Does Anyone HONESTLY Know? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Does Anyone HONESTLY Know?


Practice Squad
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Windsor, Ontario
Does anyone have A CLUE of what we'll really do?? Like I think the Dolphins have the hardest draft to predict. Like if Williams comes back does that guarantee we dont take a RB with the #2 pick.....then who would we take? Edwards.....Smith.....Rodgers? Do we get a RB with the #2 and a QB later or Vice Versa?

I don't think that anyone in here could make an "accurate" prediction about what's going to happen on April 23 until Miami with the #2 pick makes their decision.

If you have anything you'd like to say or comments I'd think to see what you guys think about who we'll draft or just anything you'd like to say.

My "Prediction".....Smith or Edwards with the #2 pick and a RB in later rounds (3rd - 4th rounder) But this is just a guess, there's no way that I could know.
I would venture that at this point, even Nick doesn't know. He will know once Ricky firms up one way or another, lots of moves like the Surtain move happen or don't happen, and teams decide whether or not to make offers on trading down.
Saban4prez said:
Nick Saban does. No one else matters.

Ok if everyone gives half A$$ed answers like that then we would never have any discussion......Im asking what do you think we will do, and there's sooooooo many choices we could do. Like you have a good Idea about other teams like san fran and chicago, I just wanna know what ppl think.
If we keep the pick I think we'll draft Brown, Smith or Edwards.

I want Brown but i'd love to see Saban take Edwards cuz it would be totally unexpected and it would really fu*k up alot of other teams draft boards!
Even if Ricky comes back i think we would take a rb because ricky ony has so many good years left and who knows wut all that pot has done to a body
Problem is IMO Saban knows either Ricky is coming or not and most people think he is, but what if he says he is we dont draft a great RB(we could still get a good rb in rounds 3-4) and he does NOT come back? Uh Oh another bad season? I dont think it will be as bad as last year if that happens because we improved our O-Line and probably drafted a great WR at #2, which will make our running game better no matter who it is at RB.
If Ricky comes back, probably we gonna draft a RB later in the draft( Saban needs to believe in Ricky desire ) with #2 Edwards, cause is the only player with that value.
This may all be a trick though, Saban may not say anything until after the draft about Ricky to make other teams think that they will still want a RB and will want to trade down with us.
This is what makes all of this so much fun. Not having a clue what the Fins will do. One thing I think we all know is that Saban wants to trade down. I think there is a great possibility of that happening if Braylon Edwards doesn't go to SF. He's the guy that everyone wants. What's going to really determine what we do is if KC comes off of that second round pick. I think that means more than Williams coming back. Do you really think Saban is going to trust that dude? I believe that Saban and Linehan are intrigued by Gordon. I think they move down, take the best available player with the first pick and wait until the second round to give Gordon some comp. Williams will have to really prove himself to Saban if he comes back but I don't think he changes Saban's thinking when it comes to the draft.

Williams will just be trade bait for next year anyway.
Phin_Phan said:
Ok if everyone gives half A$$ed answers like that then we would never have any discussion......Im asking what do you think we will do, and there's sooooooo many choices we could do. Like you have a good Idea about other teams like san fran and chicago, I just wanna know what ppl think.

what did you expect, i mean how can anyone here have a clue, when not even the local press gets any information, this topic has been discussed 10000 times
Al13 said:
what did you expect, i mean how can anyone here have a clue, when not even the local press gets any information, this topic has been discussed 10000 times

lol relax......
IMO, Saban has a master plan with all the “what if this happens†on it. I am sure they have a master draft board. It will all unfold on draft day. You have to think of it like a game where the first 21 or so plays are already predetermined. So when the “what if happens†you plug your next step in and they go with it. That’s why it’s too hard to predict. :confused:
Phin_Phan said:
Does anyone have A CLUE of what we'll really do?? Like I think the Dolphins have the hardest draft to predict. Like if Williams comes back does that guarantee we dont take a RB with the #2 pick.....then who would we take? Edwards.....Smith.....Rodgers? Do we get a RB with the #2 and a QB later or Vice Versa?

I don't think that anyone in here could make an "accurate" prediction about what's going to happen on April 23 until Miami with the #2 pick makes their decision.

If you have anything you'd like to say or comments I'd think to see what you guys think about who we'll draft or just anything you'd like to say.

My "Prediction".....Smith or Edwards with the #2 pick and a RB in later rounds (3rd - 4th rounder) But this is just a guess, there's no way that I could know.

There are two keys to this draft that is making it exciting. #1 saban is trying to get a confirmation from williams if he is returning this year. and lastly if we can or can not trade down. if saban gets a written in stone confirmation that williams is returning and we get stuck at #2 i feel he will take the best player available either B edwards or one of the two QB's. He won't have a choice. If we find a trade down partner than the draft will be wide open again. However if williams is coming back we won't draft a rb in the 1st round. With williams return we will probably get another back in the 3rd round or even later. I think saban would have to have a face to face meeting with williams before the decision is made. This draft is going to be special with all the speculation and drama involved this year.
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