Anyone else pumped about J. Allen? | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else pumped about J. Allen?

ckparrothead said:
Saban also stated very clearly that we're working him at two positions right now, right safety, and nickel corner.
I thought he said the positions he was learning was the 2 safety positions because he expects them to know both because of shifts in the Offense? I beleive he may have said after he gets those down then and only then would he ask him to learn another position.
G-Force said:
I thought he said the positions he was learning was the 2 safety positions because he expects them to know both because of shifts in the Offense? I beleive he may have said after he gets those down then and only then would he ask him to learn another position.

Nope. Specifically named safety and star.
Here's the quote...

(On how much time Jason Allen will split between cornerback and safety) – “We’re probably not going to spend a lot of time with him at corner because we probably want to evaluate him as a safety right now. I know you will ask me is he playing stronger free? In my simple minded way of doing safeties, we play right and left. So that means if the formation is to him he’s the strong safety. If the formation is away from him he’s the free safety. It’s the only way that I really find that safeties learn all. It’s a little harder for them in the beginning because they’re really learning two positions, but if one guy goes in motion they become that other guy so why not teach them that right off the bat even though it’s a little more difficult. That’s what we’re trying to do with him. We’ll also playing him as a fifth defensive back or star. So he’s learning those things right now. And we’re not going to throw him any more pitches than that for now.”
If I'm concerned about anything, it's that I'm hearing that safety is a tough position to learn as a rookie. Even Polamalu wasn't great as a rookie. I know Allen's a hard worker so hopefully he gets it...but I do think it's important to have a stable veteran next to him like Renaldo Hill, who knows this defense.
I'm not really concerned about our D at all. With Saban and Capers I don't think they can fail. Another reason is I think we will have a top scoring offense and put alot of points on the board. This offense that I see is going to be the s***. Capers and Saban will put continuous pressure on the Qb by multible blitzes and we have one of the best pass rushing lines in football. They will keep the youngsters protected and put them in places to make plays. They just have to take advantage of that.
Hey all, long time reader first time poster. Our secondary is one issue I am interested in watching develop throughout training camp..... i believe Daniels and W. Allen will man the corner positions with J. Allen and Hill at the safety positions and Poole playing the nickel back ... excited to be part of the site and opening day is just around the corner fellas!!!!!
Tony Montana said:
Hey all, long time reader first time poster. Our secondary is one issue I am interested in watching develop throughout training camp..... i believe Daniels and W. Allen will man the corner positions with J. Allen and Hill at the safety positions and Poole playing the nickel back ... excited to be part of the site and opening day is just around the corner fellas!!!!!
:welcome: to:fh:
Tony Montana said:
Hey all, long time reader first time poster. Our secondary is one issue I am interested in watching develop throughout training camp..... i believe Daniels and W. Allen will man the corner positions with J. Allen and Hill at the safety positions and Poole playing the nickel back ... excited to be part of the site and opening day is just around the corner fellas!!!!!

Don't count out Andre Goodman as possible nickel CB. If he shows up in pads the way he showed up in pajamas, then I believe he's got the spot over Poole...who is still struggling to regain form a bit (as he should).

Shirdonya Mitchell is a dark horse too. That dude's fast and confident.
Vertical Limit said:
A few times? ALOT OF TIMES. He was mismatched against alo of receivers. Hell, the Bills used to enjoy having Eric Moulds lined up against him.

I hope Will Allen and Will Poole get's the start.

Also, I am not too thrilled about Jason Allen. He has tackling issues, which can be coachable, but let's see if it can be worked on his first season. I saw a video of him from college just now in youtube, Ronnie Brown owned him so many times in that video it was disgusting.

We have all seen that video a million times over. It's not easy to tackle Ronnie Brown and Allen was still hanging on to his legs when he got "ran over". How many DBs do you think can tackle Ronnie in the open field and not have a problem bringing him down?
Tony Montana said:
Hey all, long time reader first time poster. Our secondary is one issue I am interested in watching develop throughout training camp..... i believe Daniels and W. Allen will man the corner positions with J. Allen and Hill at the safety positions and Poole playing the nickel back ... excited to be part of the site and opening day is just around the corner fellas!!!!!

Welcome my Phin hermano!
PhinFan0202 said:
We have all seen that video a million times over. It's not easy to tackle Ronnie Brown and Allen was still hanging on to his legs when he got "ran over". How many DBs do you think can tackle Ronnie in the open field and not have a problem bringing him down?

Somehow I missed Vertical's post.

Jason Allen does NOT have tackling issues. He is a highly disciplined wrap-up tackler that almost always brings his man down.

We grabbed Ronnie Brown because he could make even the good DBs look silly at times. He was the #2 overall, and the consensus among GMs was that he was in reality the best player in the 2005 draft.

What would concern you more? I tell you what would concern ME more, is if Ronnie Brown, best player in the 2005 draft, was consistently brought down for no yards after contact by Jason Allen, who was #16 in the 2006 draft. As I recall though, most of those tackles Jason did actually bring Ronnie down, Ronnie just got a couple of yards after contact each time. I don't seem to remember him blowing up Jason Allen then running the distance the way he did Greg Wesley or Mike Minter.
I think Jason Allen is going to be a stud. I cant waite to see this kid on the field. I believe he is going to be nothing short of spectacular or Saban would not have used that pick for him. The good thing about Saban is he is fresh out of NCAA. He knows these players in the draft better than anyone.
I also got to say TD is my favorite to start opposite of will Allen. To come in as a 6th round draft pick and start at the cb position is absolutly awsome. He will only be that much better with another year of experience under his belt. Man Saban sure does know how to pick him.
772finatic said:
I also got to say TD is my favorite to start opposite of will Allen. To come in as a 6th round draft pick and start at the cb position is absolutly awsome. He will only be that much better with another year of experience under his belt. Man Saban sure does know how to pick him.

4th rounder I believe, but nevertheless a tremendous pick. Daniels has excellent footwork, has great fundamentals and is rarely out of position. A real testament to Saban's coaching in the past.
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