Dolphins grab Boston College offensive lineman in Touchdown Wire mock draft | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins grab Boston College offensive lineman in Touchdown Wire mock draft

I don't know any without research ...

my point may have been cloudy ... Grier chose players based on their draft profile (I assume) needs of the team and input from the coach. Grier did not coach the players or install a scheme ... hell he may not have even shown up at practice ...

Blame Grier if he chose the HC and coaching staff ... blame the coaches for failing the players.
I understand your point… I’d say you have a fair point if his only role was “servant to the HC” (which is the bullshit cop out he uses now) of the past 3-5 years… but before he was GM and actually picking the players, he was scouting and suggesting them to the HC/GM for approx 15 years before that… and we’ve literally not drafted anyone worth a damn outside of round 1 that entire time… that’s insane!

Two decades of terribleness at OL drafting… we didn’t even get lucky once… you have to almost try to be that bad at drafting… you can’t argue that EVERY coach we’ve had during this time was a bad teacher… there has been so many of them… Grier is the only consistent during that time.

But anyways…
I understand your point… I’d say you have a fair point if his only role was “servant to the HC” (which is the bullshit cop out he uses now) of the past 3-5 years… but before he was GM and actually picking the players, he was scouting and suggesting them to the HC/GM for approx 15 years before that… and we’ve literally not drafted anyone worth a damn outside of round 1 that entire time… that’s insane!

Two decades of terribleness at OL drafting… we didn’t even get lucky once… you have to almost try to be that bad at drafting… you can’t argue that EVERY coach we’ve had during this time was a bad teacher… there has been so many of them… Grier is the only consistent during that time.

But anyways…
I have read your post and I must now say:
Does Not Compute - LOL

A General is not a Private and a Private is not a General (except possibly on FinHeaven).
Don't confuse the two.
I have read your post and I must now say:
Does Not Compute - LOL

A General is not a Private and a Private is not a General (except possibly on FinHeaven).
Don't confuse the two.
Yeah, ok. We haven’t been bad at drafting OL for two decades and Chris Grier hasn’t been heavily involved or directly picking the players during those two decades.

Wait, that’s not right…
Two decades of terribleness at OL drafting… we didn’t even get lucky once… you have to almost try to be that bad at drafting… you can’t argue that EVERY coach we’ve had during this time was a bad teacher… there has been so many of them… Grier is the only consistent during that time.
Off the top of my head, I don't recall any of our past HC's moving on to higher ground after they left. During that span I have seen players who didn't make it here make it somewhere else. I'm not aware of any of our other coaches moving up the ladder to become a sought after for promotion.

I'm not sold on the idea that Grier is solely responsible for the picks you mention. That said, I don't know how the "system" works. Grier gathers info from scouts and coaches, but I don't know how a GM makes a final decision on who to draft. It is hard to believe Grier would draft a player out of left field and undermine the wants/needs of the man running the team. You would think the coaching turnover would be higher because what HC would allow someone not involved in coaching or training choose the players he had to coach and train? Doesn't make sense.

It's kind of like the rumors out of Tampa ... they say Arians turned over the offensive game plan to Leftwich and Brady, but this season Arians started tinkering with and/or changing things and as a result Tom walked away. If Grier is drafting without regard to the HC then sure, I agree.

Maybe I'm off base with how things work.
I noticed he had braces on both legs.
Is that going to be a problem in the NFL?
“Is that going to be a problem in the NFL?”

That was a pretty vague question.

Most college o-lineman use these to prevent future knee problems. I don’t know if he has already had ligament tears in both knees or he is just using them to prevent them.

These braces look extremely bulky, which I would think would limit a lineman's flexibility and since McDaniel will be implementing the outside zone blocking scheme, which uses athletic lineman that are able to move laterally, the knee braces might pose a problem with a lineman’s mobility.
Yeah, ok. We haven’t been bad at drafting OL for two decades and Chris Grier hasn’t been heavily involved or directly picking the players during those two decades.

Wait, that’s not right…
Again, a General is not a Private and a Private is not a General (except possibly on FinHeaven).
Don't confuse the two.

You clearly have no sense as to the difference between who is in charge and who is just support staff.

Misrepresentation of that level of responsibility is tantamount to perjury. When are you intending to run for Congress? - LOL
Because Grier has faith the coaching staff can actually coach (train, teach) the raw ingredient selected to use the skillset he brings. Coaching is the next step after drafting. Before you claim the players suck re-evaluate their teachers.

If the student isn't learning, then the teacher isn't teaching. I know that's a statement that can be debated but, these players have been playing their positions for a long time to get to the NFL ... they didn't suddenly suck. Yes, there are busts. But if you look at some of the players we thought were busts who have moved on to other teams and have had better success you have to know the reason he sucked here wasn't on him and it wasn't on Grier.
They have been playing along time. They don’t suck compared to players who haven’t been drafted into the NFL but this is the NFL and the NFL game is MUCH faster and the players are MUCH stronger than college players in general. You can’t put coaching as an excuse to why players aren’t successful… These players that have left the Dolphins and are playing elsewhere aren’t dramatically better on other teams… Prince may start for the Bengals but he is not an average tackle, he is still below average. Billy Turner is maybe league average with the Packers and he has been in this league for 8 years.

Now because the speed of NFL league is faster and players are stronger not every player drafted is a plug n play player their first or even second year… Some players take time to develop.. Grier drafted these o-lineman early and they were billed as plug n play lineman.

Based on my personal experience playing sports, I don’t think coaching dramatically influences a players success.. You can either play or you can’t at a specific level until you can’t based on your ability to play that game.

I played DII baseball and started every game as a freshman, I played in front of juniors and seniors who had more college coaching than I did coming in. I was moved to 2 different positions that freshman year because I could hit… I had no problems playing the other positions defensively with limited instruction.

I also play golf to a 3 handicap and have never had a lesson in my life. I think it comes down to a players ability more so than coaching. Just my opinion.
I understand your point… I’d say you have a fair point if his only role was “servant to the HC” (which is the bullshit cop out he uses now) of the past 3-5 years… but before he was GM and actually picking the players, he was scouting and suggesting them to the HC/GM for approx 15 years before that… and we’ve literally not drafted anyone worth a damn outside of round 1 that entire time… that’s insane!

Two decades of terribleness at OL drafting… we didn’t even get lucky once… you have to almost try to be that bad at drafting… you can’t argue that EVERY coach we’ve had during this time was a bad teacher… there has been so many of them… Grier is the only consistent during that time.

But anyways…
I agree.. We had Hudson Houck coach Miami’s o-line 2005-07 and when he was here the line wasn’t great maybe average but he also coached the cowboys line in 1993-2001 for almost a decade prior and that cowboys line is one of the top ten lines all time.. Same coach at 2 different stops with vastly different results!!
They have been playing along time. They don’t suck compared to players who haven’t been drafted into the NFL but this is the NFL and the NFL game is MUCH faster and the players are MUCH stronger than college players in general. You can’t put coaching as an excuse to why players aren’t successful… These players that have left the Dolphins and are playing elsewhere aren’t dramatically better on other teams… Prince may start for the Bengals but he is not an average tackle, he is still below average. Billy Turner is maybe league average with the Packers and he has been in this league for 8 years.

Now because the speed of NFL league is faster and players are stronger not every player drafted is a plug n play player their first or even second year… Some players take time to develop.. Grier drafted these o-lineman early and they were billed as plug n play lineman.

Based on my personal experience playing sports, I don’t think coaching dramatically influences a players success.. You can either play or you can’t at a specific level until you can’t based on your ability to play that game.

I played DII baseball and started every game as a freshman, I played in front of juniors and seniors who had more college coaching than I did coming in. I was moved to 2 different positions that freshman year because I could hit… I had no problems playing the other positions defensively with limited instruction.

I also play golf to a 3 handicap and have never had a lesson in my life. I think it comes down to a players ability more so than coaching. Just my opinion.
I agree with what you said, but I feel you left out a real obstacle to a new players success in the NFL, and that is basically attitude.

When you get a player out of college who was enjoying the life of "Big Man on Campus" they often feel entitled just because they were drafted, and the earlier they were drafted, the more "self-important" they behave.

Some of these guys seem to forget they are not "G-D's gift to the NFL; it's the other way around.

By the time they are on their 2nd or 3rd team in three years some have "gotten the message" and start to focus on the game, but for others it is often too late to recover. They often get trapped in lifestyle's they can no longer support.

It is all downhill from there. We see it reported so often we tend to ignore it or just take it for granted.

The NFL has taken some action to help these new players be aware of the potential pitfalls they face by bringing in former NFL players who have fallen into the kind of situations and tell their stories.

It may not be enough for those new players who think they are "the smartest guy in the room". Often as not their off-field lifestyle costs more than their dwindling to non-existent income can support and it's like a habit they just can't break.
I agree with what you said, but I feel you left out a real obstacle to a new players success in the NFL, and that is basically attitude.

When you get a player out of college who was enjoying the life of "Big Man on Campus" they often feel entitled just because they were drafted, and the earlier they were drafted, the more "self-important" they behave.

Some of these guys seem to forget they are not "G-D's gift to the NFL; it's the other way around.

By the time they are on their 2nd or 3rd team in three years some have "gotten the message" and start to focus on the game, but for others it is often too late to recover. They often get trapped in lifestyle's they can no longer support.

It is all downhill from there. We see it reported so often we tend to ignore it or just take it for granted.

The NFL has taken some action to help these new players be aware of the potential pitfalls they face by bringing in former NFL players who have fallen into the kind of situations and tell their stories.

It may not be enough for those new players who think they are "the smartest guy in the room". Often as not their off-field lifestyle costs more than their dwindling to non-existent income can support and it's like a habit they just can't break.
I totally agree with that but shouldn’t that be vetted during the combine?

There is an article, you can find online from the LA Times

Chargers rookie Rashawn Slater knew he was going to be good. So did his dad​

It goes into detail about how much extra time he puts in to make himself a better player.

I think there are guys out there coming into the league like Rehawn but the teams have to dig when evaluating these players.
It's possible an OT could be there.

For what it's worth, here are Bleacher Report positional group rankings.

1) Edge
2) Wide Receiver
3) Cornerback
4) Offensive Tackle
5) Interior OL
6) Running Back
7) Tight End
8) Linebacker
9) Quarterback
10) Safety
11) Defensive Line

Note: Having trouble getting the link to work. When I paste it in the link, it thinks it is [media]. It's not code, but I was able to put it under that option so it is at least visible and can be copied and pasted for now in case anyone is interested in reading their thoughts on the depth of each position group.

The first couple seem about right. I haven't done any research myself, but pundits seem to agree that edge and WR are phenomenal this year.
Something tells me we are either trading up or trading out of the 1st round.

I don't think we are staying and picking at 29.
Linderbaum is the ONLY olineman i would want us to trade UP for. He wont be there anywhere near 29 or the second round so up we would have to go. He is a special player at one of the most important positions on a football team.
Serious question, sorry for my ignorance.

I see Devante Adam's is expected to get tagged. Of course, GB would be stupid not to.

However, nowhere am I reading Orlando Brown JR getting tagged. Is there a reason?

CAN any player get tagged? Or did the trade effect that?

If he hits FA he has to be the top priority IMO.
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