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Andre Dillard

What he looks like is really irrelevant because the fact is he won the position over Dillard before Dillards latest injury.

Ya, just making the point that this particular LT, looks different than ALL LTs. Freak of nature doesn’t do him justice.
Don't they need WR help with Devonta sidelined and already possessing a weak WR corps? smells like a player trade to me.
Don't they need WR help with Devonta sidelined and already possessing a weak WR corps? smells like a player trade to me.
He played the 1st quarter. Didn't do much, but he looked good doing it...meaning he got separation every time, but Flacco was bad.
I could possibly see a trade for tackle. But we just grabbed Little. I have been one saying I think we bring in a RB. There is one name I bring up but most don't like. I just can't stop picturing what any type of motivated Bell would bring to this offense. If we could get him on a prove it deal and he comes out to prove it....
I'll leave it at that cause it's been debating tons and I don't want it to overrun this thread.
I like Peterson more than Bell, but yeah either could help.
I think Saturday is a big day for Doaks. He needs to look good while playing against rotation level defenders. Looking good next week against 3rd stringers and practicce squad guys might not be enough earn a 53 man roster spot.
Good point. I think he is on the bubble. Maybe a practice squd candidate.
We've only seen a little bit of Doaks but there's something about his running style I like. He looks good with the ball in his hand and he runs with authority. Now if he would stop dropping passes...
I think with the trade for Little we have already nailed down our tackle position depth.

If we were to trade for anything, I'd be looking for a LG, my faith in Kindley is low, I want Eich at RT long term, so forth.
He is a 1st round pick but he is not an upgrade over Austin Jackson. He is not even better than Jesse Davis who is serviceable at best.
lol, a banana peel hid under a blade of grass is an upgrade over Austin Jackson. Jesse Davis is CERTAINLY better than Jackson. If Jackson starts at LT he is easily our weakest starter on either side of the ball. Rookie Coleman should be given a shot at LT vs the 1s if they refuse to give Eich a shot. Jackson had major flaws coming out of USC and as I said then, I don't think they are fixable. Now I am certain they are not.
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