Anyone else see the Twitter hate Hartline got after the LeBron stuff? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else see the Twitter hate Hartline got after the LeBron stuff?

well said, what more can you ask for out of a 4th round pick (if I remember correctly).
I agree. Maybe the Twitter dinks would prefer the pick we made in round 3 that year at WR, Patrick Turner. Another go round with him might remind them how good we have it with Hartline.
The downfall of society if you ask me. I'm ashamed I'm raising my 8 month old daughter in a time where people hide behind their screens and just mouth off to people who have accomplished so much more then they ever will.

---------- Post added at 07:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------

He's from Ohio. He shouldn't have to cater to the city he plays football in.

you're not that ashamed or you would've used birth control and have less now to mouth off about. my apologies if you've accomplished more in life than i ever will.
The problem with society is people don't show respect to others. Twitter is a classic example.
Hartline has very strong Ohio roots. He was born and raised in Canton. He attended Ohio State University, graduating with a Communications Degree. He has never hid the fact that he followed all of the local professional teams, before he was drafted by the Dolphins. He owns and operates 2 convenience stores in Columbus. In the off-season he works in these businesses and has strong roots in that community as well as Miami.
Brian Hartline is a really good Miami Dolphin, who has consistently exceeded expectations. He is smart. He has a terrific personality and consistently shines in interviews. I think that he was just having a bit of fun in his tweet. He also probably has a good eye for business. He knows that the Ohio locals will hear about his comments and love it. Don't be surprised if his business revenue goes up by over 25% this month with the locals dropping in to be personally served by Brian. Hartline will probably be a great success as a businessman. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Great post. Hartline is a good Dolphin and by all accounts a good guy. How many guys in the NFL own and operate their own business in the offseason? That's a guy that's easy to like and respect, and he's been a damn good player for us. Unfortunately, Twitter just gives a voice to every moron with a keyboard.
95% of heat fans never heard of Alonzo mourning

I think you overestimate the number of "real" Heat fans.

Yes many jumped on and enjoyed being a part of a champion....let them suck as bad as the Dolphins and see how many care about them?

The Heat were never as bad as the Fins in sellout Miami's worse years since 2000, I don't recall them ever being one of the bottom five. Several years before LeBron came, Miami was always top 10 or near top 10 in sales. You people have no idea what you are talking about. Just mimic what you hear.
95% of heat fans never heard of Alonzo mourning

100% of Heat fan know Alonso. In recent years he was a valued member of our 2008 championship team and after he retired stayed on to become executive VP. He's essentially the teams spokesman now. Riley's right hand man.
Attendance was a problem in the early years but since Pat's been there most teams are in the playoffs and competing for the East so attendance is solid with or without James.
They've had excellent management and ownership. Something the Fin's aspire to.

I agree twitter blows and may lead to the downfall of society as we know it.
"Coo I'll still catch it"

Favorite Dolphin ever. Love you Brian!
twitter is awesome. i can scan a wide variety of my interests quickly, such as animal planet, discovery, scientific american, boxing, hockey & football news, etc etc.

this site with its threads is like a mini-twitter, focused on dolphins news and banter between knuckleheads.
The Heat were never as bad as the Fins in sellout Miami's worse years since 2000, I don't recall them ever being one of the bottom five. Several years before LeBron came, Miami was always top 10 or near top 10 in sales. You people have no idea what you are talking about. Just mimic what you hear.

Your going to compare a 19,000 seat arena to a 75,000 seat stadium?....really?

46 out of the 50 most watched sporting events in the past year were NFL games....the NFL destroys the other sports in popularity in this country.
blah, despite zo only playing 3-4 seasons in charlotte he is STILL a hornet to me, not a heat or net. if not for him an LJ not getting along he might've been a lifer here. fans are always gonna be loyal to their stars despite their loyalty to the team. I still claim LJ as a hornet even though he pretty much only claims NY now a days (but gets pissy when he don't bring him up with the team name change back to hornet) a player has all star success with a team you claim them for you own. so yeah maybe it sucks for some to lose their players, and it hits a nerve. im sure if marino would've jumped shipped to minny for his last season or two instead of retiring, and potentially won big with their loaded offense, plenty people in minny would've claimed dan. most athletes are mercs, no point to get overly attached. most people that think LeBron is sincere in why he is going back to Cleveland are prob incorrect. he's all about bron bron. he's looked like a demon since the decision. he wants to try to improve his overall liking. but as far as hartline and the heat go. ive seen post where he was talking about the heat games, and wheres everyone watching, and pulling for them. he might pull for them but they aren't his team. if he demanded a trade to philly or said that Cleveland was the best sports town now that might be a dif story
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