Are you still a Vick fan? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Are you still a Vick fan?

Vick is a great athlete, but a bad person.
Never was a fan.
Did you hear Jay Leno's comment the other day on this?
I don't have the exact quote, but it was something like:
"I wonder how that poor guy that got suspended for smoking pot must feel now."

Great athelte, TERRIBLE quarterback, even worse person.
i'll still watch him play..never really was a fan, but until he is proven guilty i'm not going to go ape **** like some people have
I am from Atlanta. I am quite excited at the thought of getting rid of him for good. weve tried coaching changes, everything you can think of but the excuses just keep on coming. im over him. i hope he is gone for good. he can go play running back somewhere else.
if you are a Falcon fan and Vick has let you down, but still want a particular player to follow, choose FB Ovie Mughelli.

both he and Falcons WR Roddy White grew up in the Charleston, SC area. i coached Roddy in high school and i also coached Ovie's younger brother at another school.

Ovie is a first class guy from a first class family. Roddy White; not so much.
I was NEVER a Vick's why: There are guys who have god given talent and all the ability in the world. But instead of taking advantage of this, they have to screw their life up off the field. The guys I am fans of in sports are the ones who maybe don't have all the talent in the world but they give it more effort than anyone else.
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