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Crowder likely headed to IR

And speaking of Florio, most of you will recall that when he began he was known less for actual news substance and more for his edgy style of writing about the NFL. He simply posted legit news that he got from credible and established journalists and mixed in some very opinionated and often humorous takes on given subjects.(Remind you of anyone? And no. I have no asperations of every becoming a journalist :lol: Im very fine with being a fat scumbag who sits on the couch and eats nachos while watching the games. Keeping up with the phins is good enough for me. I dont want to spend time worrying about 32 teams) Thats what made his site popular to begin with and how he turned himself into a legit source of news who wound up getting legit sources from NFL teams and was then able to establish himself as a legit reporter of news. He now has a whole team that he works with who also have some of their own sources within the league.

IMHO the whole sports journalist world has gotten out of control as most of these guys think they are more important than they really are. Shows like PTI and around the horn have made journalists celebrities themselves and therefore tarnished the entire industry. But, thats just my opinion on it. Too many people want to write about sports so they can be celebrities and not good writers.
I fail to see what that means. All I'm saying is I went to journalism school and worked in the profession for a few years before giving it up. I can't claim to be the only person on the site of whom that's true but I'm sure I'm one of the few. When I speak on these issues, it's not bashing. I know what's expected, what flies and what doesn't.

That is the misconception a lot of you have, you think I consider myself a reporter, you think I consider myself a journalist. Understand I am just an average guy, who is a fan of the Dolphins, who by luck and hard work has developed a source or two.
I believe that FinAtic has earned that "reputable"status.

This. I'm not sure what the big deal is. He says something is likely to happen and all of a sudden some of you guys act like jets fans.
That is the misconception a lot of you have, you think I consider myself a reporter, you think I consider myself a journalist. Understand I am just an average guy, who is a fan of the Dolphins, who by luck and hard work has developed a source or two.

The don't start off posts with the saying....."I REPORTED..."

When you say things like that you come off as a reporter. "fans" don't report!!
imho the whole sports journalist world has gotten out of control as most of these guys think they are more important than they really are. Shows like pti and around the horn have made journalists celebrities themselves and therefore tarnished the entire industry. But, thats just my opinion on it. Too many people want to write about sports so they can be celebrities and not good writers.

q f t
Finatic, I appreciate the work you do but you have to admit that there are (like anyone who does anything) areas of your work that certainly could use improvement. Don't say your not a reporter or journalist. You yourself have said you have dreams, and I'm sure your dreams weren't outlined in WV's quote below.

Im very fine with being a fat scumbag who sits on the couch and eats nachos while watching the games. Keeping up with the phins is good enough for me.

I guess all I am saying is either don't sell yourself short in an attempt to defend your work... instead accept what your dreams are and strive to do the best work you can. Thanks for all you do but I would expect an attempt at the utmost professionalism if you truly want to one day pursue it. Practice makes perfect, my friend.
IMO parsing semantics is no reason to get your tit in the wringer over Roberto's dissemination of news, views and/or rumors. I'm pretty sure everyone here including Rob understands that he's not a reporter but merely a conduit of timely information which provides the fuel for this or any other topical message board. I look upon him as a Fins news aggregator - not much different from a providing me with a quick, timely updated overview of everythiing-Fins in one place - whether panning out to be a heads-up or just speculation. I appreciate him doing that and if he wants to take some liberties depicting his role, stoke his own ego or declare himself Omar's successor, I could give a flying fcuk.

Now Roberto as far as you're concerned, there's no question it would be helpful to preface any news, rumors, gossip or whatever by citing its source and indicating whether it's "unsubstantiated" or "confirmed. " If you show some more care in acknowledging your posts as such, IMO even your harsher critics might get off your nuts.
There are a lot of people who appreciate the stuff you write finatic. For those who don't, just move on to the next thread. No need to bash a guy who is just trying to put out some info. And I have seen the way a lot of people talk to Finatic, it's not constructive criticism, it's flat out being an ***hole towards the guy.

And if anybody calls Mike Florio a journalist, they should have their heads examined. That guy, still to this day, puts out more half truths and mis information than anybody on the internet.

Keep up the good work finatic.
There are a lot of people who appreciate the stuff you write finatic. For those who don't, just move on to the next thread. No need to bash a guy who is just trying to put out some info. And I have seen the way a lot of people talk to Finatic, it's not constructive criticism, it's flat out being an ***hole towards the guy.

And if anybody calls Mike Florio a journalist, they should have their heads examined. That guy, still to this day, puts out more half truths and mis information than anybody on the internet.

Keep up the good work finatic.

Do you guys not understand what appreciating and drawing a line means? Yes, Finatic provides very good information sometimes, but some of the time he posts nonsensical rumors one after another after another on the front page. From "Dolphins will most likely get Atogwe" to "Should we get Jarrad Page" to "I reported this" to "I broke the news first" to "RGM threads nonstop" to " "Channing Crowder to be released?" to whatever else.

But at the same time he INFORMS the audience and readers of FH what happens usually first. This does NOT mean he breaks the news or reports it. Things like Camarillo being traded and Pat Turner being cut and Pat White being cut is some of the good stuff he brings to the table. He needs to stay with that if he wants to be respected more by posters on this site. Informing FH posters what happens in the Dolphins sector first, not predicting and making assumptions while creating threads for those assumptions constantly. If he wants to make all these predictions, then he should post them in threads relevant to them.
I think if Crowder would have had a chance to be paired with Dansby we could have had something like the stinking jets have with D.Harris and B.Scott...
With Crowder and Edds Injuries this year, it looks more and more that the Draft Day Dobbins trade the and the B. Carpenter pick ups were huge!
If Crowder is heading to IR, why wasn't this done at the time of the roster cuts? What has changed.
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