Could this be the end of Dolphins Cheerleaders? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Could this be the end of Dolphins Cheerleaders?

Some of you guys are incredible.

The NFL is a multi-billion dollar industry that gets incredible tax breaks and handouts from the government(Unwarranted if you ask me).

Yet if a member of this organization is asking for an honest wage, shoot a wage, better yet expenses. You people turtle up like it is someone asking for a handout.
This isn't the 60's where the NFL is a nickle and dime operation.
It is incredible hypocrisy if you ask me.

I hope this blows up. And no little girls will waste their lives aspiring to be a cheerleader. Or parents paying for training and camps.
I know a former Buffalo Jill from back in the 90s. She lasted 2 seasons before realizing that the vanity aspect was not all it was cracked up to be considering
there was only so much time in the day to actually earn a living without having to crowbar in all the practices.
its the world we live in...everyones looking for a hand out

I think its a bit unfair to group cheerleaders looking for rightful pay and people looking for hand outs.

From what I have read multiple teams have stiffed (no pun intended :hump:) cheerleaders in multiple ways...from not paying for practice hours, not paying for travel expenses, not paying for hair/makeup/costumes, etc.....

They pay the girls $150 a game and that is it.
I agree these woman can just walk away any time, and they should if they feel undercompensated, but I think they should at least be paid at minimum wage levels for the hours they are required to work. In fact, I'm pretty sure its the law they have to be paid at least minimum wage unless the Miami Dolphins are 501(c)(3) corp and the cheerleaders are volunteering, which they aren't.
Once a job is accepted and terms are agreed to up front , I don't see an issue. Now if the team refused to live up to their obligations that's one thing; otherwise it's a voluntary association and the cheerleader has the right to quit any time they like. Once they own their own team they are free to pay their cheerleaders as much as they like. Until then there are plenty of women out there that would love to take their place.
I think its a bit unfair to group cheerleaders looking for rightful pay and people looking for hand outs.

From what I have read multiple teams have stiffed (no pun intended :hump:) cheerleaders in multiple ways...from not paying for practice hours, not paying for travel expenses, not paying for hair/makeup/costumes, etc.....

They pay the girls $150 a game and that is it.

most of em do it for the exposure...i think if the plan was to sue over it it would be looking for a hand out personally...that said if some of these girls can't deal with it i'm sure they can find some that can...and still look good doing it

at the end of the day though i don't really care...
Once a job is accepted and terms are agreed to up front , I don't see an issue. Now if the team refused to live up to their obligations that's one thing; otherwise it's a voluntary association and the cheerleader has the right to quit any time they like. Once they own their own team they are free to pay their cheerleaders as much as they like. Until then there are plenty of women out there that would love to take their place.

Actually, federal labor laws require them to be paid at least the federal minimum wage rate. I believe that's what he Raiders cheerleader's lawsuit is about. If they can show that they made less than the minimum wage for the hours that they worked, they are going to win.
the raiders will probably say they work for tips :lol:

we all argue about enough things i'm gonna remove myself from this one...
Two things ought to happen here. 1) if the Raiders cheerleaders can show they were required to work more hours than their compensation legally compensates them for (ie. practice hours not being optional), then they ought to be compensated better. 2) if the NFL is raking in money off of calendars, pictorials, and posters of cheerleaders (which I assume they are and is the primary reason why the NFL still has cheerleaders), then the cheerleaders should weigh their options and consider unionizing. A cheerleaders association could do a lot of good for their group as I suspect there are real social media opportunities for them to build their own profitable market. Of course, the NFL being heavy handed as it is, could squash that effort pretty easily, but a new bargaining agreement with the cheerleaders could allow them expand on those opportunities.

Basically, the cheerleaders have something most other women don't, and if the NFL is raking in a profit from them then that's exploitation that should be able to be reversed with a little organizing. How much do you think those calendars sell, anyway?
Two things ought to happen here. 1) if the Raiders cheerleaders can show they were required to work more hours than their compensation legally compensates them for (ie. practice hours not being optional), then they ought to be compensated better. 2) if the NFL is raking in money off of calendars, pictorials, and posters of cheerleaders (which I assume they are and is the primary reason why the NFL still has cheerleaders), then the cheerleaders should weigh their options and consider unionizing. A cheerleaders association could do a lot of good for their group as I suspect there are real social media opportunities for them to build their own profitable market. Of course, the NFL being heavy handed as it is, could squash that effort pretty easily, but a new bargaining agreement with the cheerleaders could allow them expand on those opportunities.

Basically, the cheerleaders have something most other women don't, and if the NFL is raking in a profit from them then that's exploitation that should be able to be reversed with a little organizing. How much do you think those calendars sell, anyway?

I agree that they should get a cut f calendar sales. It's not different than the players, in that sense. The Players are the reason people watch games, and are compensated accordingly. Likewise, the cheerleaders are the reason people buy calendars, and should be compensated accordingly.

Is imagine the teams make some decent coin off these calendars since anything that moves a man's dick is usually a quite profitable product.
But they are a nice group of ladies who are, for the most part, very easy on the eyes. Especially when they have a nice set of twins!

This story is about the Ravens and Raiders cheerleaders, but it's safe to assume similar issues exist with all NFL cheerleading squads. I could see this story blowing up in national media just like Bullygate. When you read through it, the cheerleaders do get a raw deal in terms of compensation. I guess one could spin it that NFL cheerleading is almost like a form of internship, and that the true compensation comes back in the form of reputation and connections which could pay dividends down the road in one's career.

If the whole cheerleading thing becomes a headache for the NFL, could teams like the Dolphins nix their squads altogether rather than increasing pay and benefits?

In middle school one of gym teachers was a former Redskin cheerleader. She was hot, but that's about it - her backend compensation was having 12-13 year old boys gawk over her during class, I never understood why the girls got into it.
Went to high school with a girl who became an Eagles cheerleader. Smoking hot.

Ended up marrying a tremendously rich guy because of that gig.

I do not think she was under-compensated.
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