Don Shula has passed away (Dolphins will wear memorial patch) | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Don Shula has passed away (Dolphins will wear memorial patch)

I was fortunate to meet The Legend at a Dolphins scrimmage at Lockhart Stadium back in the 80’s. He asked ME for a picture with my 2 children and picked them both up. He was Mr. NFL!!’ As a teenager I loved watching The Don Shula Show and his breakdown of the previous game. Monday nights have never been the same wo The Shula Show and then MNF! Rest In Peace Coach Shula!
Wow! What an amazing guy! Shula was very humble.
I loved watching him on the sidelines - reading his press statements - looking at his draft choices - conferring with Don Strock - Dan Marino - Bryan Cox...
I’m surprised at how sad I feel about a man dying that I never met.
Thank Don Shula for being a true King!
I am crushed because I met this man about 25 years ago and he was the classiest man I have ever met. He was short because he was in public and had a lot of people around him but still friendly and took a few minutes. I really am crushed. RIP coach and thanks for being a tremendous part of my Dolphin life.
I am totally crushed too
I'll never forget the pain, class and love Shula displayed when his beloved wife Dorthy died from cancer. That will be my memory of the greatest ever. Hopefully he has been reunited with her.
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