SanDiegoDolphan said:Jim Rome and Flav-la-flave.
kingnate85 said:I'm guessing you meant Public Enemy's Flavor Flav. And if that actually ever happened for some sick reason I would probably kill myself. Mostly over the Jim Rome part...
nyjunc said:At least Mandich is gone, he was the worst announcer in the history of broadcasting.
awing_pilot said:Mandich's aaalllllrrriiigghghhht miami was great. I want a new crew. As long as its not jimmy cefalo or Joe rose 'm cool. Those two would just drive me nuts for 4 hours on sundays
nyjunc said:At least Mandich is gone, he was the worst announcer in the history of broadcasting.
BringBackShula said:Well...AL-RIIIIGHT!!! DOLFANS!! YESSS INN-DEEEDY!!
RLMIAMI said:err ? here's an idea....... GO TOO YOUR OWN G.D. TEAM SITE... You opinion is as good as a cup of Guayana Kool-Aid !!