Don Shula has passed away (Dolphins will wear memorial patch) | Page 13 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Don Shula has passed away (Dolphins will wear memorial patch)

I feel like we're finally on the verge of another great era of Dolphins football and I was hoping Coach Shula would be around long enough to see it and enjoy it. Now it will have to be done in his honor.

The greatest ever...
I think it was Csonka that relayed a story about him finding a Raiders playbook before a game against them. He took the playbook to Shula who said ( I am paraphrasing)...throw it away. The Dolphins lost that game. That's integrity.
I grew up with Don Shula coaching my favorite team.

He was HC a year before I was born and continued to be the head coach until I was 24 years old. Up to that point in time I never knew anything else.

Up until my last birthday a couple weeks ago, Shula had been the Dolphins HC for half my lifetime.

I never met the man, yet he had a major effect on my life. This is a very, very sad day for me.

RIP, Coach Shula.
Another thing to add, not only did Shula lead the Dolphins to the only perfect season in the 100 year history of the league — he also led them in beating one of the two modern day era teams that seriously threatened that record.

Shout out to the NY Giants for beating the other.
Crazy case of the Mondays at my job so I just got wind of the news maybe 30 or so minutes ago. I'm literally fighting shedding a little bit of tears as I'm typing this. Dolfans worldwide we truly lost a legend today. Father Don, The Don, Coach, GOAT, Shoes, etc. whichever name you see fit WE ALL can truly say that Don Shula IS THE MIAMI DOLPHINS.

Don Shula is the "measuring stick" when it comes to NFL HC's not just only for Dolphins HC's past, present, and future. I remember years ago watching America's Game on the "72 team" on NFLN. The one constant that stuck out was when the players automatically knew things were going to be different from day one in Father Don's first year back in 1970.

Most if not all Dolfans have at one point or another stressed themselves silly hoping and longing for those days of old so to speak. Me being a fan since 1982 I wasn't born when the Dolphins played in 3 consecutive SB's. IMO, in a surreal kind of way once the infamous Sea Of Hands playoff game heartbreaker happened it was sort of like an end of an era.

Sure the Dolphins endured successful winning seasons after that game but something just seemed off. The Dolphins did make 2 SB appearances in the 80's but to no avail ended up on the losing end both occasions.

I oddly think the 1992 team that lost to Buffalo in the AFC Championship was the last hoorah. In the almost 30 years since that gut-wrenching defeat enter 20+ years of mediocrity, underachievement, and dysfunction.

I've given the benefit of the doubt to HC's who didn't deserve it in the years post Shula's "resignation"; henceforth, it became damn near an obsession to heavily root for the Dolphins hook or crook, delusions of grandeur you name it.

The feeling of witnessing the Miami Dolphins winning a SB is foreign to me because of years of potential great teams to lose painfully ( '85' and '92' especially).

When I attended the Skins game last October I made for damn certain I asked where the statues of Father Don and Dan were located. I got the info and I took a few photos of both statues. Father Don's is currently my lock screen wallpaper on my phone.

Rest In Paradise Coach Don Shula you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!
WOW... Just wanna say all the personal stories from dudes like dolfan91
(and so many others) are collectively a fabulous tribute to Mister Don Shula!
At a personal level your "testimonials" reveal what a monumental
difference the man made in countless lives...

Definitely extraordinary!

Certainly a sign of greatness!

***Thanks*** for sharing!

I think it means a lot!

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