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Eli Manning Quotes on ESPN Coverage of Jets Camp

hey buddy, if u dont think eli is an elite qb by now, something is wrong with you. My guess is, jets fan jealousy of there big brother giants success. When was the last time the jets won a SB title? 40 years ago??? the giants have won 2 in the last decade buddy.

The last time we won a SB was around the same time Miami last won one.

Jealousy? I'm absolutely jealous of the Giants winning SBs, that's what I want my team to do but I actually really like Eli so it's not jealousy it's reality. A guy w/ zero elite full seasons cannot be elite. Elite postseason player? I could buy that but just a year ago he was coming off a 25 INT season, he led the Giants to 9 wins- he's not elite yet.
maybe if he was an elite QB he'd get more coverage?

Wasn't aware that Tim Tebow and Mark Sanchez were elite QBs.

Besides, how jealous can you be when you have those two Super Bowl rings and MVPs that those two will never have.
Wasn't aware that Tim Tebow and Mark Sanchez were elite QBs.

Besides, how jealous can you be when you have those two Super Bowl rings and MVPs that those two will never have.

Jealous enough to make passive aggressive remarks
The last time we won a SB was around the same time Miami last won one.

Jealousy? I'm absolutely jealous of the Giants winning SBs, that's what I want my team to do but I actually really like Eli so it's not jealousy it's reality. A guy w/ zero elite full seasons cannot be elite. Elite postseason player? I could buy that but just a year ago he was coming off a 25 INT season, he led the Giants to 9 wins- he's not elite yet.

did u go undefeated?
ITT I learn from junc that 5000 yards, 61% comp %, 6.4 YPP, 29 TDs, 93 QB rating and a SB MVP isnt an elite year.

The more you know...
Relevant in the form of laughing stock of the league for those who are knowledgeable about the NFL and not just a casual onlooker.

yes we are the laughing stock being one of the best teams in the league under rex but Miami is a model franchise going over a decade(and counting) w/o a playoff win.

ITT I learn from junc that 5000 yards, 61% comp %, 6.4 YPP, 29 TDs, 93 QB rating and a SB MVP isnt an elite year.

The more you know...

Just 3 more TDs than mark sanchez who everyone thinks sucks and he led his team to 9 wins in an easy division w/ an elite defense and incredible weapons on offense.

Played great in postseason,, you want to call him an elite postseason player? ok but the man doesn't have a single elite full season.
Eli is just jealous b/c no one cares about him even though he's won 2 SB MVPs, maybe if he was an elite QB he'd get more coverage?

mad dog: it could be worse, the Jets could have turned them down and ESPN could be doing a show about the dolphins like w/ HBO.

Or even worse than that....like Peyton Manning snickering when someone suggested he should out of courtesy, at least return Woody Johnson's recruiting call. :idk:
We didn't try to get Peyton, YOU DID and failed as usual. he wouln't even take a visit to your facility, he only talked to you out of respect for Marino and you based your entire offseason on getting him.

Our entire offseason was designed to get Mark Sanchez back to normal, hiring your former HC should have told you all you needed to know about us going after peyton.
We didn't try to get Peyton, YOU DID and failed as usual. he wouln't even take a visit to your facility, he only talked to you out of respect for Marino and you based your entire offseason on getting him.

Our entire offseason was designed to get Mark Sanchez back to normal, hiring your former HC should have told you all you needed to know about us going after peyton.

Mark Sanchez "back to normal" is equivalent of Kyle Boller having a banner year. Yeah right; Woody called him, slobbered on himself over the idea of bringing him in but unlike the interaction with the Fins, Peyton wanted nothing to do with that three ring freak circus in Jersey. As actions speak louder than words, obviously by not even giving your legacy owner who never worked a day in his life even the courtesy of a call back, Peyton told the jest "eff you" I'm not gonna be your next clown"
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