ESPN: Stats say Saints better without Reggie Bush | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

ESPN: Stats say Saints better without Reggie Bush

The reason is because this regime got off on the wrong foot with some folks from the very beginning... as in day 1.

Every. Single. Move. that this regime makes when looked at in that context appears to be nothing more than constantly having to make up for mistakes. They're never one step ahead... they're always one step behind. (or in most cases, two steps behind)

Now, it's gotten to the point where the regime has started to burn FUTURE assets in order to make up for past blunders just so they can attempt to field a team that won't get 'em fired by week 8.

It's not the sign of a winner... I guarantee you it's not. I promise you it's not.

Reality WILL hit some folks between the eyes AGAIN before they know it.... just like it always has. Pessimism nor optimism is capable of preventing reality from taking place.

I'm not a homer. I wanted Sparano fired as much as anyone in the beginning of the year. I've been extremely critical of the coaching staff and I've had my fair share of bashing. Instead of giving people chances or wanting our team succeed, people hope for players and coaches to fail. People want Sparano to fail. They want him to fail to prove a point that they were right. Look at the threads. People bash the regime constantly. Saying we'll suck for luck is stupid as hell. It's like Patriot fans saying they think they'll go 2-14. We have far too much talent to "suck for luck." Anyone who predicts 2-5 wins is not being realistic. They are being pessimistic. I don't think you people see the difference. I know everyone is upset over last season, but does this regime make bonehead moves every single time? No. They have made a lot of great moves and they've drafted quite well.

I swear a lot of people make it like Miami is the worst franchise in the NFL. People make it like Sparano and Ireland are the worst in the NFL. It's simply annoying.
I never said that defenses cheated up for the run. You misinterpreted my statement. Last year defenses playing the Dolphins put 10 or 11 people within 9 yards of the line of scrimmage to shutdown the run and the short passing game. That might be a slight exaggeration. They did not fear the speed of any receiver. Do you honestly believe a defense will play the Dolphins offense that way with Reggie in the backfiled? If they do, there should be a check into RB motion where Reggie attacks the deep part of the field. I believe he will have a lot of yardage with that check to play.

That's not just an exaggeration, it's untrue. The Dolphins faced more shell (cover two, cover four) in 2010 than they have in years. That means safeties back. They showed tapes and studies to Brandon Marshall that showed that he had to face more CB/S combo coverage than any other premium WR out there. They showed him that to shut him up and get him to stop asking for the ball.
Upon hearing that the Dolphins want to make Reggie Bush their featured back? You're damn right I said "Suck for Luck is in full effect". It is. You don't agree? Fine. Who gives a sh-t? I don't. I'm expressing my opinion. Grabbing Reggie Bush and making him the Dolphins' featured back is not going to help the team unless they pull a franchise quarterback out of their arse in the next month, which has about a 1% chance of happening. But the Dolphins are not going to win a whole lot of games this year. They could have won more if they'd ponied up for Ahmad Bradshaw, but they're not going to because they're grabbing Reggie Bush and making him a featured back. They're in for a rude awakening. Every loss brings the team closer to Andrew Luck. Does that mean they'll get the #1 pick? You can never predict a team to be THAT bad. But it means they'll be enough in the neighborhood that if the #1 pick goes to a team that already thinks they have a QB, we could potentially put a package together. You can thank Reggie Bush for that. Maybe he'll even be part of the package! Even better.

I'm assuming it's a case of simply leaving out the obvious by not referencing a new regime being in place next year for this potential package deal to trade up for Andrew Luck?

This regime wouldn't touch Andrew Luck with a 10 foot pole.... and especially not if there's an offensive lineman available...
I'm assuming it's a case of simply leaving out the obvious by not referencing a new regime being in place next year for this potential package deal to trade up for Andrew Luck?

This regime wouldn't touch Andrew Luck with a 10 foot pole.... and especially not if there's an offensive lineman available...

That's correct. Kind of taking it for granted that unless we're picking somewhere between #21-32, this regime is done.
You misquoted me. The word order in this case is very important.

"They KNOW with Reggie on the field that any run play is going to be far less effective"

That should help.

yeah, i got news for you jets fans, bush aint runnin with the rock all day. daboll spreadin the bush!
That's correct. Kind of taking it for granted that unless we're picking somewhere between #21-32, this regime is done.

yeah these guys picks a guy at LT who cant play LT and didnt get Mallett. Mallett was going pro bowl ya know!

no you dont know.
I'm assuming it's a case of simply leaving out the obvious by not referencing a new regime being in place next year for this potential package deal to trade up for Andrew Luck?

This regime wouldn't touch Andrew Luck with a 10 foot pole.... and especially not if there's an offensive lineman available...

now this is completely untrue. I believe this regime will go and get a Qb they know they can pull the big money trigger on. Just because Parcells influence chose one probowler over another doesnt make this true in the future. You and all your crying friends just want to cry and believe this crap.

BTW, just to add to Bush and this offense. We were very predictable. Did you ever once consider that NO was successfull with or without Bush henceforth, their offense unpredictable week to week?

Please tell me soothsayers, how predictable we were last year. Please refer to players who actually called us out in the media about our set-ups and how much of a joke they were.

If anything, Bush brings dyanamics to the O. Will he be a probowler? probably not, but he will give us something that we did not have before. A guy who is willing to dive five yards for the frickin endzone!
now this is completely untrue. I believe this regime will go and get a Qb they know they can pull the big money trigger on. Just because Parcells influence chose one probowler over another doesnt make this true in the future. You and all your crying friends just want to cry and believe this crap.

Bingo. Way too negative. People cry about everything.
You misquoted me. The word order in this case is very important.

"They KNOW with Reggie on the field that any run play is going to be far less effective"

That should help.

oh...ok...guess i did misread and misquoted you...and i get where you're coming from with some of that...but i look at reggie as a runner like darren sproles to an extent...mostly off tackle/wide and in a single back set where the qb hands the ball off on the draw play in the 2 minute... as an element of surprise... or against an overly aggressive upfield pass rush...not lining the guy up directly behind the fb and plowing him into the los...anyone who does that is gonna waste bush or end up getting him hurt...but you'd waste sproles just the same way

just figure out how to use him where you get the most bang for your or pass
29 TD's, 19 fumbles. He'll add speed, but he is what he is. A small back that gets hurt.
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