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Dolfans, please read...

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please with the money they make they better not get mad we are the fans we have the right to critisize especially if they are playing like garbadge like they are boy i would love to have fans boo me for 10 mil a year you think that affects them really that much??
Oh, so now you can't be a good fan if you vent about the way things are going?

That's like Republicans saying you're not a good citizen if you don't agree with the president.

I love the Dolphins, continue to support them 100%, will always stand by and cheer for them -
but they're playing like dogs.

And it's OK to say that.
Brown is not a bust and Culpepper does not suck that much. The o line is terrible and the staff is responsible for not putting the right players in the game. Also, should Capers get some of the blame? We suck so badly in the blitz system that he shouldve seen what is effective and what isnt by now. I dont see how were that bad on the blitz when w ehave players like JT and Crowder--who was a beast in every aspect of the game at UF. It seems like this is the only team where good young talent actually develops negatively. Allen would be a starter for New England and Crowder would be their leading tackler.
so-long-Ricky said:
Personally I see no problem with critiquing players, coaches, play calling, front office decisions, etc. They get paid a lot of money to perform and if they don't the fans have a right to be vocal.

Contrary to what the original poster said, criticizing a team has no bearing on whether you are a "true" fan or not.

Thank you!! It's like we're not entitled to criticize. It's nice to live in lala land and think everything is always hunky dory but that's not reality!! You can disagree with something or someone and still care passionately about that person or group.
opfinistic said:
there is a huge difference between criticizing and out and out bashing. An intelligent critique is appreciated by most, bashing only ignites tempers.

Excellent response!!
well dude the game play of the teams speaks loader then words the team is not playing good n just to let you know i am a real fan even after the bad games we just had i went out n order my fin sandals that i just got today and about are game play this is what is wrong
1 the line is playing really bad n i know we r missing some people but still 21 sacks is bad
2 pep is holding the ball way too long
3 ronnie is not a bust he a monster we are not using him but with the line we have i wouldnt cuz he might get hurt
4 mularki SUCKS big time he didn't do anything for the bill he is not going to do it here
5 the d is not holding team for long by the secong have we let other teams do anything

PS i love my fins
In this board all i hear is negativity. Saban should be fired. RONNIE is a bust. Wheres Jason ALLEN. Culpepper sucks. O-Line sucks. Mularky sucks. WHats wrong with you guys. I mean who really is a DOLPHIN FAN!!!

PHINSWIN: actually there are only a small handfull of us who actually
get it on this board. 98.5% of the posters on this board are hardcore
sabanists who think he is god and everything wrong with this team
is EVERYONES fault but nicks. and were still gonna win the superbowl.

so i dont know what board your thinking about, but it aint this one!!

"who really is a dolfan" you ask? if you have to ask, then you wouldnt
know and it probably is a waste of time to try and explain it to you.

and it sure is funny how people like yourself have adopted the odd
mentality of blind homerism as the ONLY mark of a TRUE dolfan.

you sabanists just need an intervention from some family members
and a deprogramer.
phinswin said:
AFTER 4 weeks im finally gonna vent....

In this board all i hear is negativity. Saban should be fired. RONNIE is a bust. Wheres Jason ALLEN. Culpepper sucks. O-Line sucks. Mularky sucks. WHats wrong with you guys. I mean who really is a DOLPHIN FAN!!! Please if your gonna complain that much Go ROOT for another team!!!! Cause you sure arent rooting for the dolphins. YES im also dissapointed on how the season is going but i would never degrade MY DOLPHINS!!! NEVER!!! IM Such a believer that i went out and bought me a Culpepper jersey ( ronnies next). I dont care who knows it but IM A DOLPHINS FAN!!! I will not give another football fan the pleasure of him seeing me give up on my team. I will defend them even if NEVER WIN ANOTHER GAME!!! I dont know but there is something about that DOLPHIN helmet that makes sundays worth while. Thats my take on things.

some of us don't accept this kind of performance. if you think this is acceptable performance you need to root for the titans.
phinswin said:
AFTER 4 weeks im finally gonna vent....

In this board all i hear is negativity. Saban should be fired. RONNIE is a bust. Wheres Jason ALLEN. Culpepper sucks. O-Line sucks. Mularky sucks. WHats wrong with you guys. I mean who really is a DOLPHIN FAN!!! Please if your gonna complain that much Go ROOT for another team!!!! Cause you sure arent rooting for the dolphins. YES im also dissapointed on how the season is going but i would never degrade MY DOLPHINS!!! NEVER!!! IM Such a believer that i went out and bought me a Culpepper jersey ( ronnies next). I dont care who knows it but IM A DOLPHINS FAN!!! I will not give another football fan the pleasure of him seeing me give up on my team. I will defend them even if NEVER WIN ANOTHER GAME!!! I dont know but there is something about that DOLPHIN helmet that makes sundays worth while. Thats my take on things.
All I hear is that Fins fans are the worst because they complain or boo the team when they are doing bad. How many threads are gonna be made about how Fins fans are so horrible??! The Patriots fans booed the team off the field a few weeks back, I guess that they're horrible fans too....and they're 2-1 and brought home several Super Bowl rings over the past few years!!
[admin] Personal attacks will not be tolerated.[/admin]

CHAMBERS8484 said:
I have made 10 threads exactly like this, and the response is "We pay their salaries bla bla bla"

As far as these stupid threads. The negitivity is well deserved. And they'll get more thrown right on top if they continue this suckage.

HelloMotto said:
some of us don't accept this kind of performance. if you think this is acceptable performance you need to root for the titans.

Ding! Someone who's using their brain around here. Good job brother.
It doesnt matter how much we sane Dolfans post about the crazy bandwagon Daunte hating Joey Harrington of all people supporting Fans all we can do is support our team and laugh at these bandwagon fans when we get hot and they start supporting Daunte and Mularkey
Dolfan99847 said:
It doesnt matter how much we sane Dolfans post about the crazy bandwagon Daunte hating Joey Harrington of all people supporting Fans all we can do is support our team and laugh at these bandwagon fans when we get hot and they start supporting Daunte and Mularkey

Bandwagon fans because we acknowledge that we suck? Oh, lordy. :shakeno:
phinswin said:
AFTER 4 weeks im finally gonna vent....

In this board all i hear is negativity. Saban should be fired. RONNIE is a bust. Wheres Jason ALLEN. Culpepper sucks. O-Line sucks. Mularky sucks. WHats wrong with you guys. I mean who really is a DOLPHIN FAN!!! Please if your gonna complain that much Go ROOT for another team!!!! Cause you sure arent rooting for the dolphins. YES im also dissapointed on how the season is going but i would never degrade MY DOLPHINS!!! NEVER!!! IM Such a believer that i went out and bought me a Culpepper jersey ( ronnies next). I dont care who knows it but IM A DOLPHINS FAN!!! I will not give another football fan the pleasure of him seeing me give up on my team. I will defend them even if NEVER WIN ANOTHER GAME!!! I dont know but there is something about that DOLPHIN helmet that makes sundays worth while. Thats my take on things.

got me an authentic c-pep too...white one...go fins.
The sign of a true fan is acknowledging that their team sucks and still rooting for them which I think every fan who has posted his criticisms has shown on this site. Its the fans that purposely refuse to look at their team honestly and mindlessly say everything's alright who's fandom I question. It shows me that these fans dont care about the quality of the team and are simply happy to "root" for a team, any team. Its simply another form of entertainment to them. A real fan wants his team to hoist the trophy in February
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