Do You Guys Care?? | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Do You Guys Care??

i thought about donating but it is alot of money...i would do 25 bucks........also i agree with the band thing...i buy the cd's of the bands i really like bad religion
AJ,Muck,Dolfan87 and other Admins on this site , first of all, let me say, this is a great site, and I appreciate you guys and the work all of you do. I am an ADMIN on a basketball site for the Kentucky Wildcats, and I know it keeps one busy. Also guys, I want you to know, I wish I could afford the Premmy membership, but I cant right now, however, I can afford somewhere between $15 and $25, and somewhere around the middle of next week, I will gladly send you guys what I can . I read alot here, but due to my admin duties at the other site, just dont have alot of extra posting time, but I try to all I can. Good Luck guys, I hope my donation will help somewhat, as I will be glad to do so. Thanks again for all you guys do, been a Dolphin follower since 1970, and love the Imformation and reports that you guys put out !!! ........................................... One more thing, AJ, I hope you dont put your stuff on E-Bay also ! Come on guys, just do what you can, a $1, $2, $5, !), their not forcing you to contribute, but a caring person would want to help out these guys for all they provide and try to do !
Also wanted to add this for all the single guys out there that are NOT married and cannot appreciate the finer aspects of the word "compromise":

Many familes (such as mine) have budgetary considerations that are determined by both husband and wife. And as far as Mrs Surfer is concerned, I am already spending too much money on cable sports packages, Fantasy football leagues, poker games with the guys, NCAA tournament brackets, etc. Its not always a quesition of cost, but principal - she often reminds me that our money can be spent in a more productive manner that benefits the entire family. And as much as I hate to admit it, shes right.

Needless to say, its not always comfortable trying to justify spending money on leisure activities that are not shared by both members of a family/relationship. ESEPCIALLY when it comes to sports. AND Internet Sites. And this is coming from a guy, who in good times, is able to afford $84 a year for internet site memberships (Being out of work for six months means now is not one of those times :( ).

Hope you all understand. I'd like to think that I'll become a member of this site in the near future (depends on the job hunt), however, please understand that there are other issues to consider as well (that were overlooked in the original thread topic).

Thats all I wanted to say about that.
Is there a link for the E-Bay stuff? I think that is a great way to raise money. Plus, you are selling Dolphin stuff to get money to support Dolphin Stuff, what goes around comes around.
Didn't realize Finheaven was getting hit hard again. I'll see what I can scrape up next pay (get paid every 2 months).

As someone whose been surfing since the early 90's I've seen a lot of good sites die off. In fact content on the internet is really at an all time low as greed and governments stick their noses where it isn't wanted. These kind of sites are rare and if any of you think that there would be a replacement for this site if it folded all I have to say to you is "get real". You'd have a better chance of being struck by lightning. If you got $5-10 to spare then spare it. Don't sit here and tell me you can't afford it when your sitting at Starbucks this morning sucking down on a $5 coffee.

I myself probably won't go out to restaurants for a couple weeks and give that cash over to Finheaven when I get paid. Unless your under 19 living at home I don't see how anyone couldn't afford even $2 just to show your appreciation...cause every dollar helps when running a non profit site.
Muck said:
It's not about what's free and what's not free. It's about supporting something important to you. I download music like the next guy. But if I like a band, I go out and buy their CD to support them. It's just the principle of it. Doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else. Just something I like to do. As for this board, I give hundreds of dollars and many hours of my time. Last year I lost my job. But I donated as much as I could (after all, this site kept me sane. :rofl: ). Just something I like to support. :)

Not true. This site cost next to nothing when Gram and A.J. started it. It was very, very small. Now it's not small anymore. And it ain't cheap. People complain when the site is slow. They complain when the site goes down. Well, keeping the site fast and stable costs a lot of money. Two years ago, the site nearly shut down. That's when we finally starting accepting Premium Members.

Question: Why do people automatically feel like we're going to ban them from the site, and then throw down that ultimatum?? Why get hostile like that?? We're not forcing anybody to pay for anything. Believe me, it KILLS us to have to ask for money. And the goal is to make the site pay for itself (without any member having to give a dime). And we've made great progress towards that. But we're not there yet. We're just a few young guys running a site. Most of whom are college students. So you can understand what the cash flow is like. :lol:

ESPN, the Herald, etc. has paid employees. They're in business to make a profit. We gladly do this for free and will never make a profit. That never has been and never will be our goal. We do not and will not profit from our membership or this site. Premium Members know this, as they are privy to our bottom line. We just want the site to remain on the net in an enjoyable state.

Andrew was about 14 when he started this site. Can't knock them for not forseeing his little site becoming the biggest out there.

If you want to give $1, great. There's a donation button at the top of the screen (well, there was. :smackhead In the meantime, use xiidaen's link). We appreciate ANYTHING we receive. And we'll put an award for donating (a star) under your screenname. So it will be seen and everyone will know you donated.

Again, the site will always remain free to all. And we're working towards creating a self-sustaining entity. Right now, we just need a little help.

Thank you to all who have donated and to all who visit this great site. We appreciate you all. :)

Cool, I'll def pitch in something. Have to admit I did not know how this board was financed, who started it, or anything else...but ALSO have to say, I had never heard of premium membership or what the benefits were. $85 is a little steep for a membership, I wholly agree with those who said lowering the cost to $25 would being lots of members and greatly increase the amount raised. Maybe some kind of advertising of Premium Membership and what you get with it would be cool, too. I def want to keep the site vibrant and running and in the black, I'm grateful to the guys who started the site and put lots of time and energy into running it, and I feel strongly that we should all pitch in and contribute.

That being said, I do think the message that started this thread was out of line. How can you be so angry at everyone when probably most of us had no idea what the situation was? A much better approach would have been: "Hey guys, there's a situation we should talk about..." etc etc. I guarantee a post like that would have generated a lot of positive responses
Surferosa said:
[disclaimer]I know this sentiment has been reitterated by 954 and others, but this thread really rubbed me the wrong way[/disclaimer].


In the past, Ive been firmly in your corner and supported your "crusades" to make this board a better place. However, the tone of the posts in this thread are quite frankly tactless and offensive. You have no right to lambast others for not paying membership. Its obnoxious and unbecoming of patrons of this site.

87, please try and be a bit more persuasive and a bit less argumentative in future posts on this subject. I know youre taking this whole episode quite seriously, but there are better ways to handle situations such as these.

Muck AJ and others - I appreciate your candor (as always) dealing with site issues with the utmost dignity. :)


I said what I felt needed to be said. Sorry you disagree with my tact, but that's just how I feel, and I am not going to hide it just to stop from offending some people.

I find the lack of help offensive, so I guess we are even.


There has been a post stuck to the top of the this board for quite some time, regarding this very issue.

I guess maybe that post just didn't stand out enough.

Finfan80 said:
Cool, I'll def pitch in something. Have to admit I did not know how this board was financed, who started it, or anything else...but ALSO have to say, I had never heard of premium membership or what the benefits were. $85 is a little steep for a membership, I wholly agree with those who said lowering the cost to $25 would being lots of members and greatly increase the amount raised. Maybe some kind of advertising of Premium Membership and what you get with it would be cool, too. I def want to keep the site vibrant and running and in the black, I'm grateful to the guys who started the site and put lots of time and energy into running it, and I feel strongly that we should all pitch in and contribute.

Thank you very much man. We appreciate the help and the kind words. :)

Goodness I can't wait for training camp!!
WharfRat said:
CO84 and I had this discussion already, he and I have had such discussions before, and have always come to an understanding. I'm sure he's of the same mind I am... we're not angry with each other, just debating. Calling me (or anyone else) out for having that discussion is a little presumptuous on your part, don't you think?

That's basically how I look at it. It's nothing personal, ya know what I'm saying? I wasn't going to respond to this post originally, but the tones of some of you(not to call out or offend anybody) were what got my attention, but it's all good. I'm probably gonna donate some $ at the end of this week or next and I'll pitch in every now or then. Like I said, it wasn't the money that got to me really, it was just the original tone of the post, like 954 said.
ChambersOwnz84 said:
That's basically how I look at it. It's nothing personal, ya know what I'm saying? I wasn't going to respond to this post originally, but the tones of some of you(not to call out or offend anybody) were what got my attention, but it's all good. I'm probably gonna donate some $ at the end of this week or next and I'll pitch in every now or then. Like I said, it wasn't the money that got to me really, it was just the original tone of the post, like 954 said.

I donate because I respect what AJ, et al have done here. Message board communities are important to many people. Hopefully, more people will understand what this site provides and contribute whatever they can. Plain and simple.
Not only does he donate, but Clumpy does a kickass salary cap page to boot. Check ours and you'll see what I mean.
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