Am I the only Dolfan who thinks Ronnie Brown just isnt that good? | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Am I the only Dolfan who thinks Ronnie Brown just isnt that good?

I just don't understand how you guys can call yourselves fans of the Miami Dolphins and not think that our BEST current offensive weapon is a great player. Hell, he may be the best player on our team period, though Long may overtake that spot this year. Ronnie is a beast and to think otherwise is moronic.

Ronnie is better than Marshawn Lynch (and defintely a better citizen), Thomas Jones, and any of the Pats rececnt running backs, so who ever said RB is the 3rd best back in the division, stop reading so much into stats and watch the man run like a bull.
we've had one of if not the worst offensive lines in the league until last year.... we've seen the difference an O-line makes...... ( JAX this year )

Ronnie is an Elite Talent, and he's great between the tackles... but our interior O-line wasn't able to open up a crack last year either... Next year when he has 1000 + yards and leads the league in Touchdowns.... maybe there will be 1 less doubter.
Being the number 2 overall pick, he should be better.

yeah well everyone thought Bush Miraculousy DROPPED to #2 and look at him..... You cant judge guys by where they were takin.... its completely pointless.... You can't even say Ronnie wasn't the right choice at #2... but for that pick he should be better ?
Anytime you use a pick that high, be it the fans, coaches or GM's they SHOULD expect more. The players are being paid more they should do more. RB is the easiest position to translate into the pro game, they touch the ball only less than the QB at the skill position and it's the easiest position to get production from in the NFL because they touch the ball so much. The fact is Ronnie hasn't lived up to his potential to this point.

Now I still believe Ronnie can, he's shown flashes like 07 when he was leading the league in total yards even though we didn't win a game with him on the field and last year he was coming back from torn knee ligament. I would just like to have seen more from him to this point.

Ronnie is only 3 years from 30, his absolute prime is now, if he doesn't get it done in the next two years he will be considered a bust. Even if he is productive. For being the number 2 overall pick he needs to be dominant at his position or you don't live up to the pick. It's the way it is and frankly, the way it should be. You are being paid more as the #2 pick than most veteran pro bowlers, if you can't succeed being drafted that high than you aren't worthy of that pick. So to answer your question YES! Fans, coaches , GM's and Owners should expect a lot form the top 5 draft picks.
It's difficult for any player, much less a running back, to be dominant when you don't know who the players around you are going to be from one year to the next. As a running back you depend so much on the players around you to do their job that even if one of those players do not, you cannot do yours effectively.
Then the coach that orginally drafted him should not tried to limit him to 15-18 rushes and somewhere between 3-4 receptions per game.
way to talk about his high school stats bro,
he sucks NOW and what matters is NOW
Way to act like a troll, bro

Take some lessons from BillsFanInPeace and bring something meaningful to the conversation.
as a bills and bills fan only, yeah he sucks that is true

go back to a bills forum and stay out of here
On the GameFaqs forum I am one of about 6-7 Dolphin fans and all are normal Miami fans for the most part. But they all love Ronnie Brown. I for one think he is mediocre at best. Sure he has good games but never a good full season. His only full season in his career came when he was splitting carries this season (and he only started 13 games). I think for what we spent on the guy and where we drafted him he is starting to wear thin on me. I mean he is hurt 90% of the time and if you took away the Wildcat what would he have been like this past season? Im guessing not great.

So im wondering if anyone here thinks that this should be his last chance to be a full time starter in Miami this season and if you agree or disagree and why?

*Please dont kill me for bashing Ronnie I know most Miami fans love him*

I dont agree that he is mediocre or hurt 90 percent of the time. Ronnie is a good NFL back just not the elite back that some on this board try to make him out to be. He may become that back but I would rank him like another member from 10 to 15. he is definately in the top half of backs.
The guy is a beast i mean look at the o-line he has been running behind it's been a joke they have really addressed that this season therfore im expecting a huge year from ronnie brown.i love his attitude his love for the game always has a smile on his face like another great player hines ward and he is not slefish which i really like the most he is a team player.......
he is a solid back, especially after all those years with Marino, then Jimmy Johnson and never having a quality RB like Ronnie Brown.
The people who don't believe ronnie is an absolute monster look at stats too much and don't pay attention to the blocking, the vision, the breaking of tackles, the heart will and fight to get those extra yards....I've never seen ronnie give up on a play and u rarely if ever see him get taken down one on one
Btw another great thing about ronnie brown is he will never be busted for guns and weed, like the worlds most akward looking man Marshawn Lynch....and wow NRA makes skip bayless look like a genius. Next you're going to tell me ted ginn should be moved to TE due to his lack of speed...and chad pennington should play FS due to his physique. Do you even watch football or are you just that desperate for human interaction?
Ronnie cannot carry a team in the NFL. He is & has always been a tandem back. Ronnie is no Ricky. Ricky is the RealDeal. However, together they form possibly the best RunningTandem in the NFL (the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts) They have great chemistry & should blow through defenses with the Orca-5 setting the line in 2009.
I like Ronnie very much & think he is an excellent back, very talented, but understand he is best running within a Tandem. It is what is. Here's hoping Ricky has another three or four years of thread left on those tires.

Run Ricky Run & Ronnie too! :D

don't see any issue or problems in our RunningBack Stable. we are set.
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