Attention All Idiots: Make Your Way Back Into The Woodworks IMMEDIATELY! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Attention All Idiots: Make Your Way Back Into The Woodworks IMMEDIATELY!


Hating The Jets With A Passion Since '84
Club Member
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Why is it that every time we lose, we get these morons making their way out of the woodworks to tell us all EXACTLY what should be done to right the situation? Because apparently, there was only ONE thing that we did wrong, and YOU were the one who knew it all along! My god! It's like listening to a bunch of parrots trained to talk by short bus passengers!

"Fire Saban!"
"Fire Mularkey!"
"Replace the quarterback!"
"Replace his back-up!"
"I want a cracker!"
"Crucify the offensive line!"
"We should have drafted a poodle!"
"I wanna be GM!"

Look. If you want to be mad about the 1-6 start, go ahead and be mad about it. I was pretty frustrated watching it unfold, too! If you want to be upset about today's game, go ahead and do that, too! I hate losing to the Bills and I absolutely can't stand watching the team perform so badly. But for the love of god JUST STOP acting like some football guru who knows more about the team than the guys who are actually RUNNING THE TEAM! If Wayne Huizenga folded to every single demand made by some posters on this site every time we'd have a bad game, I can tell you EXACTLY what we would have: A team that has been "rebuilding" for generations, a squad that has absolutley NO continuity or chemistry because we would always be in transition from one coach to another (plus we'd be constantly replacing our starters at key positions before they could really make any impact), and, eventually, an owner who just didnt care WHAT the team did as long as it generated a profit. That's right, we would be the proud fans of the DETROIT LIONS, people! We would be the Cardinals, or the Raiders, or any other franchise that is a perrennial bottom-feeder because they're always looking for the "quick fix" to turn things around.

Just yesterday in these forums, we had an amazing team that could still make the playoffs, could take down the best teams in the league and was nearly unstoppable. The week before that we were in disarray and all was shot to hell in a hand basket. The week before that it was inevitable that we were going to win 9 straight, make the playoffs and be this year's Pittsburg Steelers! Honestly, do ANY of you nay-saying posters remember anything that happened more than 6 days prior to the now?!?

I have absolutley no problem with optimism when things are going right and criticism when things aren't, but it absolutely disgusts me to see this bandwagon mass exodus every single time we lose or play poorly. Especially when it continuously comes from idiots who run their mouths off about how doomed this franchise is as soon as something goes wrong.

Yes, we are out of the playoffs this year. But that doesnt mean we need to make these drastic changes! Joey had a bad game, and he is NOT the "savior of the franchise". I'd still take him over most back-ups in the NFL right now. Daunte is on IR and is officially done for the year. That doesn't make him a bust. Our playcalling was not good this game, so apparently we need to fire our offensive coordinator again. Everyone has this simple solution that would apparently solve all our problems, but nobody thinks about the steps we'd be taking BACKWARDS from the progress we've made!

How about we let the guys like Saban, Mularkey and the guys on the roster and payroll who have actually played and coached football at a higher level than 99% of the posters here ever will DO THEIR JOBS, and stop acting like we have all the answers! How about we actually THINK ABOUT these solutions we have and what impact they would REALLY have on the franchise before just spewing them out like vomit! Some of us actually like reading well thought-out arguments for or against a move our team made, and are sick of having to dig through mind-numbing layers of people saying things on impulse and putting absolutely NO THOUGHT into it.

So all you idiots who only come out of your hiding places when we lose, do us all a favor and just stay there next time, OK? If you can't manage that, then just get off the bandwagon. I hear the Cardinals are accepting applications.
A team that has been "rebuilding" for generations
No Championship in 30+ years.

We would be the Cardinals, or the Raiders, or any other franchise that is a perrennial bottom-feeder
How are the raiders perrennial bottom-feeders?

Joey had a bad game, and he is NOT the "savior of the franchise". I'd still take him over most back-ups in the NFL right now.
I agree

Daunte is on IR and is officially done for the year. That doesn't make him a bust.
I would say his terrible play this year has made him a bust.

Our playcalling was not good this game, so apparently we need to fire our offensive coordinator again.
It's been bad all year, not just this game.
LOL. Wow. Very well said. I too find it pretty annoying to hear all of the banter that occures after games, especially losses. People need to realize that Saban inherited a bad team. And that was in part due to poor coaching by Wanny. But it was also due to the fact that it wasn't that talented to begin with. It takes time to build a championship caliber team; certainly more than two years. And when it comes down to it, everyone will not be happy until we win a Super Bowl. Even if we make the playoffs and go one and out, we will all have some feeling of disappointment. So lets sit back, chill out, and give the process some time.
Uncle Rico II said:
No Championship in 30+ years.

How are the raiders perrennial bottom-feeders?

I agree

I would say his terrible play this year has made him a bust.

It's been bad all year, not just this game.

Great post.
Saban gets paid to do what we do for free, but really only Saban counts. However it seems like the whole purpose of this forum is for us frustrated armchair coaches to vent our genious.

Personally I'll just wait and see what Saban does. But reading all the genious on here is damn entertaining!
I agree with the topic creator, but still feel that Lemon should be given the nod for the last two games. Just a chance to see what they have in this kid. They lose, higher pick, they win, we have something to cheer about. Win-win.
They better make the playoffs next year. And if Saban only learns one thing it needs to be how to win division games.
Rick 1966 said:
Blind, head-in-the-sand fans give owners license to never make improvements.

As true as that statement is I don't believe that it applies to Huizenga. If this was the case wouldn't we still have Wanny as HC? He only stepped down because he knew he was going to be gone. I mean c'mon Wayne went after the guy that was the "next big thing" and threw enough money and power at him to make sure he would take the job.
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