espn rumors qb flip in miami | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

espn rumors qb flip in miami

Probably more crap from espn...NO WAY THE FINS HEAR MY PLEAS!!!!
highly doubtful after one game...just lots of people wanting to stir the pot before there's anything in it
Yet a few links above that you'll see it says Carolina is sticking with Delhomme.

Besides, ESPN Insider costs money right? Why the hell would anyone pay to learn info like this?
They said the same thing after the Arizona game last year.
The play calling was pretty vanilla yesterday, and I can't blame Pennington for a lot of it, except where he did his Jay Fielder-pass-attempt-fumble. You cannot take as long as Chad did deciding what to with the ball, especially when Abraham was eating Jake Long's lunch. I think you have to give Chad another shot, and if the offense still looks bad, then you give Henne a shot.
i know its a rumor and or speculaction. just wanted to know what they were speculating about. henne or white
This is from Rumor Central.
The Miami Dolphins didn't look good as a team on Sunday, and quarterback Chad Pennington was no different. But is it time to start the engines of QB controversy in Miami?
Not according to Greg Stoda of the Palm Beach Post. Stoda notes that the Fins don't really have an option behind Pennington, as second-year man -- and heir apparent -- Chad Henne was inactive for Sunday's game, listed as the emergency third QB, and the No. 2, Pat White, was pretty ineffective in small doses.
But if earlier rumors from this offseason are correct, there is a succession plan in place for the Chads this season, and Henne will at some point have to enter the picture. With a couple more outings like Sunday's, we'd expect that might happen sooner rather than later.

This is Football Outsiders take.
"We have doubts about Miami's ability to contend this year for many reasons, but it would be harsh to scapegoat Chad Pennington as the reason why they couldn't compete after just one game. As we've written about before, Pennington faced one of the easiest schedules in league history a year ago, but he was still a down-ballot MVP candidate. It would be the mark of a bad team to blame their troubles on one of their best players. As for the succession plan? We'd have to assume it's "Bring in someone new when Pennington gets hurt"; the former Marshall star has only played two full seasons in nine years as a pro." - Bill Barnwell
Oh brother.. I didn't expect these threads until week 6 at leasy.. Not week one..

Obviously not much newsworthy info coming from yesterdays game.
i hope it is true i would love to see henne get in there and see what he can do
If we start out 0-3, which is possible but hopefully unlikely, then I'd be furious if Henne isn't the starter in week 4.

Until then, I think Pennington deserves a shot at redemption.
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