Anyone else nervous we come out FLAT against the Pats? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else nervous we come out FLAT against the Pats?

ANUfan I love you intensity but I don't want to injure Brady and Welker I want to KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!! JK! When the smoke clears I want the kind of victory that makes the entire NFL stand up and take notice. Their due for a letdown and we're just the physical team to give them a beatdown. NE never beat this Dolphin team or this Dolphin QB or this Dolphin Coach. If they think their gonna waltz in here and kick our butts easy I think they will find out fast their in a freaking WAR! The o-line has to just beat the living hell out of NE all day. BOOM! Pouncy, Jerry, Long, Incog and Martin pounding them until they wilt in the humidity. Reggie and DT GASHING them for powerful runs and then Tanne, the Texas Gunslinger fires perfect passes. Long drives for TOUCHDOWNS!!!!!!!!!!On D the front 7 plays hard and punishes their runners for loses and no-gains or maybe 1 or 2 yards. Them when Brady drops back none of his first reads are open and POW!!!!!he gets slammed to the ground. He gets up slow and SMASH!!! it happens again and again and again.MIAMI 27 NE 13. Our BIGGEST win of the season. We finish the game with the ball and 3 straight first downs running down their throats!!!!!The quit is in their eyes. They FEAR us and with good reason. We step on their throats, we dominate and we can't wait to do it again in NE.
I guess I don't think we'll come out flat. Big game Clay, Bess,DT and Bush on offense. RT will pick them apart all day. In the evening Jerry sleeps with Bradys hot model wife.
I hope we come out on fire but even if we do I still think we lose. NE is just a better team.
Soooooo effectively your saying New England is such a superior football team that they can beat us without losing a few limbs? Last time I checked the Patriot's breathe the same air the Dolphins do and can Bleed like the Dolphins can! Brady might leave in victory but the cost is a wheel chair...Wes Welker may leave a winner but the cost is cruches.

The Patriots can and in all likelihood should win this game. However it should be at the cost of coming face to face with their deaths!

Wheel chair? Crutches? Taking this game a little too seriously? :)

Medication, anyone?
We're 2 losses out of the playoffs. I'm more nervous about finals week.
We know the Pats can be beat. The question is are we going to live and die with the blitz or try to mask coverage to hide our major weakness on defense. Our second biggest problem is which O-line is going to show up. Will Bush and Thomas be able to move the ball? Will Clay and fasano be an impact? Which Bess and Hartline will be there?

So with more questions than answers its going to take a lot of coaching and some luck to win this one. We have way to many inconsistencies from week to week.
I love the Dolphins and I dont hate on this site ever......but the Pats are playing lights out right now. Not sure of we stand a chance.......likely losing by at least 3 TDs.
I love the Dolphins and I dont hate on this site ever......but the Pats are playing lights out right now. Not sure of we stand a chance.......likely losing by at least 3 TDs.

Probably all true. But I would never pick someone with this mentality to be on my team! We've all played sports and can't stand those, "we shouldn't even play those guys are gonna kill us "teammates" I rather play one man short!
ANUfan I love you intensity but I don't want to injure Brady and Welker I want to KILL THEM!!!!!!!!!! JK! When the smoke clears I want the kind of victory that makes the entire NFL stand up and take notice. Their due for a letdown and we're just the physical team to give them a beatdown. NE never beat this Dolphin team or this Dolphin QB or this Dolphin Coach. If they think their gonna waltz in here and kick our butts easy I think they will find out fast their in a freaking WAR! The o-line has to just beat the living hell out of NE all day. BOOM! Pouncy, Jerry, Long, Incog and Martin pounding them until they wilt in the humidity. Reggie and DT GASHING them for powerful runs and then Tanne, the Texas Gunslinger fires perfect passes. Long drives for TOUCHDOWNS!!!!!!!!!!On D the front 7 plays hard and punishes their runners for loses and no-gains or maybe 1 or 2 yards. Them when Brady drops back none of his first reads are open and POW!!!!!he gets slammed to the ground. He gets up slow and SMASH!!! it happens again and again and again.MIAMI 27 NE 13. Our BIGGEST win of the season. We finish the game with the ball and 3 straight first downs running down their throats!!!!!The quit is in their eyes. They FEAR us and with good reason. We step on their throats, we dominate and we can't wait to do it again in NE.

That's the spirit! I'm normally more negative than positive when it comes to the Fins, but that's because I'm waiting for them to prove that they can CONSISTENTLY play well, and beat a very good team. That said, I have a strong feeling that Miami gets the win on Sunday. Or, it could be indigestion...
It's hard to imagine! However, if you've watch this team long enough you've undoubtedly seen them get into position where a game really matters, like recently against "Tennessee" and "Buffalo" and "unbelievable" come out flat and play like **** considering whats at stake.

It's one thing to lose to the PATS thats completely understandable. IMO it's completely INEXCUSABLE for us to lose without giving them hell! Very few of us have played "profession" football but at every other non-profession sports I've personally played my pride and passion NEVER let me lose without making the other guy pay for his victory.

Wes Welker wants to be fancy across the middle? No problem, hope you have headless insurance!
T.Brady wants to go deep? No Problem, hope you have half-a-gut-remaining insurance!

Even when and if my my opponent won they NEVER/EVER relished the thought of a rematch.

What are the chances this team comes out fiery and ready to play sunday? I'm almost convinced with "our exceptions" being so high as fans like past situations this team lays a BIG FAT EGG!!

I swear to god as a man if they come out without ANY kind of passion or fire in their belly I will get on my couch and immediately start crying like a girl VERY VERY loudly!

I don't see that happening at all, in fact, quite the opposite. I'm worried they may be a little TOO fired up, and might make some mental errors, either over pursuit on defense, or some personal foul type things.

They need to play with a controlled rage as my high school coach used to put it.
For some reason, I am expecting the Fins to win against the Patriots.

I liked the resiliency they showed last week against Seattle.

Putting pressure on Brady is the key to victory
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