Armando: Some players complaining about Thursday padded practices | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armando: Some players complaining about Thursday padded practices

**** them coach needs to man up and go to max practice and pads allowed and during the bi week ****ing make them practice as much as allowed again you wanna complain to the press? **** you we will do even more about what you bitch about.
my guess is its mike pouncey...the supposed leader...the guy who said the guards are gonna's a surprise alright
If we were 3-0 reporters wouldn't be looking for these kind of "stories." If you're looking for dirt I promise you can find it in all 32 lockerrooms.

If we would be 3-0 nobody wpould be looking for something because it may not be there.
If you are 1-2 and one punt return away from 0-3 and you just gave your crappiest performance in almost a decade and had a totally uninspired home opener anybody and everybody is looking for reasons why.
These practices still have not toughened up Dallas Thomas. lol.
If the players no longer respect the coach the easiest thing to do is get rid of the coach. A lot easier than replacing 53 players.

Joe should have been fired after his team collapsed at the end of last season. Two years in a row the team craps the bed with playoffs on the line. Then this year they come out in the first 3 games playing like they don't give a ish. Players can't be held without responsibility for their own actions, but it's pretty obvious that they do not believe in the head coach or the entire coaching staff .

After Cameron was fired we had 27 new players on the team. If these guys think getting rid of the coach will save their jobs they better think again.
**** them coach needs to man up and go to max practice and pads allowed and during the bi week ****ing make them practice as much as allowed again you wanna complain to the press? **** you we will do even more about what you bitch about.

You are asking a hell of a lot out of that "man"...
the way that d has tackled the first 3 games they'd sleep in pads
You are asking a hell of a lot out of that "man"...
coach isn't going to make this team gel with whatever the **** he's already tried, no he needs to make them hate him because at least then they would be united as a team and maybe take some of that out on the other team
Once you give them one luxury, then they want it all.

Combo situation of the lack of respect for Joe and the pampered lifestyle they now lead. Another example of this is Suh filling up the DL meeting room with these oversized recliners. Sorry...all of your sorry arses needs to sit in a regular office chair, like the rest of the team, and study your butts off. These chairs are a direct reflection of how the majority of them are playing....soft.

If we were 3-0 reporters wouldn't be looking for these kind of "stories." If you're looking for dirt I promise you can find it in all 32 lockerrooms.
The problem is not being 3-0....its 3+ years of the same problems with Philbin. So now we will blame the reporters for the awful and uninspired play so it. Gonna hold on to the end with joe aren't you Roy. These reporter's are taking in the whole picture since he has been here. With the added expectation's on this years team and perceived easy early schedule... These "stories" do not take a lot of digging!
The Cardinals?

That's an odd example.

Have you watched them the past few seasons? They play fired up and inspired every week for their coach and fans. They are a well run organization.
i didnt think those chairs were a big deal but maybe there is something to that...not with suh but with others
After Cameron was fired we had 27 new players on the team. If these guys think getting rid of the coach will save their jobs they better think again.

Many of the players will be gone next year and they should be. Too many weak useless players on this team. However that doesn't exonerate Philbin and his coaching staff. Those guys aren't getting the job done either. Neither have Tannenbaum/Hickey. Still do not have enough quality guys to play on the Offensive line, Secondary or at Linebacker.

Get ready for rebuilding in 2016 but we will still be stuck with Tannenbaum, and most likely another failure for a head coach.
You guys probably don't remember the Seahawks (Carroll) getting fined a few years ago because players were complaining that they were practicing in pads too often. Or players in Philly complaining that Chips Kelly's practices were too hard last year.

And this...
Heading into the 2010 season, the Baltimore Ravens are a legitimate Super Bowl contender. So it's hard to wonder why summer OTAs (Organized Team Activities) are ending in controversy and league imposed penalties.

In case you're not up to speed on the issue, the Ravens have been forced to cancel the final week of OTA practices because of a complaint to the players union by six members of the team. According to several sources, the players made a formal complaint to the union about being held too long at practice and being forced to attend additional team meetings.

The Ravens brass contends that they "made a mistake" in keeping players too long for meetings and workouts. And, at least publicly, Ravens players--notably Chris Carr, one of the players union representatives for the team--say there are not hard feelings or animosity between players and coach John Harbaugh.

So before you go "Joe is a terrible coach, if the players liked Joe they wouldn't complain, blah, blah, blah" it's not the first time this has happened. However, this team is still soft.

Well Joe is a bad coach but not because of the practice schedule.
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