Assume Gus starts week 1 | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Assume Gus starts week 1

Sirspud said:
Funny, most Feeley-haters believe he is too emotional. When he feels good about his play, he is entitled to smile. I've never seen him throw an interception without showing frustration, he obviosuly cares about his performance.

Yeah, good point. I was just thinking about that. It's like youre damned if you do and damned if you dont. It's like when one poster here blasted AJ for talking to the Kicker and Punter during a game. Of course AJ was also on the sidelines talking to RW during that game but he made no mention of that. Its just no sense. All spin, and I have no idea why. Just be supportive of who we have, its okay to point out flaws, but, these people try too hard to do so...

Both QBs have things they need to continue to improve on and get better at. Of course, the longer the competition goes, the more of an edge Feeley will get as he learns the system.

I just dont want to see us stay with the QB when he is playing the way Gus played against the Bucs. I have no problem with sticking with Gus if its like the Steelers game. That game was tough on him and other players. However, when everyone around the QB is doing such a great job at blocking, running, and getting open, the QB can not play that way.
gimmemybullits said:
If they sign Couch, you can assume that Feeley will eventually end up being 3rd string again which he likely would not accept so they might as well anticipate this and cut him sooner rather later and use the money to sign somebody like Simon.

That must be why he's splitting snaps with the first string. Watch the press conferences today. AJ looks like he's ready to go back out and start slinging passes. Gus looks like a defeated man
shellgh0st said:
Oh, so the receivers are to blame for getting WIDE OPEN. How dare they...If they knew the system better they would've been covered and Gus wouldn't have to look bad.
:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
gimmemybullits said:
Feeley was a career 3rd stringer in Philly. He couldn't beat out Fiedler or Gus( both backups themselves) here in Miami. How many strikes does this guy need? I'd say he's been judged pretty fairly by now.

Yeah what was his record with Philly? He must be the greatest third string qb in the history of football.
he'd absolutely bench gus. do you guys ever listen to saban's PCs? i think it was yesterday or maybe even today that he said he won't hesitate to play both guys if thats what it takes to win.
gimmemybullits said:
If they sign Couch, you can assume that Feeley will eventually end up being 3rd string again which he likely would not accept so they might as well anticipate this and cut him sooner rather later and use the money to sign somebody like Simon.
You're nothing if not consistent. Tell us how you really feel......again.
shellgh0st said:
I think you misread my post.

I think AJ is the better of the two and Im hoping he becomes a pro bowl QB for us. This way we will be free to draft other positions next year (CB, DT, OL)

There is no way that AJ will ever become a probowl qb in this league let alone a decent starting quarterback. This dude is 28 years old and still doesnt know how to play the quarterback position. Neither Gus or AJ is the quarterback of the future with this team. he has a quarterback rating in the low 70's against 2nd string defenses. that is terrible. I will support whatever qb gets the job but i am putting my hope with Frerrote. Right now Gus is better and Feeley i dont think is going to get any better then he is now. AJ is a backup quarterback in the NFL and that is all he ever will be. If he does start i will be behind him and hope he does good but i dont see any potential in him. we will be getting a younger qb in the next couple years to become are qb for the future. I hope we sign couch to a low paying contract and cut feeley to give us room to sign corey simon.
Dolphins84 said:
There is no way that AJ will ever become a probowl qb in this league let alone a decent starting quarterback. This dude is 28 years old and still doesnt know how to play the quarterback position. Neither Gus or AJ is the quarterback of the future with this team. he has a quarterback rating in the low 70's against 2nd string defenses. that is terrible. I will support whatever qb gets the job but i am putting my hope with Frerrote. Right now Gus is better and Feeley i dont think is going to get any better then he is now. AJ is a backup quarterback in the NFL and that is all he ever will be. If he does start i will be behind him and hope he does good but i dont see any potential in him. we will be getting a younger qb in the next couple years to become are qb for the future. I hope we sign couch to a low paying contract and cut feeley to give us room to sign corey simon.

I didn't think Drew Bree would be a pro bowl player either, stranger things have happen.. you never know, the most AJ gets confortable in this O, we may all be pleasantly surprised..I'm hoping so for our team's sake...and if AJ doesn't Play, I hope Gus can have a pro bowl year.
GrnMtnMan said:
Assuming Frerotte starts week one, then we are week behind where we should be. I, for one, certainly hope he NEVER starts since it is a complete, detrimental, meaningless waste of time.

what he said.

maybe his breaks his finger this thursday.

that would solve the qb situation.
adamprez2003 said:
Yeah what was his record with Philly? He must be the greatest third string qb in the history of football.

He only started 5 games in his career with Philly so his record cant be that great. what is your point here. It doesnt make any sense to me at all. he was the 3rd stringer at Philly, he was behind koy detmer on the depth chart. In those 5 games he started he threw 6 touchdowns and 5 interceptions with a qb rating of 75. there is nothing great about that. If you want to use stats like that you can say with Gus when he started 2 games with Minnesota in the 2003 season he threw for 690 yard with 7 touchdowns and only 2 interceptions and a qb rating of 118. gus threw for more touchdowns in 2 games then feeley threw in 5 games. so your comment doesnt make sense. Neither is the future but gus is the better short term solution.
Dolphins84 said:
He only started 5 games in his career with Philly so his record cant be that great. what is your point here. It doesnt make any sense to me at all. he was the 3rd stringer at Philly, he was behind koy detmer on the depth chart. In those 5 games he started he threw 6 touchdowns and 5 interceptions with a qb rating of 75. there is nothing great about that. If you want to use stats like that you can say with Gus when he started 2 games with Minnesota in the 2003 season he threw for 690 yard with 7 touchdowns and only 2 interceptions and a qb rating of 118. gus threw for more touchdowns in 2 games then feeley threw in 5 games. so your comment doesnt make sense. Neither is the future but gus is the better short term solution.

My point is that when he played on a good team he led that team to a 4-1 record. And that was in the first season that he got to start in effect his rookie year! Extrapolate that out and that's a 12 -13 win season. Our team is getting better and he's proved he can win. If you think last year was indicitive of his talent you're going to be real surprised how he does this year
You know, I just hope we don't keep switching quarterbacks every other week like last year. This is what camp, and preseason are for. I know it's pretty even but Saban MUST make a decision and stick with it. We need A starting QB, not two starting QBs. I want to see one QB leading this offense all year. And I think Saban does too. It's not easy people, both of are QBs have thus far proven to be average at very best. They are neck and neck. And if it continues to be neck and neck, I say go with the youth, but i'll leave that decision up to Saban.
Dolphins84 said:
There is no way that AJ will ever become a probowl qb in this league let alone a decent starting quarterback. This dude is 28 years old and still doesnt know how to play the quarterback position. Neither Gus or AJ is the quarterback of the future with this team. he has a quarterback rating in the low 70's against 2nd string defenses. that is terrible. I will support whatever qb gets the job but i am putting my hope with Frerrote. Right now Gus is better and Feeley i dont think is going to get any better then he is now. AJ is a backup quarterback in the NFL and that is all he ever will be. If he does start i will be behind him and hope he does good but i dont see any potential in him. we will be getting a younger qb in the next couple years to become are qb for the future. I hope we sign couch to a low paying contract and cut feeley to give us room to sign corey simon.

AJ's stats in philly were comparable to McNabb's and McNabb made the probowl that year.

I wouldnt be so sure to toss doubt on people, other obscure veteran QBs have come on to have pro bowl performances. How old was kurt warner when he made the pro bowl? He came out of no where.

I can see AJ has ability, that is clear. If he is coached up properly he will have a very good season. And if he starts to click with all the talent around him, he COULD put up pro bowl numbers.

Sorry you dont see it, but, that just my opinion.
shellgh0st said:
AJ's stats in philly were comparable to McNabb's and McNabb made the probowl that year.

I wouldnt be so sure to toss doubt on people, other obscure veteran QBs have come on to have pro bowl performances. How old was kurt warner when he made the pro bowl? He came out of no where.

I can see AJ has ability, that is clear. If he is coached up properly he will have a very good season. And if he starts to click with all the talent around him, he COULD put up pro bowl numbers.

Sorry you dont see it, but, that just my opinion.

Yeah he's had success before. It's amazing to me that he even got 3 wins with our awful team last year. I think the play of the offensive line is going to determine our record and if it plays decent we could get some decent wins this season. If he's the starter on a winning team he will almost certainly be at the very least considered
poisonphin said:
No, switching QBs in the middle of the game never works, you need to let them play through.
Unless you're putting Don Strock in.
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