Breaking Report: Physical evidence could damn Clemens | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Breaking Report: Physical evidence could damn Clemens

"While I liked and admired Roger Clemens, I don't think that I ever really trusted him," McNamee said.
VIA dons article. Would explain why he kept the syringes and gauze all those years, but was there really that much of lack of trust?
VIA dons article. Would explain why he kept the syringes and gauze all those years, but was there really that much of lack of trust?
Well, I've never heard too many good things about Clemens. If he's as big of a dirt bag as my impression is of him, then one can assume he would be even more unlikeable (untrustworthy) once you know him.

I haven't had the chance to read the whole article. However, I have very little doubt about this. How big of an *** do you have to be to have one of your best friends sell you out?
Pettitte just corroborated what McNamee said ...that Clemens took HGH. You cheated's all over...just fess up you cheater!!!!

McNamara has Pettite to collaborate his claims, while Roger has Jose Canseco as his moral defense ... I think this is a damning piece of evidence against Roger Clemens.
Clemens dug a hole and Pettitte can't help him

If the leaks about Andy Pettitte's deposition are correct, Roger Clemens will sit in a congressional hearing room today on Capitol Hill and continue a crash to Earth of his own making. The narrative about whether Clemens cheated to become the greatest pitcher of his generation will sharpen into more detail. And Clemens' crossover from icon to con man could be near complete.

Once Clemens decided to fight the accusations about him in the Mitchell Report, he set up his pal Pettitte, his longtime teammate and former training partner, as the tiebreaker in this tale about whether Brian McNamee helped both of them use performance-enhancing drugs. But Clemens should have known Pettitte would peel away from him if forced to, rather than risk criminal prosecution.

Pettitte may not be the innocent we thought before he confirmed McNamee did inject him twice with HGH, as McNamee claims. But all those stories about Pettitte being a family man first aren't made up. He's got a 13-year-old son back home who was involved in an all-terrain vehicle crash last month that required the boy to be airlifted by helicopter to a San Antonio hospital with two broken limbs and a severe head injury from which the boy still is recovering. For Pettitte, being present for something as important as that trumps any clubhouse code of silence or Mitchell Report embarrassment.,0,1840879.column?track=rss
Clemens is not looking good today, notwithstanding the Republican representative from Indiana's current skewering of McNamee.
Oh snap ... there's an MRI of Clemens's butt that's about to become a smoking gun. Analysis: the injury depicted in the MRI is not a muscle strain or a B12 shot gone wrong, as Clemens has claimed. More likely: it's evidence of a steroid injection.
Summary of what has happened so far:

Debbie Clemens did HGH.
Rocket had an MRI of a giant lump on his butt.
Rocket and McNamee are both bad liars, Clemens more so.
Summary of what has happened so far:

Debbie Clemens did HGH.
Rocket had an MRI of a giant lump on his butt.
Rocket and McNamee are both bad liars, Clemens more so.

Excellent summary. I would agree.:up:
Clemens probably took steroids. BUT...........

1) McNamee is a slime ball and is probably lying on a lot of these facts
2) The Mitchell Report is a joke even the congressmen are pointing this out
3) McNamee was waiting to set Clemens up all along

Clemens has raised ENOUGH doubt and muddied up the debate enough to where he is getting in the hall of fame. And that was his goal from day 1. Clemens has won! gotta be a little more detailed for us guys at work. :D

There is this question of a party at Canseco's that McNamee says Clemens attended and Clemens denies attending. McNamee says he remembers Clemens was there because Clemens's nanny was there watching the kids.

The committee tracked down the nanny, who says she WAS at the party, and that Clemens's wife and kids stayed the night there. Further, Clemens upon learning the committee was going to interview the nanny, talked to her FIRST, with the implication that Clemens may have been attempting to tamper with a witness.
I'm not really understanding how his MRI can be used as evidence, or has even made the news. Isn't that supposed to be confidential?
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