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Divisional Fans.

PetreLOVESmiami said:
Hey just a quick question for those who have gone to the away division games. Being from Philadelphia, i would never be able to wear a miami jersey at the stadium cause eagles fans suck.:tantrum:
But has anyone have had bad experiences with other fans at a game? I know some cities are better than others with this kinda stuff.
I am planning on driving up to foxboro for the dec 10th game.
:wink: Thank You :wink:

I had one friend get hit by a bottle in Giants stadium while playing the Jets, another friend found his girlfriend and himself getting wet from another Jets Fan that decided to relieve himself from further up in the stands, finally another Friend that I knew from the Sportsbar I go to came in the week after one game with a massive shiner, after a drunk Jets fan sucker punched him (to be fair though, it was a few other Jets fans that chased this guy, and held him until the police took him).
shanem8481 said:
i forgot what year did you guys win a super bowl i cant seem remeber

Colts Fans!! Awful... Not all of them, but most of them are. I was about 13 years old sportin my Marino jersey and this drunk guy threatened to beat me up! Of course, I was scared so I went and told my dad and my dad (Who is a Colts fan) got in his face and I didnt hear anything else for the rest of the day. It was priceless. The Dolphins won that game and it was wonderful. Can't wait to see em at Indy this season.:dolphins:
RE: UK soccer fans

PatsSuck456 said:
I hear they go nuts.

Going nuts I like! Its the fights & abuse etc that goes beyond stupid. Its almost like its tribal warfare or something at times. The thing is, all fans are always segregated for soccer stadiums & there is no alchohol in the stands (or normally in the stadium at all). The segregation means you don't get trouble IN the stadium, but this just highlights what a problem we would have otherwise (and used to have). These days its generally fine in the actual match ground, its what happens outside thats generally the problem.

I much prefer the more relaxed fans at NFL games. People who are soccer fans claim that American fans aren't as passionate, but I think thats rubbish, I've not seen any difference in passion levels. I am well known for being a screaming lunatic in front of my telly/computer radio when it comes to following my Dolphins, and I am just as bad if not worse when at a game :evil:... But where I do see the difference is in the same level of blind stupidity of fans, especially when there is a rivalry. At least, I haven't seen that yet at an NFL game. Anecdotes in this thread indicate that it does exist, just not in the numbers and frequency it does (or did) over here.

If it ever gets to the point where NFL starts having to stop alchohol at games (this did happen one or two games recently actually - including Jets once last year and Browns a while back IIRC) and segregating fans, then I will be very very sad.
At last years Bills game in Buffalo....

First, one of the guys behind me that was talking **** about my Ricky jersey spills his entire beer on me, then tried to make it look like a mistake. I got up to kick his ***, but his friends and my friends (all Bills fans) kept it from escalating.

After that, people about 10 rows back threw peanuts at me the rest of the game. I yelled back to try to figure out who it was, but nobody would own up to it. Bills fans are b****es.
endorPHINS72 said:
That reminds me of when I went to see a Jets game at the Meadowlands in 1997. There was this big, fat drunk Jets fan sitting right in front of me and my friends. Every time the Jets got a first down, this guy would stagger up and signal "first down" ALWAYS IN THE WRONG DIRECTION....:sidelol:

When I was at the Bills game last year there was French Canadian fan sitting in the row in front of me that would do the same thing, but I think he was actually yelling first down in french because nobody could understand what he was actually saying. At some point in the 3rd quarter he got up and did his first down point to the right, and toppled over like a tree and sliced his chin open on a seat in front of him...Those idiots are hysterical
The only 'enemy' territory I have ben in was the Broncos. Marino's last season when they played in Denver I got to go to the game. There was only a smattering of Dolphin fans around the stadium, but we made a lot of noise each time we scored (we won the game). Nobody did anything really nasty to us. Just a few bad looks, hand gestures and your normal obnoxious comments. It made the people doing those things look more stupid than anything else, especially since the Fins were whopping up on the donkeys.
JetsFanInSec124 said:
If you bring yourself trouble you're going to get it. Usually most fans won't get on the Dolphins fans here aside from oh yeah hey Dolphins Suck, go back to Miami, **** like that. Really heckling? Well I can recall last year at the Jets-Saints game, 2 Dolphins fans in Marino jerseys were in the section next to mine and they just came to start ****. Needless to say my section and the section they were in after that gave them hell to a point where they were forced to leave at halftime. It was pretty fun. But as long as you're not a complete jerkoff or as long as you're not by a bunch of drunks, you'll be fine. Of course being Jets fans we hate you guys a lot but usuall you're left alone in the stands if you take out the Dolphins Suck ****.
JET FANS REALLY REALLY SUCK!!!!! I was at a dolfinz game in the meadowlands and all the do is talk crap the whole game, i was even with a jets fan and he sucked too....and that chant oh that chant....its enough to make a grown man cry
I was at the @ game against the fins last year and had no problem with the fans. I talked some trash to the people around my section but it was all in good fun. Even though I hate the fins, out of all the stadiums I have been to theirs is the best. That might all change after I go to the Teaxans@ game. I have never been to Foxboro but I go to the jests game in Jersey every year. The fans there suck but I dont have much of a problem over there. IMO real recognizes real, thats the main reason everywhere I go I never run into any serious problems.:cooldude:
phinMikeDC said:
At last years Bills game in Buffalo....

First, one of the guys behind me that was talking **** about my Ricky jersey spills his entire beer on me, then tried to make it look like a mistake. I got up to kick his ***, but his friends and my friends (all Bills fans) kept it from escalating.

After that, people about 10 rows back threw peanuts at me the rest of the game. I yelled back to try to figure out who it was, but nobody would own up to it. Bills fans are b****es.

Yep, somebody is going to own up to it, so you can tell a security guard, and he gets kicked out of the game.

Probably wasn't scared, just didn't want to get kicked out of the stadium.
I was at the Miami-Pats game when they knocked us out of the playoffs....mmmmmmmmm..........1996-7? Hard to remember. My wife wore her jersey and, i looked at her....

"Hon.......You're asking for trouble."

It was a home Pats game and, we were sitting in that crappy stadium, under the scoreboard..... I was pretty Zen about the whole thing. I knew we didn't have the firepower to challenge and, any step closer we took would garuntee a lower draft pick, so, I was kinda low key.

My wife took some guff, but, I let it go. Pats fans were respectfull, but passionate. My buddy was a Pats fan and, we went tailgateing later. I found Pats fans to be very cordial, accepting and reasonable people. Sure they're homers, so are we.

Chicken, sausage and beer with football fans soothes alot of wounds.
GoBills24 said:
Yep, somebody is going to own up to it, so you can tell a security guard, and he gets kicked out of the game.

Probably wasn't scared, just didn't want to get kicked out of the stadium.

Gutless punk, more like it.
Oh, 1 nice experience in Indy.......I went to the Hoser-Dome to see
the Colts/Miami Game. Jensen scored, which was awesome....He's my favorite ever. I think it was.......91-93....That time frame. Memory fails.... Anyways.....JJ scored, and, we won. We had Colts fans sitting all arond us, and, we talked football. We payed respect to thier players and, they to ours. We WON, so it was fun. I just thought the Colts fans showed alot of class.
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