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AL MVP is......

MikeO said:
1) This was the 1st person to win the AL MVP who didn't play for a AL West team since 1999 I believe.

First time since 1995 when Mo Vaughn won it playing for the Red Sox.
MikeO said:
Anyone who follows baseball knows its a regular season award.

I do follow baseball, and anyone who watched it can see that Ortiz was more valuable to his team than A-Rod in the regular season. Without A-Rod, the Yanks are still a playoff team. Without Ortiz the Red Sox would have struggled to make the playoffs.
that's terrific... he can win all the MVPs they want to heap on pretty boy... and he can add a bit more wiggle and hot dog to his home run trots... especially when he hits 3 in blowout wins against teams like the Royals... terrific... really happy for him...

but the A-Rod curse is alive and well... he was an error machine down the stretch and played rather brain-dead against Anaheim... i have serious doubts he'll ever win a title...
NorthFloridaFin said:
I do follow baseball, and anyone who watched it can see that Ortiz was more valuable to his team than A-Rod in the regular season. Without A-Rod, the Yanks are still a playoff team. Without Ortiz the Red Sox would have struggled to make the playoffs.

As a Red Sox fan I'm disappointed that Ortiz didn't win, however Arod did put up some good numbers and you can't really argue he didn't deserve it. I do agree that Ortiz was more valuable to his team than Arod.

I'm sure if you ask Ortiz he'd rather have that ring on his finger compared to an MVP award. Anyway congrats Alex, I guess all of those 6 a.m. work outs in the off season paid off.
MikeO said:
2) Game Winning RBI's this year..........Ortiz 22 ARod 21. That pretty much offset the "CLUTCH" thing that Ortiz had going for him.

Anyone here want Arod up over Papi with the game on the line?

...Didn't think so, moving on...
MikeO said:
Game Winning RBI's this year..........Ortiz 22 ARod 21. That pretty much offset the "CLUTCH" thing that Ortiz had going for him.

That is a GREAT stat...

...and before anyone says anything I dislike both the Yanks and the Sox. :D
unifiedtheory said:
That is a GREAT stat...

...and before anyone says anything I dislike both the Yanks and the Sox. :D

That is a good stat however MikeO fails to put in the batting averages of Arod and Ortiz with runners in scoring position in which Ortiz hit 62 points higher (Ortiz hit .352 to Arod's .290), the batting averages of both players in close game situations with runners on (Arod hit .176 to Ortiz's .313).

Read Jayson Stark's article ( He puts a pretty good case as to why Ortiz should have won. He also breaks down both players numbers when their team won by more then 6 runs (Arod was most productive in those games). It's a very good article and a must read.
# 1, that's a great cartoon. Very funny (and I mean that seriously)!

# 2, did anyone listen to A-Rod on Michael Kay today? Aside from Kay kissing A-Rod's a$$ all interview, A-Rod came off as selfish to me. I truly believe this guy worries more about his place in baseball histoy as an individual then he does about his team. I personally don't like A-Rod but I will cheer him because he's a Yankees and I only see the uniform. I truly believe in my heart A-Rod would rather have 5 Mvp's then 5 rings. I think A-Rod is only worried about A-Rod. He came off really wrong today during the interview. If anyone can get a hold of the audio, listen to it. A-Rod is all about A-Rod and after you hear it I think you'll think along the same lines as me. A-Rod is no Jeter, that's for sure!

# 3 I have no problem with A-Rod winning the award. He did save a lot of runs with his glove and should have won the gold glove. With that said though I really could care less he won it and I'd truly feel the same way if Papi won it. There's only one MVP A-Rod can win that will satisfy me...World Series MVP. Other then that I don't care and as much as I hate to say and being that I watched almost as many Sox games as Yankees games (I bought the MLB package where you can watch all the games on, Papi should have won the award!
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
# 1, that's a great cartoon. Very funny (and I mean that seriously)!

# 2, did anyone listen to A-Rod on Michael Kay today? Aside from Kay kissing A-Rod's a$$ all interview, A-Rod came off as selfish to me. I truly believe this guy worries more about his place in baseball histoy as an individual then he does about his team. I personally don't like A-Rod but I will cheer him because he's a Yankees and I only see the uniform. I truly believe in my heart A-Rod would rather have 5 Mvp's then 5 rings. I think A-Rod is only worried about A-Rod. He came off really wrong today during the interview. If anyone can get a hold of the audio, listen to it. A-Rod is all about A-Rod and after you hear it I think you'll think along the same lines as me. A-Rod is no Jeter, that's for sure!

# 3 I have no problem with A-Rod winning the award. He did save a lot of runs with his glove and should have won the gold glove. With that said though I really could care less he won it and I'd truly feel the same way if Papi won it. There's only one MVP A-Rod can win that will satisfy me...World Series MVP. Other then that I don't care and as much as I hate to say and being that I watched almost as many Sox games as Yankees games (I bought the MLB package where you can watch all the games on, Papi should have won the award!

#1 Thanks for the props for the cartoon, as I said I only meant it as a joke, I didn't want it to take away from Arod's award or Yankee fans celebration (if the fans care).

#2 I find it funny that especially on Mike and the Mad Dog, they'll rip Arod but once he does something good they kiss his butt. Mike and the Mad Dog had been throwing Arod under the bus all 2005 until he had his 3 HR and 10 RBI game, then it was Arod this and Arod that. I do agree with you, I think Arod is more of an individual than a team player. Comparing him to Jeter is a joke. Sure Arod is an overall better player but I'd take Jeter on my team any day over him. Jeter is a leader.

#3 I had no problem with Arod winning the award. I watched just as many Yankee games as Red Sox games and Alex had a hell of a year. I do however feel that Ortiz was more valuable to his team than Arod was to the Yankees.

Oh well how many days until pitchers and catchers report to spring training?
I think the arguement that Ortiz deserves no consideration because he is a DH is pathetic. Im not saying that ARod doesnt deserve it but to just throw everything Ortiz has done for the Sox into the trashcan because he doesnt play the field is just plain ignorant. There has been no more important PLAYER in any league over the last 2 years than Ortiz. Period. The Sox would not have won a title or made the playoffs this year without him. The Yanks would have gone just as far without ARod.
NorthFloridaFin said:
Without Ortiz the Red Sox would have struggled to make the playoffs.

finfansince72 said:
The Sox would not have won a title or made the playoffs this year without him.

The Red Sox won a title this year? :confused:
Ray Finkle said:
I saw this picture and thought it was funny, my apologizes to any Yankee fan this is just in good kidding fun and I bet you guys will get a kick out of it too.

(Boston Dirt Dogs / Frank Galasso, cartoonist)

We'll see how far Grape Ape can carry them when manny is gone and they don't pitch to him.
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