ESPN's fetish with Roger Clemens disgusts me.. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

ESPN's fetish with Roger Clemens disgusts me..

when roger signed with the yankees they covered that story for 25 minutes of the sportscenter. This was the day after the merryweather / de la hoya fight, which they gave one and a half minutes too.

1) The fight was BORING

2) They didn't own the rights to the fight. Only still pictures. Not much to show ya. It is TELEVISION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shakeno:
hey, i liked the sosa homerun not the score tho :(,0,1829265.story?coll=sfla-sports-front

Seriously, wtf? Sportscenter is basically a glorified "we love Roger" segment when he pitches, and they played his minor league games last year..They interrupted an entire hour of sportscenter to show them..

He's going to pitch 3 innings...3 minor league we really need to see this?

Glad I did a search before I started this thread.

Talk about a WHO REALLY GIVES A RAT$ *** about how roger is doing against double AA pawtucket ESPN coverage. How in the world is this newsworthy? Absolute CRAP IMO....easy to hate ESPN that much more.....easy to watch the history channel instead...:tantrum:
Glad I did a search before I started this thread.

Talk about a WHO REALLY GIVES A RAT$ *** about how roger is doing against double AA pawtucket ESPN coverage. How in the world is this newsworthy? Absolute CRAP IMO....easy to hate ESPN that much more.....easy to watch the history channel instead...:tantrum:

I don't give a god damn about Clemens or the Yankees so I don't watch it. It really is simple. I know exactly how you feel but at the same time life goes on. Yankee fans will achieve hardons while they see him pitch against minor league teams while the rest of us turn the other cheek.

No other team gets as much publicity as them. It won't ever change
1) The fight was BORING

2) They didn't own the rights to the fight. Only still pictures. Not much to show ya. It is TELEVISION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shakeno:

1. Yeah, so is watching Roger choke at Double A minor league baseball..

2. Which is why it is SOOOO easy to change away from sports-center when they show the bum....:D
1. Yeah, so is watching Roger choke at Double A minor league baseball..

2. Which is why it is SOOOO easy to change away from sports-center when they show the bum....:D

So don't watch!! jeese louise!!!!

Friggin 6 or so ESPN channels, they put this on one of them for a couple hours and people flip out!!! Unreal.
So don't watch!! jeese louise!!!!

Friggin 6 or so ESPN channels, they put this on one of them for a couple hours and people flip out!!! Unreal.

Well no, I get 2 ESPN channels to begin with...and I still dont understand WTF is the infatuation with Roger getting his *** handed to him by a bunch of scrubs.....
I do change the channel, but the fact remains...why are they ruining my sports news with this non-story?
Maybe they should do 24/7 coverage of how getting Roger will NOT save the Yankees from not making the playoffs.,0,1829265.story?coll=sfla-sports-front

Seriously, wtf? Sportscenter is basically a glorified "we love Roger" segment when he pitches, and they played his minor league games last year..They interrupted an entire hour of sportscenter to show them..

He's going to pitch 3 innings...3 minor league we really need to see this?
I've always said ESPN is the Kobe,Yanks-Redsox,Patriots network.You will NEVER go through a hour long broadcast without them mentioning at least one of them.:fire:
I've always said ESPN is the Kobe,Yanks-Redsox,Patriots network.You will NEVER go through a hour long broadcast without them mentioning at least one of them.:fire:

Well considering its always either Basketball, Baseball, or Football season I'd say thats a safe bet.
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