an article that applies to miami fans... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

an article that applies to miami fans...

I've never been to a game where I had to boo my own players but after reading that, I won't.
I've never done it...

... and no one that sits around me does it either. When I use to attend Dolphins and Canes games regularly if their were a bunch of idiots who would boo, I would move my seats. I think it's a personal expression of low class morals and ignorance.

I rarely boo opposing players as well, they are out there giving 100% what right do I have to boo? They are out there living my dream; I would be an absolute IDIOT to boo someone that is living what I think to be a great thing.


DWB, excellent post.
I have never ever booed my team or one of its players and never will.
I have been a Dolfan since my junior year in high school "1966". Their first four was a struggle but since then it has been a cake walk, think about it , WE ARE ELITE!
What is it 61% winning percentage? That is why all the others hate us and I'm speaking of the pundits as well as the NFL its ownself.
We've been kicking asses around the NFL for thirty two years, year in and year out we don't stumble often and when we do we always recover and move on to the next year.
Thanks for the encouraging words and remember, the FINS will prevail.
Piss on the NFL and its thirty one other cities.
I've said enough. Now I'll hang up and listen.
Its bad enough that Fiedler was booed at a Heat game. What really got to me was when Marino was booed in pro player at the end of his career. After ten years of watching the best QB ever and the hordes of axxholes were booing as if they didn't know who he was. :fire:
I've seen Marino...

... booed one drive and cheered to death the next drive. Sorry, but Miami fans are some of worst fans in sports. They are some of the BIGGEST bandwagon jumping fans you'll ever see. Just goto a game you'll see what I mean.


Originally posted by Merman
Its bad enough that Fiedler was booed at a Heat game. What really got to me was when Marino was booed in pro player at the end of his career. After ten years of watching the best QB ever and the hordes of axxholes were booing as if they didn't know who he was. :fire:
Re: I've seen Marino...

Originally posted by Oliver
Just goto a game you'll see what I mean.

I was at the game. It seemed as if I was the only one that was embarrassed about what was going on.
The refs I will boo.... they sometimes deserve it.

But to boo your own team is the lowest form of trash behavior... with booing the other team running a close second. It shows nothing but poor sportsmanship.
If you read that article, it mentions other cities' fans, but not Miami. Does this mean that booing the home team is a trait not indigenous to Miamians??? Wow, this is an epiphany!

What's more revealing is how often residents of other places, Dolphin fans or not, take shots at Miami out of vendetta. If it had been another place, the reactions would read, "well I guess they're just imperfect humans."
thanks mole! junior year of high school in 1966? holy cow! and i thought i was one of the old fellas here!

i agree with all of you, especially wharf...the refs deserve to be booed, they have been horrible since their holdout! BRING BACK THE SCRUBS!!!!!!
No I speak from personal experience...

... I lived in Miami for 24-years, it's one of the worst sports towns you can find. They are spoilt, front runners for the most part. That mainly has to do with the makeup of the population. Most are from other cities and countries. Some don't know any better and others simply like other teams and only tolerate the Dolphins. This is the reason that Fiedler was booed at the HEAT game. Most of those ppl like the HEAT and LOVE the Jets or Giants.


Originally posted by Miamian
If you read that article, it mentions other cities' fans, but not Miami. Does this mean that booing the home team is a trait not indigenous to Miamians??? Wow, this is an epiphany!

What's more revealing is how often residents of other places, Dolphin fans or not, take shots at Miami out of vendetta. If it had been another place, the reactions would read, "well I guess they're just imperfect humans."
Re: No I speak from personal experience...

Originally posted by Oliver
... I lived in Miami for 24-years, it's one of the worst sports towns you can find. They are spoilt, front runners for the most part. That mainly has to do with the makeup of the population. Most are from other cities and countries. Some don't know any better and others simply like other teams and only tolerate the Dolphins. This is the reason that Fiedler was booed at the HEAT game. Most of those ppl like the HEAT and LOVE the Jets or Giants.


i agree oliver! sad but true!
Re: No I speak from personal experience...

Originally posted by Oliver
... I lived in Miami for 24-years, it's one of the worst sports towns you can find. They are spoilt, front runners for the most part. That mainly has to do with the makeup of the population. Most are from other cities and countries. Some don't know any better and others simply like other teams and only tolerate the Dolphins. This is the reason that Fiedler was booed at the HEAT game. Most of those ppl like the HEAT and LOVE the Jets or Giants.


I can't claim to know most of the people in Miami but the ones I've run into are Dolfans. Most are prejudice to blacks, cubans, jews, homosexuals and who ever else lives in Miami. As sports fans, IMO they can't find their ass with both hands. When the Jets play in the Pro there are many Jet fans like there are Dolfans in Indy. I always thought they were snow birds and fans who just fly down for the party and good weather. Have yet to meet any Giant fans. :gossip:
Re: Re: No I speak from personal experience...

Originally posted by Merman

I can't claim to know most of the people in Miami but the ones I've run into are Dolfans. Most are prejudice to blacks, cubans, jews, homosexuals and who ever else lives in Miami.

Who are some of you people and where do your thoughts come from :confused:

Nobody who is prejudiced towards all those peopld would live in Miami because you just named probably 80% of the population.
Miami is the biggest melting pot in the country. Who exactly is prejudiced towards who. Blacks, cubans, jews and homosexuals all hate each other or do you mean they are all hated by the ethnic group: Dolfans. :confused:

Damn man sometimes people scare me.
Re: No I speak from personal experience...

Originally posted by Oliver
... I lived in Miami for 24-years, it's one of the worst sports towns you can find. They are spoilt, front runners for the most part. That mainly has to do with the makeup of the population. Most are from other cities and countries.

The die hard Dolphin fans that there are aren't bad fans. They are really great fans. The difference is in the numbers down here. There aren't many of them.

Oliver is right about the problem. There are a lot of transplants here from up north. Obviously these guys hate the Fins. Then there are many people from other countries. Many could care less about American Football and love soccer (why I'll never understand!.... but they do) Then you've got 80% of the lower bowl ticket holders that are owned by corp. execs who give the tix away to people who could care less. They show up midway through the second quarter and go home midway through the 3rd to miss traffic.
Makes you wonder why they even go. Would you show up to a movie 20 minutes into it and leave 20 minutes before it finishes?
Dosen't make sense.

There are true fans that go, tailgate, enjoy the games and root for the Fins win or lose.

Check the upper decks and endzone sections. Those are the only tickets true Dolfans seem to be able to get.

Miami will never be a Green Bay or Cleaveland atmosphere though.
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