Another Jay bashing.... | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Another Jay bashing....

Originally posted by ZOD

As for the only question you asked me....About the receivers....

I stated the answer in the original post...

"He also has to have receivers who will "claim" the ball in the air."

Cool, but since that is the case, why BASH him like you are? Sorry Jay made some nice throws yesterday, and if those WR's did their job we win that game going away.

I just cannot fault Jay as much as you are for being INT'd on that play. They never should have been in that situation. Jay more than did his job to make sure they were not. Some of his WR's let him and this team down.

Not saying Jay is not to blame, I just do not agree with the extent you appear to want to stick the loss on Jay's shoulders.

"In the first picture of the hail mary, Coleman goes up two feet above our nearest receiver. Our receiver attempts to catch a hail mary over the shoulder.

In the second picture you can see that the pass to Thompson has no accuracy. It actually leads the defender."

The first description I gave of one of the pictures actually faults the laziness of the receiver. Look at how high Coleman is. Look at the receiver. A frontal view actually shows the receivers hands prepared for a catch over the shoulder.

This isn't just "Jay bashing". It's a comment on our passing game in general of which Jay is very much a part of.

We are going to have to pass to win. The blitzes, the shown 8 man fronts, and the one on one coverage will continue until we beat it again and again.

The design to beat the Dolphins is out there on display for the entire NFL to see. The foundation of that design is to dare Fiedler to throw the ball.
Originally posted by minus
I keep reading Jay got lucky with those throws to chambers but how stupid those comments sound.Isn't Chambers job to get open and Fiedler job to get the ball to him?

Minus, I never said Jay was lucky for completing passes, you're suggesting that. I'll give credit where credit is due: Jay got the ball to CC, but c'mon be honest, CC MADE both his TDs happen. In the first TD, yes he gets credit for throwing the ball 15 YARDS to CC, but CC was wide open and walked in the TD on a broken Texan defense. Great we scored, but you're excited about that for Jay? Or are you excited for Jay throwing an 8-yard pass to Ricky where Ricky made the TD happen on a 35-yard run? The only good throw he had was to Chambers that probably was intended to be thrown out-of-bounds, but CC pulls it down one-handed.

Now this is not even mentioning the 7 OVERTHROWN incomplete wide-open passes?! Plus his 1 interception in the game (2nd one doesn't count on hail-mary) that was an extremely poor judgment pass that should have not been thrown in that situation or it should have been gunned in as oppposed to a RAINBOW throw like its all good...?!
To add to zod's points, that pass that Thompson "dropped" was overthrown and he had to dive to try to catch it. Show me any receiver who makes that catch enough to make it a probable comletion.

Fiedler played well for most of the game, but that int was inexcusible. Ricky was available in the flat.

THis point should be moot though, because we should have run it! This game was the second in a row where we took the ball away from our strength in crunch time. I'm beginning to think that Norv spends too much time protecting our Oline.
Originally posted by Dolfan02
Minus, I never said Jay was lucky for completing passes, you're suggesting that. I'll give credit where credit is due: Jay got the ball to CC, but c'mon be honest, CC MADE both his TDs happen. In the first TD, yes he gets credit for throwing the ball 15 YARDS to CC, but CC was wide open and walked in the TD on a broken Texan defense. Great we scored, but you're excited about that for Jay? Or are you excited for Jay throwing an 8-yard pass to Ricky where Ricky made the TD happen on a 35-yard run? The only good throw he had was to Chambers that probably was intended to be thrown out-of-bounds, but CC pulls it down one-handed.

How bias can one be? Your post shows the true meaning of bashing and trashing one single player, blame the losses on him and say "we won despite him".

Based on your philosphy Marino should take only 20% credit of all his records and giv 80% the the Mark's brothers. You seem to forget that those two were known for being playmakers. The label playmaker is not given to receivers who are sitting there wide open and the ball is presented to them on a silver platter.

To even suggest that the ball was supposed to go out of bounds intentional is ridiculous at best.

Originally posted by Dolfan02
Now this is not even mentioning the 7 OVERTHROWN incomplete wide-open passes?! Plus his 1 interception in the game (2nd one doesn't count on hail-mary) that was an extremely poor judgment pass that should have not been thrown in that situation or it should have been gunned in as oppposed to a RAINBOW throw like its all good...?! [/B]

While Jay was faulty in this game you can spread the blame. But you can't do that can ya'?
Perhaps I mis-titled this thread....

Maybe it should have been "our pass attack sucks". :)
Bottom line, the O scored 20 points, if we have a the former #3, at home, why is that not enough?
Originally posted by wahwee
To add to zod's points, that pass that Thompson "dropped" was overthrown and he had to dive to try to catch it. Show me any receiver who makes that catch enough to make it a probable comletion.

Fiedler played well for most of the game, but that int was inexcusible. Ricky was available in the flat.

THis point should be moot though, because we should have run it! This game was the second in a row where we took the ball away from our strength in crunch time. I'm beginning to think that Norv spends too much time protecting our Oline.

I'm not sure what play you guys are talking about, but the one I'm talking about Thompson did not dive. He out right dropped a nicely thrown pass, in stride that would have been a 50-yard gainer. The ball bounced out of both his hands at the same time.

the thing that i like what JF is doing is that he is throwing the ball away, unfuortunately, it wasnt enough when he ends up throwing the INT anyways. :mad:
Originally posted by ZOD

As for the only question you asked me....About the receivers....

I stated the answer in the original post...

"He also has to have receivers who will "claim" the ball in the air."

[edited - please refrain from that kind of personal sarcasm. Thank you]

You are right with your post Zod.
Fiedler IS NOT the weakest link on our team but he is definitely not a strength either.
Defenses WILL continue stacking the line and doing run blitzes to stop Ricky at all costs. They will dare the Fins to beat them with Jay Fiedlers passing game. While many on here are predicting a pro bowl berth for Fiedler, Defensive coordinators for opposing teams aren't buying it! D coordinators have been game planning towards him since he's been here. That is not a sign of a strong player it is a sign of a weak link.

Again, since I know it's going to be in the next post.
I'm not saying Jay is the weakest link in the team and that everything is his fault. On the contrary the entire team melted down yesterday. I'm just saying Fiedler does not get a no blame pass here. He shoulders the blame as well for the poor offensive performance. Yes the Dolphins scored 21 points but they weren't able to sustain a drive at all especially after the Defense in the 2nd period had 4 or was it 5 ... 3 and outs against the Texans.

Maybe Oliver is right and all these other teams D coordinators are wrong. If that is the case, Fiedler will step up in the future, he'll lead game winning drives with consistency, he'll make QUICK reads and hit wide open receivers with cosistency and we'll end up in the Super Bowl..... I hope it happens.
Otherwise, we'll be looking at a new Fin QB next year.
We'll see.

Now let the "all of Jay Fiedler's interceptions are the WR's fault"
arguments begin.
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Originally posted by FFiB

How bias can one be? Your post shows the true meaning of bashing and trashing one single player, blame the losses on him and say "we won despite him".

Based on your philosphy Marino should take only 20% credit of all his records and giv 80% the the Mark's brothers. You seem to forget that those two were known for being playmakers. The label playmaker is not given to receivers who are sitting there wide open and the ball is presented to them on a silver platter.

To even suggest that the ball was supposed to go out of bounds intentional is ridiculous at best.

While Jay was faulty in this game you can spread the blame. But you can't do that can ya'?

Fibby, first of all, quit talking about Marino and stick to the present day offense please. Are you stuck in the 80's?

Secondly, you are the second person to make an assumption from one of my posts. Did I anywhere say Fiedler is the sole player to blame for the loss? No. I understand fottball is a team sport, thus several players on both sides of the ball are to take fault. But scroll to the top of this thread please and read the title, this is about Fiedler. Therefore, I pointed out what I believe were Fiedler's huge mistakes in the game despite some good plays he did.

But I need Greatness, not Good. Only if you want to win it all like I do. Go on, keep denying the obvious. Our offensive passing is our weakest link. Fiedler is a back-up QB in this league like he was in Minnesota and Jacksonville before he got to Miami. But go on, keep making excuses, you're good at it.
i agree with davster82, thompson just didn't look right. if he knows where the sideline is on that last drive, maybe mare gets a shot at winning it for us. that's a really great play when the receiver makes it, but a really bad one when he doesn't come close.
Why is this site so pro-Fiedler? Why is anyone pro-Fiedler?

Everyone keeps throwing out the fact that he wins...well he's 0-3 in his last 3 games, he's won one playoff game and that was only because Lamar Smith ran for 200 yards.

Teams are daring him to beat them and he is constantly cracking under pressure. You guys don't want to blame him for the loss, that's fine...but we sure aren't going to count on him to win many for us in crunch time.
another thompson comment: don't teams get big, physical receivers so they can be physical and fight for the ball? yeah, fiedler made some bad throws, but what's with sitting back while a guy steals the ball in front of you?
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