Armando: Some players complaining about Thursday padded practices | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armando: Some players complaining about Thursday padded practices

The players that are complaining can go **** themselves. Get on the field, practice hard, and shut your ****ing hole. And then go out on Sunday and get me a ****ing W. ****ing p*ssies. I hate Philbin as much as the next guy, but these players can eat a ****ing dick.
The team has essentially taken on Joe's meek, soft character and yet he still can't control it. He has completely lost the team and the team knows it. Ugly, but this is what happens when you keep the wrong coach this long. Problems just get worse.

Holy macaroni with cheese.
You got to be kidding me. Is there any place in this organization which does not suck. What a weak and soft team. Embarrassing.

The most amazing part is how quickly it happened this year...
Joe is lost he is soft. But, im tired of the excuse "taken on personality of the coach". these are grown men, go out there and play hard despite the coach, someone man up
Let them do Mat Drills. Guarrandamntee you 2/3rds of these guys couldn't do it.



---------- Post added at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 PM ----------

IMO, they aren't playing soft because Joe is soft. They aren't putting in the work because they have no respect for Joe. Totally different thing. Not saying all are like that...but it seems more are than not.
Is this team really that soft? Wow... you would never hear that from a Patriots squad.
Cry me a river... tough life for a team that should be 0-3 and hasn't preformed like they should yet complaining about practice being too tough then get to hop on a plane and land in London for the weekend all while being paid millions of dollars. I will gladly trade my 5 day a week job and 60K salary for theirs. Whomever is complaining should be handed a plane ticket back home instead of to London. This team is so soft i hope this train wreck early on means success in later on.
my guess is its mike pouncey...the supposed leader...the guy who said the guards are gonna's a surprise alright

That's what unfortunate. Likely, it's going to be from a key member of the team either/both defense/offense.
I wonder who it is complaining though...? Surely it cannot be everyone on the team. These guys have played football their whole lives, why are padded practices such a big deal to them all of a sudden?
Can't blame 'em. Everybody wants a really nice chair and a share of Manhattan.

I say have Martini's during practice and a nice cheese spread during the break.

But stop worrying! We have a Sports Scientist on staff!

Everything is gonna be A O K

Once you give them one luxury, then they want it all.

Combo situation of the lack of respect for Joe and the pampered lifestyle they now lead. Another example of this is Suh filling up the DL meeting room with these oversized recliners. Sorry...all of your sorry arses needs to sit in a regular office chair, like the rest of the team, and study your butts off. These chairs are a direct reflection of how the majority of them are playing....soft.



That's why Klingons don't soften their bodies like humans do!
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