Crowder likely headed to IR | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Crowder likely headed to IR


Active Roster
Jul 26, 2004
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If you check the VIP section you will see that I reported this earlier, the feeling and word going around is Crowder is done for the season. I was informed hours ago that linebacker Channing Crowder could be headed to IR very soon. He is not expected to be ready for the next 5 to 6 games and I am told it is not even certain he will be ready by then. The Dolphins would like to keep upgrading their roster and his roster spot is required.

I did not want to report anything here on the regular forum untill word got out. Well, the story has finally leaked and I believe it is safe to share it with the rest of the world.

The Mysterious Injured Hip/Groin Injury of LB Channing Crowder could be reaching a final roster decision. ERIK WALDEN is back-- and how about BOBBY CARPENTER starting ahead of TIM DOBBINS against the BILLS? Where does that leave CROWDER? He is not going to be ready for the VIKINGS...and the feeling is that the Fins will place him on season ending IR.!/MIAMIDOLPHINSBANDITS?v=wall
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That's too bad...I think he would have done well next to Dansby...oh welllllll
I'll reiterate: why is a facebook page run by seemingly random people to be taken seriously at all? Who are these guys? When they say "and the feeling is the FINS will place him on season ending IR," is that feeling from actual sources or from sitting in Icy Hot? Because each seem as likely.
I'll reiterate: why is a facebook page run by seemingly random people to be taken seriously at all? Who are these guys? When they say "and the feeling is the FINS will place him on season ending IR," is that feeling from actual sources or from sitting in Icy Hot? Because each seem as likely.

The news was posted on their page by Marc Levin of 560 WQAM. Crowder to IR has been out for hours, ask the guys who follow me on twitter. I was told earlier today and posted it in the VIP section, because I did not want it to get out until someone leaked it.
thats bad he is a tackling machine and could be good at stuffing the run
The news was posted on their page by Marc Levin of 560 WQAM. Crowder to IR has been out for hours, ask the guys who follow me on twitter. I was told earlier today and posted it in the VIP section, because I did not want it to get out until someone leaked it.

Okay, so I just went to your twitter and found this:

"Breaking News! Dolphins considering placing LB Channing Crowder on IR."

Dude, that's not news. The notion of a front office considering putting a player who's been injured for weeks on IR is completely obvious, and therefore the very opposite of "news." Of course they've considered it. An illiterate gardener could tell you that. The whole question of whether they'll do it depends on the timeframe of his return, and when that timeframe has been established and a decision has been made... THEN you'll have news.

Otherwise, why should I take a facebook status update made by someone who apparently doesn't understand why Bobby Carpenter was out there on the first defensive snap instead of Tim Dobbins (the Dolphins opened in their nickel defense) at all seriously?

Again, this guy has a "feeling." He does not say a source told him. He does not claim to have any access. He's stating a player who's been injured for a while might be placed on IR. Big whoop. Let's not stop the presses over gruel that thin, and let's not call this "likely" as if there's some reason beyond "feelings" to call it that.
Okay, so I just went to your twitter and found this:

"Breaking News! Dolphins considering placing LB Channing Crowder on IR."

Dude, that's not news. The notion of a front office considering putting a player who's been injured for weeks on IR is completely obvious, and therefore the very opposite of "news." Of course they've considered it. An illiterate gardener could tell you that. The whole question of whether they'll do it depends on the timeframe of his return, and when that timeframe has been established and a decision has been made... THEN you'll have news.

Otherwise, why should I take a facebook status update made by someone who apparently doesn't understand why Bobby Carpenter was out there on the first defensive snap instead of Tim Dobbins (the Dolphins opened in their nickel defense) at all seriously?

Again, this guy has a "feeling." He does not say a source told him. He does not claim to have any access. He's stating a player who's been injured for a while might be placed on IR. Big whoop. Let's not stop the presses over gruel that thin, and let's not call this "likely" as if there's some reason beyond "feelings" to call it that.

I was told Crowder is likely headed to IR. This is the reason why I did not want to post this or share it, cause of fans like yourself who don't believe any peace of news some post on this site.
I was told Crowder is likely headed to IR. This is the reason why I did not want to post this or share it, cause of fans like yourself who don't believe any peace of news some post on this site.

By who?
This is the reason why I did not want to post this or share it, cause of fans like yourself who don't believe any peace of news someone posts on this site.

I believe the things I'm told by reputable sources. Reputable, which is a status that has to be earned. And the ****ing Dolfan Bandits, however passionate they may be, have not earned it.

I mean, Jesus Christ. Of course I don't believe every piece of news someone posts on this site. Why should I? This place has it's virtues but it's full of half truths and crackpot theories so thick sometimes I feel like I have dress like the Gorton's fisherman just to log on.

I mean, do I really have to type that of course I don't believe every piece of news I hear, and neither should you? Isn't that obvious? I could go find some story in the National Enquirer right now about an Elvis clone being set to marry a Venusian princess and you wouldn't believe it (I hope) because the source was complete and total bull****.

You put yourself out there as a News poster, and unless there are sources beyond some guy who works for WQAM having a "feeling" -- not a source, but a "feeling" -- that Crowder is about to get put on IR, you have a responsibility to post it as what it is. I mean, I know people get on you about this kind of thing, and that probably bugs you, and I'm not one who dismisses you outright and indeed feels that you do a lot of work here that's mostly for good, but the fact that people like me have to continuously get on you about this kind of thing should tell you something about the standards of your sources and your certainty as to their accuracy.
I was told Crowder is likely headed to IR. This is the reason why I did not want to post this or share it, cause of fans like yourself who don't believe any peace of news some post on this site.

i'm not jumping on you because I do appreciate the news/rumors you bring but with that said I would expect speculation of Crowder going to IR more after today's moves since our roster is currently at 54. With all that said I've been reading since Monday from a very reliable source close to the Dolphins organization that Crowder could be headed to IR with much more substantial information that I can't speak about in a Free forum. Where there's smoke there's fire.
Rob, IMO it's not so much a question of not believing news posted on the site it's more of countless threads occasionally filled with speculation passed off as news. It reflects on credibility of sources and the person delivering it. For all the good that can be accomplished, one mistake is what stands out for a lot of people.
Rob, IMO it's not so much a question of not believing news posted on the site it's more of countless threads occasionally filled with speculation passed off as news. It reflects on credibility of sources and the person delivering it. For all the good that can be accomplished, one mistake is what stands out for a lot of people. give out wrong information at times but it doesn't stop me and many other's from continuing to go to there site. Why can't people appreciate the information given to them then attack the messenger so often.
Rob, IMO it's not so much a question of not believing news posted on the site it's more of countless threads occasionally filled with speculation passed off as news. It reflects on credibility of sources and the person delivering it. For all the good that can be accomplished, one mistake is what stands out for a lot of people.

Exactly. I'm not saying it isn't going to happen or hasn't happened. But corroborating this kind of story with a less than substantial source like Dolfan Bandits is beneath the duty of a newsperson.
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