Do us all a favor.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Do us all a favor....


Apr 9, 2004
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..and please do your research before you post a new thread. I just found this site a few months ago and I love it. I usually read every thread on here with an open mind but the past few days have me throughly frustrated. I really get the impression that a lot of you don't have a clue what your talking about. Recent groans heard on this site: "why'd we draft a corner back," "speilman doesn't have a clue," "where's our 3rd receiver."

Look, we need another cb cause right now we only have 3 established ones on our roster. We didn't get a receiver because we don't need one. Boston & Chamber are 2 solid receivers who both can be #1's in this offense. We're not gonna run many 3 receiver sets this year so all we need is a 3rd receiver and I'm sure one will emerge between Simmons, Davis, Tolver, Thompson, Newson, etc. We already have a log jam at WR with the possibility that one or 2 on our current roster won't even make the team, why get another one. It made little sense to draft a receiver when we had a glaring weakness on the oline. We drafted more lineman because they will all compete, make eachother better, and help this team in the end.

Now look, I know our draft didn't set the world on fire and realistically only half of these pics will be on the opening day roster. But what do you expect, we had the 20th pick, there's only so much we can do with that. People name the lions and falcons as having good drafts, but do you guys notice how these teams are always picking high because they suck every year.

From a 10-6 team we are returning, 10 of 11 starters on D, a stud RB, 2 stud WR, a stud TE and FB, and we upgraded our line significantly. There's a reason why the guys we let go still haven't signed with other teams, but still people dare say our line is equal or worse than last years edition. I can't understand why there is so much negativity surrounding this team, especially from the fans.
midwest_phinfan said:
..and please do your research before you post a new thread. I just found this site a few months ago and I love it. I usually read every thread on here with an open mind but the past few days have me throughly frustrated. I really get the impression that a lot of you don't have a clue what your talking about. Recent groans heard on this site: "why'd we draft a corner back," "speilman doesn't have a clue," "where's our 3rd receiver."

Look, we need another cb cause right now we only have 3 established ones on our roster. We didn't get a receiver because we don't need one. Boston & Chamber are 2 solid receivers who both can be #1's in this offense. We're not gonna run many 3 receiver sets this year so all we need is a 3rd receiver and I'm sure one will emerge between Simmons, Davis, Tolver, Thompson, Newson, etc. We already have a log jam at WR with the possibility that one or 2 on our current roster won't even make the team, why get another one. It made little sense to draft a receiver when we had a glaring weakness on the oline. We drafted more lineman because they will all compete, make eachother better, and help this team in the end.

Now look, I know our draft didn't set the world on fire and realistically only half of these pics will be on the opening day roster. But what do you expect, we had the 20th pick, there's only so much we can do with that. People name the lions and falcons as having good drafts, but do you guys notice how these teams are always picking high because they suck every year.

From a 10-6 team we are returning, 10 of 11 starters on D, a stud RB, 2 stud WR, a stud TE and FB, and we upgraded our line significantly. There's a reason why the guys we let go still haven't signed with other teams, but still people dare say our line is equal or worse than last years edition. I can't understand why there is so much negativity surrounding this team, especially from the fans.
Trust me man, a lot of people here feel the same way you do. Not everyone here hates everything we do. Is really only a few that are never happy no matter what. I think as many other do, that we have a better team than last year already.

Ozzy rules!!
I'm talking about all these threads like "front office woes continue" and all the posts within the threads that basically accuse our front office of being incompetent.
Midwest, I couldnt have said it better. Especially the point about Detroit and Atlanta. Its pretty easy to get some "big name" players when you are picking in the top 10. I dont agree with everything Miami does, but I definately feel we are heading in the right direction.
We Got Great Picks After Finishing 10-6 I Would Not Doubt It If All These Players Made The Roster.

Beware the criticism you're going to get for taking a strong position. Then again, those I had such a problem with yesterday may leave you alone because they agree with you or because they are gone now. Either way, I support your ability to express your opinion and against those who seem to hate for the sake of hating.
I think it's unfair for FANS to critize our draft when the "experts" have mixed reviews. I heard Kiper say he wasn't crazy about our draft but I checked cbs.sportsline and Prisco gave us a B. The evaluation is so subjective that no one knows how this draft will go down in history. Don't get me wrong, everyone has their opinion to disagree or agree with our draft picks, I just feel it's wreckless to do so when no one really knows how it will turn out. I am a fan, I have faith in the FO of the team I support to do the right things to field a championship level team every year.
That's an interesting perspective, though it's not one I share. I do want to ask how you reconcile that belief with the long championship drought? Do you write it off to bad luck, or do you believe your faith has not been justified in some prior years?
Our FO has made questionable decisions in the past but I really feel like their "starting to get it." I imagine when you see a team that you are pretty comparable to (ie New England) win a few championships you become more focused on how things should be done. Don't think for one second that NE is that much better than us. They beat us in overtime after 2 missed field goals, and the second time they beat us our defense only gave up 3 points. I am tired of NE getting all this press, it's time Miami played up to their potential and showed the league how good of a team we have here.
good post midwest. perfectly said. Ithink the truth is somewhere in the middle. The draft was not a complete disaster as some say, yet it does not set the world on fire either. Carey and Poole are great picks, others are reaching, but who knows.
I also like the fact the we DID NOT draft a WR. With 2 stud starters we should be OK. I believe one of Tolver, Simmons or Minnis will become a quality 3rd WR. Don't forget Minnis was hyped a couple of years ago in KC before his injuries. Some guys can comeback from injuries, some don't Maybe Minnis will re-emerge as a decent WR. I think we are sitting pretty good for a team that missed out of the playoffs by that much (10-6 usually puts you in). Our O-line will muched improved, our secondary is scary good, we have stud RB and if Feeley is any good.....look out.
I think I can just about come on board with that. I think RS did a decent job this time around and that he'll be even better next year. I agree that things do seem to be turning around now. :)
midwest_phinfan said:
I'm talking about all these threads like "front office woes continue" and all the posts within the threads that basically accuse our front office of being incompetent.

See my post in that thread

after reading yours not sure if you read my response first and then made this thread.

But good respone in any case.

hey your on the practice squad and i'm a vet and i still dont know how to start a new thread with this new format and all :roflmao:
Jimmy James said:
That's an interesting perspective, though it's not one I share. I do want to ask how you reconcile that belief with the long championship drought? Do you write it off to bad luck, or do you believe your faith has not been justified in some prior years?

keep in mind here midwest that this response comes from a guy who makes love to himself in his signature. just ribbin jimma.

the people who say that we have not won a championship in years are the same people who say everything sucks. its never great. if you dont like wanny and he is the reason for our team sucking, then so be it, but dont put down everything because you didnt like the final result. it doesnt make sense. This was RS's first draft. I think he did well under the circumstances. at least we didnt pick another TE with our first round draft pick like NE ( the king of drafters :lol: )
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