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Dolphins / Hurricane Irma thread

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This will be moved to Friday, IMO.

Reason: Ratings.

Not gonna interfere with the season opener.

That sucks because out of market won't get it then. I'd imagine out of market COULD get Thursday or Monday but not Friday or Saturday. That's how it used to work anyway. It's ridiculous that the ticket can't carry it no matter what.
That's reasonable but also a **** idea. Who would show up for the game?

Well, for one, Metro Atlanta area Dolphins fans. We have the second largest non-Florida based Dolphin fan club in the country. There's thousands of us here. You'll get to witness that when Miami comes to Atlanta to play the Falcons in October. And I'm sure there's plenty of south and central FL fans that'll make the trip up I-75 to see the game. Especially since they'll be trying to avoid the storm anyways.
What happens to season ticket holders if they move the location? I think moving the game to Friday night is the best thing to do although like others have said they need to keep in mind that the players, coaches and whole organization need time to prepare their own families and what not. I'm supposed to fly down into Tampa Friday morning and leave Monday night. Anxious to see what happens so I can arrange. Really don't want to miss the game.
Any projections on how Broward is to be impacted? I keep hearing the Golf and the Keys. Reports are all over the place and very confusing.
Moving the location is stupid. No one should be traveling for the game - neither the teams or fans. The only travel that should be done is to evacuate if necessary.

Either bump it to Thursday which allows minimal preparation for the storm or play it week 11.
I am not a professional meteorologist, but I can form an educated opinion on the approach of Irma

The computer model guidance for the storm has been troubling to say the least, but it is still too early to definitively say where, when and how the storm will impact South Florida. Wednesday - perhaps Thursday - we should have a definitive picture of where the storm will be heading. As of now, any impact from the storm in South Florida would likely be Sunday through Monday.

South Floridians should stay vigilant...but it's not shutter time just yet.
Any projections on how Broward is to be impacted? I keep hearing the Golf and the Keys. Reports are all over the place and very confusing.
Here's the wai it seems right now. It's moving directly west and after leaving Cuba turning right into south Florida and up the state, however, there is a jet stream coming down from the NW that could push the storm up before it even gets to Florida. It remains to be seen if the stream will be strong enough and if it'll stay there long enough to push Irma away from land. At the same time there's something moving south from above Bermuda that's pushing Irma to stay going west. I don't think we'll know for sure till the bitch is right on top of us.....Irma la douce this is not.

Ozzy rules!!
This is the most scientific I've ever seen the dolphins forum lol

Moving the location is stupid. No one should be traveling for the game - neither the teams or fans. The only travel that should be done is to evacuate if necessary.

Either bump it to Thursday which allows minimal preparation for the storm or play it week 11.

To the forum- uhm if this game is played Friday - no one is going. If you dont live here they wont understand- but we do.
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