Channel 4 says Dolphins still do have some playoff hopes | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Channel 4 says Dolphins still do have some playoff hopes

LtDan said:
We are still alive though barely. I will be fine with the season even if we don't get in. Unlike the Bills , Jets, and Pats....we seem to be heading in the right direction!

how r we still alive?
LtDan said:
We are still alive though barely. I will be fine with the season even if we don't get in. Unlike the Bills , Jets, and Pats....we seem to be heading in the right direction!
the pats are heading in the right direction - in the playoffs, just shut out the Bucs..... i would say they aren't hurting.
texasPHINSfan said:
we could barely put away brooks bollinger and you guys are thinking about playoffs?

Not to mention that Houston ran all over us. We are much improved over last year and man, we have a bright future, but we are nowhere close this year in consistency to even think about a playoff run.
We're out...PITT had to lose ALL 3 games they had left and they won today so is over.The fact is that I'm happy we've been winning but lets face it...we beat a team today that was decimated with injuries and we barely won at home....we wouldn't shave much of a chance in the playoffs this year but we're gonna win the division next year and the superbowl in 2007

Ozzy rules!!

Go Italy 2006 world cup
Celtkin said:
Not to mention that Houston ran all over us. We are much improved over last year and man, we have a bright future, but we are nowhere close this year in consistency to even think about a playoff run.

We didn't play Houston..
lol...i was thinking the same thing....i was like houston.......but yeah....he did run pretty well....he seemed to pick up alota yards after we made the initial hit.
i'm dying to know... might there be one more week of hope left to make the playoffs. CAN anyone who claims that we still do have a chance explain how? ANYONE?(and whoever said Pitt needed to lose all 3...the truth is they just needed to lose 2 of the 3, one of the losses being to Cleveland, had the Colts won at least)
I think it all depends on whether or not a 9-7 SD earns a tiebreaker over a 9-7 KC team. Of course KC would have to beat SD next week so im thinking that might give them the tiebreaker on them and they have it on us from head to head.
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