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Donovan McNabb

bwallen said:
he is just a dumb-*** QB if he could not run the ball he would not be a NFL QB or would mike Vick or love boat vikings boy all three would be playing back up or in Canada the only way they are playing now because the run fast not because of their arm because the cant read a defense just ask mike Bishop or k. Stewart the same way with Steve mcnair all would not have made it nfl if the can just throw the ball. the made it because the run and they all suck.....:evil: :fire: :yell:
damn do you have hatred towards them or wut....thats what makes them cant take anything away from them because they can get the job done...and last i checked culpepper and mcnabb were PRO BOWL qb's Because of their passing.......and i would take any of them over frerrotte or almost any qb in the nfl and im sure you would too and if you wouldnt ...your an :shakeno:
Phinja said:
Less than that. They would have to put the entire city on suicide watch.

What would the chance have been to pry Dan from the Dolphins in his prime?


There are just some players that are more valueable than any number of draft picks or combination of players you could possibly put together.

Actually, Marino demanded a trade (rightfully so, IMO) after the 1986 disaster where the Dolphins threw 46 TD passes (Dan Marino-44/Don Strock-2) and went a whopping 8-8 and missed the playoffs. Don Shula allowed Marino to seek a trade and the Raiders had a "Hershel Walker" type deal in place but Al Davis pulled the deal from the table at the last minute (being the idiot he is) and never aquired Danny. So however unlikely, superstar QB's can be traded.
but if you made them stay in the pocket they would not make a pro team with their arm the would be just same as Gus or sage that can not run they would just be average QB that cant read a defence me i right or not:yell:
Damn, some of you guys are brutal. Comparing the way he's looked at in Philly to how Big Ben is looked at is ridiculous. Don't you pay attention to Philly media and what the fans have been saying for 2 yrs now. He's not exactly an icon there.
bwallen said:
but if you made them stay in the pocket they would not make a pro team with their arm the would be just same as Gus or sage that can not run they would just be average QB that cant read a defence me i right or not:yell:
well thats why they are not pocket qb's thats wut makes them unique and soo good..
s3an8 said:
well thats why they are not pocket qb's thats wut makes them unique and soo good..

Aside from Steve Young (who was a very accurate passer), a scrambling QB has never won a Super Bowl. The pocket passers still rule.
Donovan Mcnabb is an amazing quarterback. We have a better chance of Dan Marino coming back.
Cutch1295 said:
Considering how the Philly media and fans have turned on Donovan, whats the chances of him wanting to get away from the eagles and if so what kind of a fit do you think he would be in Miami? Alot of negative history in Philly and those fans are brutal.

I cant wait! I hope he brings his mom with him! IM HUNGRY, I WANT SOUP!!!

He's the face of the Eagle franchise AND he's still in his prime.

McNabb is not going anywhere.
good what have they done the both had great wr and cried like little girls because the wrs were being mean to them Dan would have kiss their *** to have a to or moss in his day of playing ball. and the point that i am making is if you contain the from running wild on you they well not beat you with their arm because they all cant read a defence:fire:
bwallen said:
he is just a dumb-*** QB if he could not run the ball he would not be a NFL QB or would mike Vick or love boat vikings boy all three would be playing back up or in Canada the only way they are playing now because the run fast not because of their arm because the cant read a defense just ask mike Bishop or k. Stewart the same way with Steve mcnair all would not have made it nfl if the can just throw the ball. the made it because the run and they all suck.....:evil: :fire: :yell:

That is so ignorant I don't know where to start.

Seriously, you need to take a deep look at yourself.

Or maybe you were joking and I missed it. I hope so, because if you weren't, you need help.

Because those quarterbacks you mentioned? They have ONE thing in common. And it is not running the ball.

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