AJ Feely, I hate this guy | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

AJ Feely, I hate this guy

It's a shame that Brian Griese wasn't given much of a chance. Speaking of OC's, if Nick goes... How about this scenario?

Keep Capers as DC, bring in Fassel or even Norv Turner as HC, and give Mueller more power. I know bringing up Norv will cause some of you to let loose on me which is okay. Like Brian Griese, I don't think Norv was given a fair shake.

Both Norv & Jim have previous NFL HC experience and are offensive minds. I could not live w/ Martz as head coach or even OC.
The reason Feely did well is Andy Reid. Our quarterbacks since Shula left have been coached to do one thing: don't screw up! If you play scared, you get scary results!

Exactly. Our coaches are clueless when it comes to offense
Feeley belongs in a certain offensive system.... but then again what do I know.
THAT IS EXACTLY WHY CLEO CAN BE OUR GUY! Pep, we all have high expectations for him, he buckled, Joey, because he's mister 1st rounder, he buckled... Cleo on the other hand... is the third stringer from nowhere, nobody has any expectations for him. His last name is LEMON! Can you picture it, "Lemon Heads" and insted of tailgaters... people are going to post up lemonaid stands in the parking lot. We have a qb that people can be creative with the name... People are going to love this guy. Or maybe i'm just drunk... I dunno... prob drunk
They were facing an Atlanta team that had no reason to play and he does better in the West Coast offense.
THAT IS EXACTLY WHY CLEO CAN BE OUR GUY! Pep, we all have high expectations for him, he buckled, Joey, because he's mister 1st rounder, he buckled... Cleo on the other hand... is the third stringer from nowhere, nobody has any expectations for him. His last name is LEMON! Can you picture it, "Lemon Heads" and insted of tailgaters... people are going to post up lemonaid stands in the parking lot. We have a qb that people can be creative with the name... People are going to love this guy. Or maybe i'm just drunk... I dunno... prob drunk

Neither Culpepper or Harrington buckled. Culpepper simply wasnt ready to be a pocket QB and Harrington simply didnt have enough tools to be expected to accomplish anything. Mularkey blows and our talent is so poor that to evaluate our QB you have to try to project what they would look like with better blocking, receiving and coaching. Harrington's fine, Culpepper might be good and Cleo needs experience. If all three were kept the depth chart would probably stay the same Daunte, Joey, Cleo. One of them will be let go but its not a reflection on the others. They all seem to have enough talent to be considered for starting duty at some point
2 words... OFFENSIVE LINE!!!!!!!!

That sums it up perfectly. The Eagles will always be competetive because their team is built up from both lines first.

The fins don't prioritize O-linemen. We almost never draft them high. The Eagles always draft O-linemen high in each and every draft, then they keep the guys that they drafted.

We had a good QB when Griese was here and the fins screwed him...
It's all about the scheme and the coaching. Andy Reid's version of the west coast offense is just flat out awesome. That's how Brad Childress took father time at QB and a backup for the Ravens at RB and outperformed his expectations in Minnesota. That Viking team is going to be one to fear once he gets any sort of talent up there. That's why I was after Wayne to hire Tom Heckert Jr. as GM and Brad Childress as the coach two years ago.
with Feeley and Garcia, it's the West Coast Offense. When Garcia went to Cleveland, an Feeley here, they both sucked. WCO is a timing offese, that dinks and dives down the field.

Come to think of it, we should look to install the WCO to our team, it helps cover the weaknesses of a QB,WRs, and the OL
Feeley is a system QB. Miami and San Diego does not run that system, hence why both franchises brought him in and quickly gave up on him. Philadelphia does, hence why he'll be an Eagle for at least the next five years or until Andy Reid packs it in.
It just cracks me up how many posters here thought he wouldnt be in the league after he left Miami
Agreed. I supported the guy and felt he wasn't given a fair shake. I thought he was put into an impossible situation.
see what familiarity with an offensive scheme can do for you...thats why i dont get why people like to give up on people after 1 season
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