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CNN/SI preview

The link Miamian gave us was an excellent article.. it shows the weakneses on our team and exploits it.. Every team has a weakness and it's just a matter of who's weakest links can step up for a whole season and play to the ability of their other teammates that have been holding their own.. Great article to read that sheds light into the "Miami is unstoppable" thinking most fans here have.. Let's see if our passing game is up to the challenge to play like Ricky and the Defense..
Originally posted by DolphinDevil28
I officially hate Jacob Luft.

I want his e-mail to see if he's up to eating a ton of crow after the season Jay will have.

What a butthole.

Some of you guys on this board really do need to loosen up a wee bit.

First off, someone please show me exactly what points this guy brought up about the Fins team that you would consider baseless or biased. I don't think there are any personally.
What you guys overlook while in a frenzied hissy fit about his negative comments are the positives he wrote. He clearly writes about their acquisitions and why they might actually break out of their annual funk along with the reasons why they may not.

A lot of you really do freak out about anyones unbiased opinion about this team or the Jay Fiedler issue. You have to realize that the Fins have been a step away for years now and have NEVER realized their potential for the past 10 years. If you were an unbiased football fan analyzing the Dolphins would'nt you look at this team with a leery eye as well. Why would'nt you???

This team has the best chance it has had in years to actually reach the pinnacle of NFL success and many writers are acknowledging that. To tear the writers a new one for not giving the Fins a literary BJ and not predicting a perfect season in every article is asking a little too much.
Originally posted by RUDEbyallMEANS
The link Miamian gave us was an excellent article.. it shows the weakneses on our team and exploits it.. Every team has a weakness and it's just a matter of who's weakest links can step up for a whole season and play to the ability of their other teammates that have been holding their own.. Great article to read that sheds light into the "Miami is unstoppable" thinking most fans here have.. Let's see if our passing game is up to the challenge to play like Ricky and the Defense..

Agreed completely.
Originally posted by Muck
I might be alone here. But I think the signing of OG is going to prove to be huge when all is said and done.

I see where you're going Muck, but I hope phinkev is more correct that it's just a footnote to a great season, I do worry about depth on the WR position, it seem to cause us so many problems last year. I should give OG the benefit of a doubt, since he was part of a 27+ points per game O before he, Jay and CC got hurt...But for some reason I can't shake, I think we can do better than him,,,and the talents already on the team, just needs a chance...If OG can be the 6th..and some how we keep Tolver and Baker, I would feel better, but that won't happen, and I keep thinking that potential is getting away without a chance. you and I know that OG will make his occassional spectacular catch, but I just don't think it's enough..He's been a starter with us for a while and is just not a impact player to me, I might be wrong, but I just don't see him that way. I hope he proves me wrong.
I don't think most fans here think we're unstoppable. Far from it. I just think they get defensive when some outsider talks rough on our Phins. Just like all fans of every team. And rightfully so. :)
Originally posted by Muck
I don't think most fans here think we're unstoppable. Far from it. I just think they get defensive when some outsider talks rough on our Phins. Just like all fans of every team. And rightfully so. :)

Originally posted by Muck
I don't think most fans here think we're unstoppable. Far from it. I just think they get defensive when some outsider talks rough on our Phins. Just like all fans of every team. And rightfully so. :)

Although fans of a certain team have that "Homer" bone inside of them that contradicts every negative thing stated about their respective team, there has to be a line drawn that seperates an article that just says the truth and an article that just "Hates The Phins" because some negative things were said.. The "Miami is unstoppable" thing was just a random thing said by me that was written there to just represent the homerism or overvaluing of players that just have not proved much to be worthy of the "outsiders" praise like the praise us Miami fans give Chambers or Thompson or Fiedler.. So when you step outside the "Homer" circle and see what the writer is saying, you're able to understand the doubts other people have about our team which are legit... I do agree though about the defensiveness of fans with negativity circling their teams but the thing I'm saying is that all the negativity is legit..
Originally posted by MDFINFAN
I see where you're going Muck, but I hope phinkev is more correct that it's just a footnote to a great season, I do worry about depth on the WR position, it seem to cause us so many problems last year. I should give OG the benefit of a doubt, since he was part of a 27+ points per game O before he, Jay and CC got hurt...But for some reason I can't shake, I think we can do better than him,,,and the talents already on the team, just needs a chance...If OG can be the 6th..and some how we keep Tolver and Baker, I would feel better, but that won't happen, and I keep thinking that potential is getting away without a chance. you and I know that OG will make his occassional spectacular catch, but I just don't think it's enough..He's been a starter with us for a while and is just not a impact player to me, I might be wrong, but I just don't see him that way. I hope he proves me wrong.

I'd rather see OG and Tolver rounding out the 5 spots.

See, I just don't think Baker offers us anything we don't already have. I love the guy (always been my Rudy). But he's not nearly the receiver that OG is. And he's not a better return man than Minor. I just don't see him making the team without an injury occuring.

I'm not saying that OG will dominate as a starter or anything. But I do think he will excel in his situational role. I think he'll make several big plays down the field and over the middle. You put him on the #2 or #3 CB and he's gonna eat him alive.

And who knows what will happen when injuries occur (we know somebody's gonna get hurt). In that case, OG's presence will REALLY come thru. Most teams are lucky to have two good receivers. We have four for sure, and potentially five.

I've always been an OG fan. But I went back to 2001 watched a few games the other day. And I remembered what he brings to the team (and how visibly obvious is was that the team loved him).
I hear you Muck, I remember the great plays also, you see I think DT does the same thing that OG does, so DT on a #2 or #3 gives us the same thing..Tolver is another OG and DT in the making we have 2, I wanted another speed guy, and that's where Baker comes in...I think he can be a play maker, he hasn't had the opportunity that OG's had, in his limited times, Baker has made the plays..Wanny doesn't give him the opportunity on a consistence basis, if he has one bad carry, he's pulled, OG can miss 3 or 4 passes and knows he will have more opportunities, of course he's going to catch some of them, I just think if wanny showed the same confidence in Baker, he would get great returns on his faith. The little I've seen of Baker in a Fins uniform has convince me he could be special if he didn't have to look over his shoulders every second..everyone needs some breathing room sometimes...again this may be wishful thinking on my part..but I think if Baker didn't get hurt his first 2 years this would be a mute point and he would actually be in the WR rotation. I think his injury history has Wanny scare of him a little.
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As far as Oronde is concerned, I think he will push himself be have one of the best years we've seen from him to prove that he is worth re-signing. He would look like a complete fool if he didn't deliver after he tried to hold out as a free agent this off season. He will do well if for no other reason than to prove to the league his worth (By they way, I personally believe it was a good move to re-sign him).
The guy that wrote on Miami went far beyond speaking his opinion....he's clearly making an attempt to be provocative in his rips on Wanny, Fiedler, etc. I'll save his article and mail it to him after we win the Super bowl or have a great season.

Wanny has accomplished alot more in his career than this boob.
Whether you agree or disagree with his point of view, here is why I think this is a poorly written article.

At the very least, this season promises to bring a sense of closure to the vicious cycle the Dolphins have been putting their fans through for the better part of a decade. Owner Wayne Huizenga has put head coach Dave Wannstedt on notice. He won't tolerate another late-season failure.

Exactly how will firing Wanny bring a sense of closure? The author says this trend has been going on for the better part of a decade and the last I checked Wanny has only been the coach for 3 years. Did firing Shula end the trend? How about JJ leaving? The only way we get closure is by winning in December and January.

LB Junior Seau -- He may not be the same superstar that anchored the Chargers all those years, but at least he has been on enough winning teams that it might rub off on his overhyped teammates.

Who are these overhyped teammates? I've got to believe he is talking about a defensive player since I fail to see how Jr will rub off on the offense but even if we include the offense who is "overhyped" Ricky? JT? Zach? Madison? Surtain. Can't be Fiedler because he has to be the least hyped player in the entire league.

On defense, the loss of lineman David (not Tim) Bowens to a torn ACL in the offseason is a big blow.

Ok lossing Bowens is a bad thing but how is loosing a back-up at a position were we are fairly deep at a "big blow"?

There is enough talent on the roster to overcome the incompetence of the head coach. If this team starts out 0-4 and it gets Wannstedt fired, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. They would have enough time to get back into the playoff race under a better coach (read: anybody).

How many decisions has Wanny made that have lead directly to losses? I can think of a few but not enough to call him incompetent. Heck the guy 31-17 as the Dolphins head coach. Isn't that a tad better than JJ's record with pretty much the same team except oh yeah a hall of fame QB.

There are truths in this article, BG was brought in not only to replace RL but also to challenge JF, and there are question marks at wr. And yes Ricky is a stud. But we also have question marks at OL and depth at LB, subjects he doesn't even touch upon.

Overall I think it was a hastily written article that was written with the preconcieved notion to bash Wanny.
Originally posted by Muck
Yeah, this Jacob Luft expert really doesn't dig Wanny.
This guy is frickin piece of mule sh#t! What is his deal anyways? I'll Guarantee that he is a damn Bills fan in disguise. I have a degree in Journalism (thus my poor gramatical skills I need an editor) and we were all taught to be a bit more professional than he is. I don't know who he was watching in the Denver game if both our QB's are so horrible. I'd like to drink a cold red stripe out of this guys hollowed out skull.

Originally posted by Jeep
Wow.. That article was right on the money... I agree with his assesment of Wanny.. I agree with his assesment of Feidler and the team has busted out to a 6-2 or 7-1 and squeaked into the playoffs 5 out of the last 6 years..

It can happen again this year, altho I dont think it will.. I believe the talent on this team is enough to push us into the playoffs and possibly the AFC Championship game..


VManis, you summed up very nicely why I think this was an amateurish article. NOT becuase it was negative, but because it was written with a broad, sensational, "smack-talking" brush.

You have to provide SOME substantiation to call a coach "incompetent." You can't just say a team is "overhyped," you have to explain why.

And you NEVER root for a coach to be fired.

Very, very unprofessional. To be honest, I really scrutinized the page to see if it was a forgery ala the "Brian Griese/Jay Fiedler barbecue smakckdown parody" of a few weeks ago.
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