Donovan McNabb | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Donovan McNabb


Practice Squad
Jan 24, 2006
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Considering how the Philly media and fans have turned on Donovan, whats the chances of him wanting to get away from the eagles and if so what kind of a fit do you think he would be in Miami? Alot of negative history in Philly and those fans are brutal.
Newly signed large contract and the face of the franchise, tight with his coach who is tight with the owner, never going anywhere...
Cutch1295 said:
Considering how the Philly media and fans have turned on Donovan, whats the chances of him wanting to get away from the eagles and if so what kind of a fit do you think he would be in Miami? Alot of negative history in Philly and those fans are brutal.
Sure, him and TO for a case of beer and a carton of you think they'll take it. T.O . would fit in like a square in a round hole. McNabb onthe other hand would be nice
Gamezover said:
The chances of McNabb leaving Philly is 0%.

Less than that. They would have to put the entire city on suicide watch.

What would the chance have been to pry Dan from the Dolphins in his prime?


There are just some players that are more valueable than any number of draft picks or combination of players you could possibly put together.
Cutch1295 said:
Considering how the Philly media and fans have turned on Donovan, whats the chances of him wanting to get away from the eagles and if so what kind of a fit do you think he would be in Miami? Alot of negative history in Philly and those fans are brutal.

I thought Donovan kind of quit on his Eagles in the Superbowl.....I don't trust him or want him in a Phins uniform, especially at his salary.
Cutch1295 said:
Whatever. Glad you felt the need for that.:rolleyes: Its called a discussion.
Shoot lets get BELLICHEK to come be are Lb's coach. Maybee we can get Alexander for depth at RB's. oh and we might as well pick up Ben Rothlisberger as a back up when we nabb McNabb

he is just a dumb-*** QB if he could not run the ball he would not be a NFL QB or would mike Vick or love boat vikings boy all three would be playing back up or in Canada the only way they are playing now because the run fast not because of their arm because the cant read a defense just ask mike Bishop or k. Stewart the same way with Steve mcnair all would not have made it nfl if the can just throw the ball. the made it because the run and they all suck.....:evil: :fire: :yell:
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