our starter next season.

U people really need to stop sugarcoating the Feeley trade!

We traded a 2nd rounder (that was pretty much a 1st) for a 3rd string QB and it bit us in the a$$!

End of story...
Maybe you guys don't understand how much QBs are worth. Jacksonville initially wanted a first-round pick for David Garrard, and refused a second-round pick. Backup quarterbacks are worth quite a bit - especially ones with starting experience. A.J. Feeley had some starting experience and a few years worth of backup experience. The guy actually is worth a second-round pick. We ended up with a starting QB - albeit somewhat developmental - for a backup QB price. People typically ask for a first-round pick for a potential starting QB.
arsenal said:
just like taking alex smith with the number 1 pick is horrible at the time it happens... young inexperienced QBs are taken based on potential... alex smith will not be better than AJ feeley next year cause he doesn't hvae that experience in the NFL, does that mean hes not worth the number 1 pick?... no trade/draft pick at the time for a QB is truly worth it cause the QB sucks until he racks up experience... except for the VERY rare few...

I'm no expert, but Smith will be a better Pro then Feeley!
Jnaledu3 said:
All those QBs are better than Feeley. The AJ Feeley trade was the worst trade in the NFL last year.

Dude you are an idiot!!!!!! Take a look at the trade at the time it was done. Feeley played extremely well in the Phily system and showed signs of being a good, not All-Pro, QB. IMO last year was the worst way to judge Feeley. We had a joke of a Head Coach, Offensive Cordinator changed 3 times before he even stepped foot on the field and most of all Ricky. I feel Feeley needs an honest look this year, and then we have every right to say how good or bad he will or will not be.
Justasportsfan said:
Yeah right. Berlin is an upgrade over feely :D.
What team lost to the Steelers' backups with a playoff spot on the line last year? Oh wait that was the Bills. And you guys have gotten worse in the offseason. Your gonna be dreaming you kept Bledsoe.
your missing the point... everyone knocks the trade based on .5 seasons in for an inexperienced QB... yet wanted to take an inexperienced QB who is 3 years away from being good with the number 2 pick in the draft...

people just so unfair towards feeley its crazy...
Justasportsfan said:
Yeah right. Berlin is an upgrade over feely :D.

Nevemind our situation, your O-Line will be terrible this year and so will Lossman :roflmao:
dolfan121 said:
Feeley played extremely well in the Phily system .
actually his nos. were extemely average at best. Check it out.
dolfan121 said:
Dude you are an idiot!!!!!! Take a look at the trade at the time it was done. Feeley played extremely well in the Phily system and showed signs of being a good, not All-Pro, QB. IMO last year was the worst way to judge Feeley. We had a joke of a Head Coach, Offensive Cordinator changed 3 times before he even stepped foot on the field and most of all Ricky. I feel Feeley needs an honest look this year, and then we have every right to say how good or bad he will or will not be.

The only reason he stepped onto the field in Philly was because the two QB's in front of him got hurt!

You can color it anyway you want, up until now, he was not worth a 2nd pick!
Anthony3454 said:
What team lost to the Steelers' backups with a playoff spot on the line last year? Oh wait that was the Bills. And you guys have gotten worse in the offseason. Your gonna be dreaming you kept Bledsoe.
Please refrain from going off topic and concentrate on the subject at hand.

Thank you ;)
I would bet that Feeley's passer rating will be better than Losman's. Growing pains will kill Losman. Unless your name is Marino or Roethlisberger, rookies don't fare well. And yes, Losman is a rookie.
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