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Anyone Want To Talk Titans Matchup

Start Henry and Walker in all formats. They will feast.

Still like us to win the game though, but its going to be a FG game one way or the other.
mobile QBs give us all kinds of problems, even RG3 and Jackson were in preseason. i hope the LBs play discipline football or Tannehill is going to have to score 40.
I watched their tape saturday night. Stephon tuitt wrecked them as a pass rusher. O line looks suspect. But we don’t have a tuitt caliber interior guy.

Mariota wasn’t good. They ran pa he got sacked 3 times off of it and was airmailing throws. Had a bad pick also.

The top 3 corners look solid with former pats on the outside and adoree Jackson in the slot but I’d think he’d be the guy to go after. Logan ryan and Malcolm butler outside.

Pass rush wise it looks like they do it primarily with scheme. Harold Landry will be a sub insert pass rusher.

As long as our o line doesn’t bust twist and games etc with the pass offs I think we will be ok.

The defense attacks the los very aggressive with the lbs etc.

Corey Davis is a ascending wr id have x follow him all over the field and the lb level will be susceptible to the tight end and dion Lewis in space. We don’t want a lb on Lewis iso matchup.

Have to tackle Derrick Henry in the legs and before he gets a head of steam.

If you don’t play your assignment contain with mariota outflanking your edge in the zone read you will pay big for it. He has outflank you speed.

Miami was very poor with the zone read maintaining your assignment vs the ravens. Lots of blown contain by the edges
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Well the Titans seem made to attack our perceived weaknesses, big powerful runner, pass catching back and TE and a good running QB. We need to get up on them and force Mariota to beat us throwing. That doesn't mean dinking and dunking to Lewis and Walker, really throwing from the pocket. We can't have him running around or consistently getting outside of the pocket. Offensively tempo in the heat to wear them down but we better hope it works because 3 and outs paired with long sustained drives featuring Henry and a short passing game will be painful from our end.
Titans 41, Dolphins 24

The perceived hot seat for Gase starts as the cliff jumpers bring out the "I told you so", "I'm so football smart", "RT is trash", "We miss Suh", "Time for a rebuild" and the likes over power every attempt at a legitimate thread.

Oh wait, that was preseason.

I forgot the main difference, "Preseason DID tell us everything about this team".

And I actually like the direction we are headed.
I can see the Fins winning, but it’ll be close. I also think the D will keep the Fins in it. Key sacks and maybe a pick or two will be the factor. If the D does that and the O just manages a game the Fins win. 14-10
31 - 20 Titans

We won’t be able to stop the run. There are no magical Gase plays, same dink & dunk offense.
I can see Minka doing a great job on Walker, I really think hes gonna be our heart and soul for years to come.

I think the offense starts very slow in the 1st half but will get going in the 2nd half. I just don't see our defense stopping the legs of Mariota, Lewis and Henry. I'm not gonna predict a score but I'll be surprised if we win, I'll just say that.
just sit back and watch bro. we finally hit big time on a 1st rd pick. this kid is not a project. he's nfl ready now.

Oh I am 100% on the Fitzpatrick bandwagon, I have an IV hooked up with 300 CC's of the kool aid. But it's not unreasonable for him to struggle a little against the better TE's in the league or for him to take a couple games to get used to NFL caliber competition.
Jump on 'em early! Make it a scoring contest. Unleash the edgers and count the sacks. Fitz gets 2 ints. Gore scores 3 short yardage TDs.


And Parker didn't play!

>>> is that a strategy or what???

I just hope we play good football and WIN.

Wow....positive post? You ok?
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