Armando Reporting Ryan Is Gone. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armando Reporting Ryan Is Gone.


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Dec 29, 2010
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Davie, FL
They are a virtual certainty.

The fate of Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill is one example. His days as the Dolphins quarterback will not extend through to next season.

So when this season ends, the Dolphins will either cut Tannehill outright or try to trade him -- I would suggest the latter -- and a new chapter in club history will begin as the Tannehill era concludes.

And I know what some of you are thinking: Why Tannehill?

Why not Adam Gase? Or general manager Chris Grier? Or executive vice president Mike Tannenbaum?

Or a total top to bottom overhaul of the entire organization?

Well, I don’t know whether that will definitely happen or not. But the Tannehill thing will happen because Ross has previously told people as much.

Before this season began, you see, Ross told multiple people he believed in Tannehill to the point he thought him borderline elite

But Ross, while believing in Tannehill at that point, did something smart football men always do: He gave himself an out in case new information required a change of opinion.

Read more here:
Thank God, wish him luck and success in his next stop.
Sounds pretty speculative, but we’ll see. If this is true, it doesn’t make much sense to spend money on a free agent when so much $ is going to an absent Tannehill next year. Which makes the draft the best option, a draft with a pretty weak qb class and we’ll be picking in the high teens.

Dolphins are a step behind as per usual. Ross should axe Gase now and get a head start on the coach hunt, but I doubt it. Would be a nice change of pace though.
He sounds speculative about the others, not Ryan, I be surprised if he is wrong.
I heard Armando was going to be the quarterback next year?
It's like hoping to score 38 points but scoring 17 in a game. It's better than nothing I guess.
I don’t buy this unless the HC and staff are staying. You would let new HC evaluate roster.
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