*** Dolphins/Bills Post game*** | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

*** Dolphins/Bills Post game***

You mean the offense that gave us a lead into the 4th quarter? That offense?

Lol ok
Yeah, that scored a whole 3 points in the 4th quarter when it counts. Or scored 3 points in the 4th quarter last week. Or scored a whopping 7 points in the 2nd half the week before. Or scored 0 points in the 4th quarter in 4 out of 5 wins before that. Its a constant theme for this offense. We don't show up down the stretch. The strength of this team is the offense.
I think the offense failed to put the way game away by making plays when they had the chance…8 point lead and the defense got them the ball back…they did nothing!
We scored 29 points, which should normally be enough to win if you don't have a sieve for a defense...
This was closer than I thought it would be. Tua hasn't completely lost it like I was worried about. There's still hope for this season after all.

I haven't logged on til now and I'm sure it's been said a billion times but cutesy ass play calling was a dagger. Running game was humming. It was snowing. Just some rookie **** that needs to be learned from.
Miami just put 29 on the road in Buffalo. Acting like this was the worst lost in history is silly.
Offense hasn’t made a clutch play since the ravens game. That’s the only time the offense clinched the win in the 4th qtr this season
Don't like McDaniel out calls on third down, twice it was read by defense and almost intercepted. Don't like us coming to the line and play clock is running out, get the damn play in!
Defense we have wide open guys in flat two weeks in a row.

Run game was good. Defense did adjust and made some plays in 2nd half.

Unfortunately, Allen was just too much for us to stop when it mattered most.
I am out on Mike McDaniel.

That’s all I have to say right now.

Wait, what?

Come bro.

This team is close to being special and most of its issues are on defense.

After today I’m more in on McDainel. He did his job given the circumstances. Defense is a major liability. McDaniel will address that big time.
On two 3rd downs there wasn't a crack of light between Hill and the DB those were crap calls. Is that all McD could come up with when the whole season was on the line, not just once but several times. This team is addicted to 3 game losing skids.
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